Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 112 Doesn’t rice taste delicious?

Until more than 200 survivors shoveled a large bowl of white rice into their mouths, chewed it, and swallowed it into their stomachs.

The delicious taste of the rice made them believe that everything in front of them was real.

Some of the original survivors came over curiously and asked:

"Are you new members?"

"Yes, what positions have you been assigned to?"

"Come and help us polish the bullets."

"Yes, the base has been consuming bullets a bit fast recently, and we are very busy."


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Listening to the words of the original survivors, many of the new survivors asked in confusion:

"Why are you still so happy?"

"You are also wearing electronic chains!"


For them, this shouldn't be right, they should be angry and want to escape from here.

Now these people are actually discussing work, and they are still full of enthusiasm?

But the original survivors laughed when they heard these words:

"You can eat three meals a day, and eat full every time. What's there to be unhappy about?"

"Without the electronic chain, you will be hungry for nine meals in three days!"

"Isn't the rice in your bowl delicious now?"

These words made the more than 200 survivors all stunned.

They stared blankly at the white rice in the bowl.

It seemed that they were eating very delicious just now.

Besides, what are these people saying? Three meals a day, eat full every time?

How is this possible?

Zhuangyuan Community.

Wang Cheng and the member of the Salvation Army have put on the mecha weapons again.

Although starting this mecha will consume energy, after seeing Lu Feng's great power in using the mecha, they always have to study the specific functions of this mecha.

Otherwise, if a battle really happens, it will be a bit busy.

However, after studying, they also found that they had studied in vain. With the auxiliary system, it seems that everything goes smoothly and there is no need to worry too much.

No wonder the boss can be so powerful as soon as he puts on the mecha weapons.

Next to.

Lu Feng took an energy storage device to recharge his mecha.

You can see that after the value on the energy storage device dropped, there were 48 points left.

This was naturally not the one he got from Gray Wolf, but the one left by the brother and sister, his spoils this time.

The brother and sister had been plundering for a long time, so their assets were naturally more than this.

But the other party had just spent a sum of energy value to buy the special tank with the vibration bomb.

The tank also gave away 12 vibration bombs. Except for the 2 that were used, the remaining 10 were now cheap for him.

He had personally experienced the power of the vibration bomb, so he knew that if this thing was used well, the effect would be very terrifying.

After recharging his mecha weapon with full energy, he also threw the energy storage device to Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng took the thing and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the energy value on it.

48 energy values, equal to 4 source crystals of killing dogs.

This allowed them to use mecha weapons more or less unscrupulously, without worrying about running out of energy and having nothing to replenish.

"Thank you, boss!" Wang Cheng did not forget to thank.

Lu Feng said, "Wang Cheng, the energy value inside is just the capital for you. I hope that the energy value inside can be more in the future, instead of running out quickly!"

"Boss, don't worry, I'm not that stupid!" Wang Cheng promised immediately.

What a joke, with mecha weapons, mutant beasts like killing dogs can be killed whenever they want, and hunting source crystals is still very easy.

In this case, if you can't get more crystal sources, it will really be a waste of such a terrifying weapon.

Lu Feng did not forget to continue to show off, and ordered Lin Jiao: "Now that the mecha weapons are in hand, the mysterious force must be found out immediately, and the reasons for the zombies' violence and mutation must be figured out as soon as possible, otherwise our base will still be threatened."

After all, this is the reason why the mecha weapons were cheated from the Saviors, and they always have to act to the end, so as not to let Wang Cheng and the Saviors have any grudges.

Sure enough, his words also attracted the attention of Wang Cheng and the Saviors.

At this time

Guo Zhen came in a hurry and reported: "Boss, there are more than 200 more people in the base, and the food pressure is great again."

"Well, I will deal with it." Lu Feng nodded. He had never worried about the food problem.

Guo Zhen saw this and didn't say anything more.

He knew that the boss would find a way to solve the food problem.

This is also the consensus of everyone in the base.

Lu Feng walked towards a building in the community.

The corridor of this building has been cleared, but no one lives in it for the time being.

He reached the middle floor and quit the game with a thought. When he got outside, he called Yang Ming and asked as soon as the call was connected: "Cousin, how much grain has the grain trading company purchased?"

Yang Ming's voice came immediately: "50 tons have been purchased, and more than half of it is stored in that warehouse!"

"Well, let people not go to the warehouse these two days. As for the reason, make up a random reason with the company, and then continue to purchase." Lu Feng also took out his mobile phone and logged into the mobile banking. After verification, he directly transferred a sum of money to the grain trading company to simulate the transaction.

If the grain is taken away, it will be considered as if the company has sold it. If it is taken from time to time, the profit is enough to pay the wages of those idle fish in the grain company.

Those idle fish will not care about anything else since they have wages to pay.

"Well, I'll arrange it!" Yang Ming also responded after hearing Lu Feng's request.

As for the reason, he didn't want to know. His cousin said that he would make up a random reason for the company, which meant that the reason would not be told to him, so why bother asking more.

Lu Feng rested for some time and received another call from his cousin.

The warehouse was arranged.

He also got in the car and went to the warehouse last time. When he arrived, there was no one in the warehouse.

Entering the warehouse and locking the door, for safety reasons, he still scanned the entire warehouse with a detection watch. Only after confirming that there was no problem did he start to act, grabbing two bags of rice and entering the game with one thought.

In the game world, Lu Feng carried two bags of rice and went directly into a house, and then dropped the two bags of rice.

30 tons of rice, it is important to have a place to store it.

It would be too crowded to put it under the air-raid shelter, and it happened that these buildings above the Zhuangyuan community could serve as temporary warehouses.

Lu Feng put down the two bags of rice, and a thought appeared in the real warehouse again. He picked up two bags of rice again and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Repeating this process, Lu Feng moved all the rice in the warehouse visibly.

In the game world, Lu Feng also opened one house after another and filled the space in those houses with rice.

30 tons is a lot. Even the most powerful porter would have backache if he moved 10 tons a day.

Fortunately, Lu Feng's physique is amazing now. He only sweated on his forehead after moving all 30 tons of rice into the game.

If the outside world knew about this, it would be shocked.

When the 30 tons of rice were moved into the game world, Lu Feng also took out a walkie-talkie and said to it: "Guo Zhen, take people to Building 4. The food is above the 5th floor. Remember to send someone to guard it."

This was transmitted to all parts of the base through the walkie-talkie.

After all, he brought in so many walkie-talkies before, and Lin Jiao and his people each had one, and there was also a combat team leader, a secret sentry, and a monitoring room...

So, when the news came out, everyone knew that the boss had brought food again.

Guo Zhen went to Building 4 as soon as possible.

Lin Jiao also took people there.

Wang Chengdu led the Salvation Army there out of curiosity.

They all knew that the boss could get food, but they didn't know how much food he got this time.

But when they reached the fifth floor, they saw that the doors of several houses on both sides were opened. Looking inside, they saw that there were bags of rice stacked densely together, almost filling up several houses.

They walked upstairs again, and the houses upstairs were also filled with rice.

More and more, the higher they went, the more shocked they were.

The layers behind were all rice.

"So much!" Guo Zhen murmured to himself: "Where did the boss get so much food?"

Lin Jiao and others were also shocked.

The boss got a lot of rice this time.

Those layers of rice were really shocking in this end of the world.

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