Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 128 If you are late, you will lose your head!

"Something's wrong." Lu Feng frowned.

No experience tips appear.

When he killed the hexagonal beast before, he gave him a full 3,000 experience points.

Now this one is obviously stronger and should be more powerful, but there is no experience prompt at all.

In other words, the hexagonal beast is not dead!

Lu Feng thought of this and hurriedly turned over and jumped off the building. His arms still clasped the wall suddenly and fell to the ground with the help of the mecha weapon.

When the zombies around him saw him, they surrounded him crazily and attacked him.

But the attacks of these zombies could only make a clanging sound when they hit the mecha, and could not cause any harm to him!

Lu Feng didn't waste any energy to fire the laser. He took out the steel knife from the backpack space and swung it violently. The heads of the zombies blocking him rolled to the ground one after another.


[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! 】


[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! 】

Following the prompts in his mind, Lu Feng slashed with his knife one after another, and soon there were corpses of zombies lying on the ground beside his feet.

At this time, Lu Feng could fully see the situation inside the door and saw the body of the hexagonal beast.

But in addition to the body of the hexagonal beast that was smashed by the laser cannon, it seemed that there was a gap torn open behind the body, and something came out of it.

Lu Feng frowned. He had seen so many science fiction movies, and he could obviously guess what was going on.

Either there is a child inside this hexagonal beast, or the hexagonal beast has some way to save itself.

The controlled hexagonal beast couldn't use this self-rescue method, but the one who was obviously not controlled could use it.

"Because he hid his injuries and only made a comeback after recovering from his injuries?" Lu Feng suddenly thought of the description of the hexagonal beast in the game data!

Injured, hidden?

What the hell!

Although the reason was not shown in the origin anime, it seems to have something to do with him now!

Because he was the one who injured the hexagonal beast.

If I had known this earlier, I would have just fired one more laser cannon and everything would have been resolved.

Zombies swarmed toward Lu Feng again, and he chopped down another batch with his sword.

Looking around, zombies have already poured into Hongye Base!

He wanted to close the door, after all, he still had to conquer the survivors of this base.

But what shocked him was that the gate of the base had been knocked out of shape, apparently caused by the obese zombies.

There is no way to close the door.

Lu Feng frowned and had no choice but to exit the door, then used his speed ability to rush a certain distance. After gaining speed, he stepped on the wall again and ran towards the rooftop of the main building, leaving mecha footprints on the wall.

He had to admit that this function of speed ability was really good.


In the Hongye base, panicked shouts were already heard, and there were bursts of gunshots.

In the base, a battle between humans and zombies has broken out.

After Guo Qi killed Lin Nan, he went to the bottom of the building in a good mood. What he saw were zombies and messy gunshots.

"Damn it, what's going on? Why did the zombies come in?" Guo Qi frowned tightly.

But then, he took out the short knife from his waist and rushed towards several zombies.

It's a good time for this kind of crisis in the base. He can lead the guards to deal with these zombies and gain prestige.

Now that Lin Nan was killed by him, he could completely replace Lin Nan's prestige and status in the base after this time.

Moreover, he didn't care about the zombies at all. Teacher Hu also had a hexagonal beast that could control the zombies.

Maybe this was Teacher Hu's deliberate act, otherwise Lin Nan's death would be hard to explain!


On the rooftop.

Lin Nan had already caught his breath, bent over and kept coughing. The situation just now brought him extremely close to death, and there was even more fear on his face. He didn't even notice the cracked wound on his back.

Lu Feng opened the mecha's mask, looked at Lin Nan with a smile and said: "Lin Nan, it seems that you should thank me for saving your life this time. Otherwise, you should be thinking about what to do as a hero in eighteen years."

Lin Nan said with gratitude: "Mr. Lu, thank you so much, otherwise I would have told you to be here, how could you be here?"

Lu Feng made up: "Your bald friend led a sneak attack on us and was defeated by me. I came after him. Moreover, he also brought a strange monster with six tentacles. That monster can Controlling zombies means that the reason for the zombies’ rage has something to do with the other party.”

"Guo Qi!" Lin Nan gritted his teeth immediately.

Just now he didn't know why the other party wanted to kill him, but now he knows, and he has been investigating the reason, because his girlfriend died in the previous zombie rampage.

Knowing that it was Guo Qi who was responsible, he would also kill the other party.

Then, Lin Nan heard gunshots from the base, which made him frown: "What's going on? What happened in the base?"

Lu Feng frowned and said, "I saw the Hexagon controlled the zombies and opened the door to your base. I guess there was something wrong with your human experiment, which caused the disaster."

"Damn it, I felt something was wrong at the beginning." Lin Nan's face was gloomy, as if he thought of something in the past, and then he hurried downstairs: "No, I must organize people to protect the base, and I will definitely kill that bastard Guo Qi."

Seeing this, Lu Feng also took out a flare and shot it into the sky. After a moment, the flare exploded in the sky, emitting colorful light, and the shape of a gun appeared in the light.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng thought of a movie "Kung Fu", in which the Axe Gang's cloud-piercing arrows would condense the phantom of an axe.

I don't know if the person who made this flare has a bad taste.

Of course, this flare was only found by the members of the Qingfeng Base, and it is very good to be able to use it.

Not far away, Lin Jiao had already gathered people. The moment she saw the flare, she immediately led people to set off and headed for the inter-building passage of the Hongye Base.

At the same time, Lu Feng also walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked down.

Lin Nan quickly went downstairs, walked into the base, and picked up a long knife dropped by a corpse.

As soon as the knife was picked up, the corpse slowly moved, obviously it had turned into a corpse after death. The fact that the corpse could turn into a corpse so quickly meant that it was killed by a mutant zombie.

The corpse of an ordinary zombie would not turn into a corpse so quickly.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also jumped down the building, still holding the wall with his arms, and fell to the ground with the power of the mecha weapon, and came to Lin Nan's side.

The zombies around rushed towards the two people frantically.

Seeing this, Lu Feng directly activated the mecha weapon to attack. Laser ports appeared on the mecha, and instantly fired dense laser rays, impacting the zombies.

Almost instantly, all the zombies fell to the ground, and each of them had a pierced head and was killed in one blow.

Lin Nan, who was about to take action, saw this scene, and his face showed astonishment. The knife in his hand was raised, but all the zombies were gone.

On the rooftop, the guard team from before also appeared, looking at the scene below with horror on their faces.

"Captain, you really knelt down in time." A guard said immediately.

"Yes." Another person also touched his head subconsciously.

At that time, even if they surrendered a little later, their heads would probably be the same as these zombies.

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