Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 108 Looks like Iron Armor!

Lu Feng immediately walked towards the bridge opening, and what came over him was the smell of decay.

Several of the corpses inside were badly rotten, with their bones exposed.

In the bridge cave, three boxes were lying there quietly.

"The things are here." Lu Feng also took out the walkie-talkie and said inside.

Wang Cheng came over immediately with two members of the Salvation Army, and Chen Tao also came over with combatants from two bases.

"Is this a mecha weapon?" Chen Tao looked at the three boxes in confusion.

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This suitcase-sized thing seemed different from what he thought.

He also gave Wang Cheng a special look.

Wang Cheng shook his head and said: "I have only heard of this thing, and I have never seen it with my own eyes. After all, this weapon has just been made, and even the army is keeping it secret. Not many people know about it before the end of the world."

"Get the things out, they are mecha weapons." Lu Feng immediately ordered. He really didn't want to go inside. It was too rancid, and there was rotten flesh all over the floor.

Chen Tao and Wang Cheng nodded, led people into the bridge cave, and moved the three boxes out.

On the bridge, Lin Jiao had been alerting the surroundings. Suddenly, her brows furrowed as there was movement in the distance.

"Commander Lin, a hoverbike is approaching us." Someone reported immediately.

Lin Jiao naturally saw it and immediately gave the order: "Be on guard. If the opponent makes any movement, kill him immediately."

As he spoke, the hovering motorcycle approached.

It seemed that when he saw people like Lin Jiao, he stopped the car in a panic, and then raised his hands to show that he was harmless.

Moreover, the rider turned out to be a weak woman with a child in the back seat.

"Who are you?" Lin Jiao asked immediately.

The weak woman immediately pretended to be frightened and said, "We are survivors nearby. We are just passing by here looking for supplies. We will leave here immediately."

The child in the back seat was so frightened that he almost cried: "Mom, I'm afraid!"

In the apocalypse, children can always make people sympathize.

Lin Jiao and the people at Qingfeng Base couldn't help but become less alert.

The woman also said immediately: "Sorry, we'll leave right away, leave right away!"

As the woman spoke, she turned around in a panic, drove in the direction she came with the child, and quickly disappeared from the eyes of Lin Jiao and others.

But soon, the hovering motorcycle turned into a small alley, and the woman's weak appearance also changed, and her face turned into a sneer: "I didn't expect to encounter such a group of prey during the break. I also saw three of them." People have laser rifles, which is a good thing."

The child behind also said proudly: "Sister, they thought I was a real child. I was just sick and couldn't grow up. Our cooperation has always made it easy for people to relax their guard."

The woman smiled and said, "The woman taking the lead is pretty good. I'll put an electronic chain on her and I can play for a while."

The child immediately said with disgust: "Sister, you are still so perverted, but I also want to pick and choose whether there are any good ones among those men."

While the two were talking, the hover motorcycle unexpectedly drove into a small square.

Once inside, you can see that there are several floating trucks parked in the square, with survivors holding weapons standing on them. They are surrounding a group of survivors with electronic chains in the middle.

Obviously, these people were all captured, and it is self-evident what their fate will be.

What is surprising is that there is a tank parked in the center of the square, but the shape of this tank seems a bit strange, and the barrel does not look like an ordinary tank barrel.

"Get ready, the hunting begins." The woman shouted directly at this time, saying the word "hunting", which made her expression look a little ferocious.


Chen Tao and Wang Cheng used up some of their strength to pull out the three boxes.

These three boxes are surprisingly heavy. If the boxes were not equipped with pulleys to push them, it would be really difficult for them to get out of the bridge hole.

Chen Tao immediately tried to open the box, but unfortunately, the box was locked tightly and there was no way to open it.

Wang Cheng explained: "This is the latest safety lock before the end of the world. There is no way to open it just like this."

"Then how to open it?" Chen Tao asked with a frown.

"Lend me your gun." Wang Chengchao looked at the laser rifle Chen Tao was carrying.

Chen Tao nodded and handed the laser rifle to Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng took the laser rifle and fired continuously at the locked areas of the three boxes.

Laser sparks were seen sputtering from the locks of the three boxes, and the locks were directly melted and destroyed.

Wang Cheng also returned the laser rifle to Chen Tao, and then opened the three boxes directly.

Lu Feng immediately saw that the three boxes contained mecha parts.

Moreover, these parts are completely and precisely stacked together, and the scene is almost the same as the scene in the armor box in the racing scene in Marvel's "Iron Man".

He wouldn't believe it if the game planning of "After the End" was not plagiarized.

Not only was it copied, it was also copied very obviously.

Seeing this, Chen Tao stepped forward curiously, picked up a gauntlet from the box and inspected it. The gauntlet was not thick, but the metal color on it was very strange.

I have never seen this metal color before.

He asked curiously: "How to use this mecha?"

Wang Cheng searched in a box and found a mecha's central control screen. After opening it, he saw a start button on it. He pressed the start button directly.

Then, he saw the central control screen light up.

Wang Cheng explained: "This central control screen is holographic and virtual, with a gene information detection function. It can only be used after the detection and locking of gene information."

Chen Tao heard the news and immediately tried to put his palm into the central control screen for gene detection.

Who knew that a voice sounded immediately: "No gene data information was detected, and it cannot be bound for use!"

"What's going on? Chen Tao asked in confusion.

Wang Cheng explained: "It must be used by soldiers who have entered the special gene information database. When the mecha weapons came out, the military selected elite soldiers from all over the country for assessment. "

Then, Wang Cheng said to the salvation army around him: "You should have some people who have been assessed before, come and see. "

Several members of the Savior Army came out, and one of them, who had a beard, also pressed his palm on the central control screen for detection.

Unfortunately, the first Savior Army member got the same result: "No genetic data information was detected, and it cannot be bound for use!"

"It seems that I did not pass the assessment at the beginning!" The bearded Savior Army member sighed.

Lu Feng frowned when he saw the limitations of this mecha weapon. He also had no genetic data information. Could it be that he could not use this thing after finding it?

He tried to put his hand on a mecha weapon and used the exploration information:

[This is a special mecha weapon before the end of the world. It is the strongest single-soldier combat weapon before the end of the world. It not only has very strong defense, but also has terrifying action and attack power. Do you choose to bind and use this mecha weapon?]

"? ? ? "Lu Feng was stunned for a moment after receiving this information.

Can he use it directly without genetic testing, or is this mecha special or broken?

He immediately pressed the button to start the mecha weapon. After the central control switch lit up, he said to Chen Tao: "Try this mecha weapon."

Chen Tao did as he was told and immediately reached out to the central control screen for genetic testing. The prompt sounded again: "No genetic data information was detected, and it cannot be bound for use!"

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