Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 126: Shocked! Also a participant!

"Boss, these zombies seem to be heading in that direction." Lin Jiao pointed to a direction and said, "That direction seems to be the direction of the Red Leaf Base."

"Yeah!" Lu Feng naturally noticed it.

But this also surprised him.

These zombies' abnormal movements are obviously controlled by the hexagonal beast.

Could it be that the people in the Red Leaf Base are controlling these zombies through the hexagonal beast?

But what are they doing with these zombies at this time?

This is not right.

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But there must be a reason for this.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng said to Lin Jiao: "Lin Jiao, you gather people and wait for my signal. I always feel that something happened in the Red Leaf Base."

As he said that, Lu Feng jumped down from the roof and stretched out a hand to grab the wall.

Wearing mecha weapons, the five fingers went deep into the wall directly, leaving a long mark, which also slowed down his descent speed, and finally landed safely on the ground.

Then, Lu Feng did not hesitate and quickly ran towards the direction of the Red Leaf Base. He soon went up a building, which had a path to the Red Leaf Base.

It seemed that the surrounding area was full of zombies, so the people in the Red Leaf Base built a suspension bridge passage in the secret place between the houses, and camouflaged it. If you didn't check it carefully, you really wouldn't know that there was a passage here.

Lu Feng quickly crossed a suspension bridge and soon reached the next one.

Under the suspension bridge, there were dense zombies, the roars of those zombies, and the messy footsteps.

"Who?" A shout sounded.

This special passage built by the Red Leaf Base was naturally guarded by someone.

Lu Feng's appearance attracted the attention of the guards, who immediately shouted loudly, and the other guards immediately raised their weapons.

But when they saw Lu Feng in a mecha, their faces changed immediately.

The next moment, several lasers flew past and directly pierced their bodies.

Faced with such mecha weapons, these ordinary survivors didn't even have the ability to resist.

Lu Feng and his party moved forward and encountered another wave of guards.

These guards also saw Lu Feng in a mecha.

Click! ~

One of the guards raised his gun almost instantly and knelt on the ground to surrender.

This scene made Lu Feng stunned for a moment, he was about to fire a laser.

The other guards were a little confused when they saw this scene, and then they raised their guns and knelt down without knowing why.

The guard who knelt down first was their captain. Because their captain had saved their lives several times, they were very convinced of this captain.

Lu Feng was surprised to see this scene, but he was not a murderer, so he rushed over and ignored these guards.

After Lu Feng left, the guards got up in confusion and asked the captain:

"Captain, why did you kneel?"

"Yes, we are embarrassed not to kneel after you kneel."

"Indeed, we are all in the same boat. If you kneel, we can only kneel with you."

The captain breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't kneel, are you stupid? If I am not mistaken, it should be a mecha weapon. Before the end of the world, I accidentally saw someone talking about this news on the Internet."

"Mecha weapon, what that person is wearing?" one person asked.

"What is that?" another person asked.

Obviously, these people don't know mecha weapons at all.

The captain frowned and said: "Go to the front and see, those people in front should be miserable."

As he said, he took the lead and walked forward, and the others followed.

The group soon saw the bodies of the guards in front. Each guard had a serious injury in the heart, and a large burn gap appeared.

The captain squatted down and sighed, "This is a wound caused by laser. If we hadn't kneeled just now, we would have ended up like this, and our bullets couldn't hurt the opponent's mecha."

At this moment, the guards all turned pale.

"Captain, you kneeled well!"

"Yes, captain, you kneeled right!"

"Thanks to you for kneeling quickly!"

Seeing this, the captain said helplessly, "Why kneel? I was tactically saving my own life. Knowing that I couldn't win, should I still die?"

The guards naturally agreed, and then nodded in agreement.

The captain frowned and said, "People who have mecha weapons are definitely not simple. You should know that mecha weapons were top secret before the end of the world. Most people didn't know about them, let alone get them."

"Moreover, after the outbreak of the end of the world, governments and elites of various countries left on spacecrafts to find a new world to survive. There should be fewer people who know where there are mecha weapons."

This surprised the guards even more.

One of them asked, "Captain, how do you know so much?"

This silenced the captain.

Because he was also selected to take the spaceship, but he stayed for the one he loved because the one he loved was not qualified to go up.

That requires an absolute elite.

Unfortunately, his lover did not survive in the end.

To be honest, he now doesn't know what the meaning of his life is.

Lu Feng had no idea what was going on. He went straight along the passage and encountered another wave of guards.

But obviously not all guards were so tactful. This wave of guards raised their guns to attack him again, and the bullets hit the mecha with a clanging sound.

Seeing this scene, the guards were also dumbfounded.

Lu Feng fired a few lasers and directly solved these guards.

Then, he also reached the end of the passage and went directly to the rooftop. At this position, he finally saw the gate of the Red Leaf Base, which was painted with a huge red leaf logo.

At the same time, the main building of the entire Red Leaf Base can also be seen from this position. At this time, outside the main building, there were so many zombies that it was almost impossible to see any gaps. If someone with intensive phobia saw that scene, he would probably faint on the spot.

But when Lu Feng saw the gathered zombies, he felt something was wrong, very wrong, and a very familiar scene.

The surging zombies seemed very similar to the scene in the animation of the origin of the zombie rage chapter.

Suddenly, he noticed movement on the rooftop of the main building, and he quickly hid behind the water tower.

When he stuck his head out, he saw a shocking scene, a group of people rushed out from the rooftop, led by Lin Nan, who was shirtless and wrapped in bandages.

There were some people around him, and they all looked bad, either covered in dust or injured.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng was even more shocked.

How could it be?

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