Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 110: Mecha weapons show their power!

The moment Lu Feng saw the shell, his face changed drastically.

"Enemy attack!" A driver of a floating truck also discovered the abnormality on the detection screen at the first time and shouted.

Unfortunately, the shell hit the ground and exploded instantly.

However, after the shell exploded, there was no conventional flame, but a circle of oscillating ripples swept around.

As the ripples swept past, the air seemed to be distorted.

The floating truck brought by Lu Feng and his team shook instantly, but the people on and off the car fainted from the impact and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Lu Feng only felt a buzzing sound in his head at that moment, and his whole body was a little unstable.

You have to know that his physique is far better than that of ordinary people, not to mention the battles at Qingfeng Base.

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"Vibration bomb, it turned out to be this kind of... thing." Lin Jiao shouted with an ugly face.

Then, a car sound was heard.

On the other side of the bridge, a convoy appeared, and all the soldiers who came forward were fully armed.

When Lu Feng saw this scene, he thought about it and disappeared directly in the game. He returned to reality and lay on the ground. His head was still buzzing and full of tinnitus.

It took him a long time to feel recovered.

Unexpectedly, this time he would be attacked by a vibration bomb.

Vibration bomb is a special shell in the game.

This shell requires special armored weapons, such as special types of tanks, to fire.

This vibration bomb is also different from ordinary shells. The explosion will only produce a shock wave.

When the shock wave hits a person, it will affect the person's body, making people faint and tinnitus, weak all over, and unable to resist.

This is also a special shell in the game world of "After the End of the World".

After the protagonist team gets this shell, they can use it to fight the BOSS, which can make the BOSS unable to attack for a short time.

Now someone is attacking them with this shell.

Lu Feng immediately looked at the game screen and saw that a convoy had appeared at the bridge head, and there was a tank with a special appearance in the middle of the convoy.

Soldiers with weapons rushed down from the car.

These people quickly rushed onto the bridge and surrounded Lin Jiao and the others.

At this time, Lin Jiao and the others had just been attacked by the vibration bomb and had no way to resist.

What Lu Feng didn't expect was that after a woman and a child appeared, those people with weapons actually gave way.

It seemed that this woman and child were the leaders of these people.

When Lu Feng saw this scene, a message suddenly emerged in his mind: the Brother and Sister Thieves Group.

He had seen this kind of information on the forum.

After the end of the world, Tianhai City did not only have evil forces such as the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group.

There were also other evil forces, such as the Brother and Sister Thieves Group.

Sometimes, this brother-sister thief group is even more difficult to deal with, because they have no fixed base, but wander around.

Moreover, because the brother is ill and can't grow up, the brother and sister often pretend to be weak mother and son to get information, and after getting enough information, they will attack the target with their men.

What they do is to capture survivors, rob the survivors of their belongings, and then sell the survivors as goods.

Generally, survivors who encounter them will inevitably have a big battle, and those who don't have enough strength will become the commodities of this brother and sister.

Unexpectedly, when he brought people out to look for mecha weapons, he would encounter this big thief group.

At this time, in the game screen, the brother and sister had already approached Lin Jiao and others.

"It's you!" Lin Jiao looked at the brother and sister with a bad face.

She knew that she was careless this time.

The brother and sister had already walked in front of Lin Jiao, and the elder sister proudly picked up the laser rifle that Lin Jiao had dropped on the ground: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Shu Ting, I am happy to inform you that you have become my trophy and will soon become my plaything."

This made Lin Jiao's face gloomy, but she still felt weak all over.

The power of the vibration bomb has not passed so quickly.

The younger brother also proudly took the laser rifles of Chen Tao and Chen Hao: "Remember, my name is Shu Chang, I will sell you for a good price."

The brother and sister were very proud.

This is another success of their brother and sister.

Shu Ting smiled and ordered: "Put electronic chains on them all."

"Yes, sister!" Someone answered immediately.

Then, a floating truck drove over, and some people got off it, each holding a lot of electronic chains in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng took out the box of mecha weapons in the backpack space without hesitation, and then activated the mecha weapons.

In an instant, the mecha covered his whole body again.

Since the brother and sister came to die, how could he not help them? It was also a good opportunity to test the power of the mecha weapon.

The next moment, Lu Feng disappeared from the spot and entered the game again.

On the bridge.

A man was walking towards Lin Jiao with an electronic chain, and was spotted by Shu Ting. Naturally, Lin Jiao became the first target.

But just when the man was about to put the electronic chain around Lin Jiao's neck, he suddenly showed a look of astonishment and looked down at the hole in his chest.

The man fell to the ground.

This sudden scene shocked everyone.

Shu Ting and her brother also looked to the side instantly, and saw a figure covered by a mecha appearing at some point.

The brother and sister subconsciously felt something was wrong, and picked up the laser rifle in their hands and shot at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng did not move, and the laser came close to him and was directly blocked by a layer of energy barrier.

It was he who activated the power of the energy barrier.

"Power user!" Shu Ting's face changed instantly.

The next moment, Lu Feng raised his hands directly, and in his field of vision, the intelligent assistance system also had a crosshair, aiming at Shu Ting and her brother on the left and right.

The mecha palm instantly fired two lasers, and almost at the same time, the brother and sister looked down at their chests in astonishment, which were directly pierced by two lasers.

Both the brother and sister showed disbelief in their eyes.

They had robbed so many survivors, and never thought that they would die so carelessly.

When the brother and sister died, all the people in the big bandit group were shocked and pointed their guns at Lu Feng.

But at that moment, aiming lenses appeared in Lu Feng's vision, and they instantly locked onto these people.

Several launch ports appeared on his mecha, and then, messy lasers shot out.

These lasers accurately hit the members of the bandit group around them, and in an instant, a group of people fell down in groups.

At the bridgehead, the people in the tank were shocked and opened fire subconsciously.

At the moment when the shell flew out, Lu Feng's mecha fired a laser at the same time, directly hitting the flying shell first.

Lu Feng had been prepared for this tank when he came in, and had already locked onto the tank with the laser launcher on the mecha with the intelligent auxiliary system.

The shell exploded as soon as it left the muzzle.

Circles of shock waves hit and swept across in an instant. The bandit members around the tank fell to the ground with their heads covered. The tank was no longer moving, and the people inside were obviously affected.

In a short time, all the people in the Brother and Sister Thief Group were wiped out. This scene shocked Lin Jiao and others, and they looked at the mecha on Lu Feng in disbelief.

This power is too terrifying.

Lu Feng also felt the power of this mecha, but it consumes a lot of energy to use. Just now, 30% of the energy has been used up.

However, the record is impressive.

I dare not imagine what a terrifying scene it would be if this mecha weapon appeared in reality?

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