Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 9 Upgrading Equipment

These are all technological energy skills, all of which are bronze-level blueprints and knowledge. The system of alchemy is too huge, and he is not yet proficient in all of them.

Looking at the + sign behind this knowledge, Bai Bian thought about it and clicked directly on the liquid bomb.

The next moment, some images appeared in his mind, and his mental power was declining rapidly, as if he suddenly started making liquid bombs day and night.

After just a trance, Bai Bian came to his senses. He shook his swollen head, looked at the panel, and was stunned.

[Liquid bomb-——500/500. 】

A few skill points can directly fill up the proficiency? This is much more awesome than the player panel.

The skill points on the player panel are really added points, just like in ordinary online games, a few skill points are added to the full level.

The bonus point of the boss template is that it really gives knowledge.

Bai Bian stood up, quickly took out some liquid metal, and made a liquid bomb on the spot.

That unparalleled proficiency shortened the manufacturing process that originally took ten minutes to three minutes.

[You created a bronze-level item: liquid bomb, and gained 10 experience points. 】

Bai Bian paused because he discovered that the level of alchemy technology had also increased by eighty points due to the proficiency of liquid bombs.

Reached [Intermediate Alchemy Technology (2455/5000)].

This is true knowledge accumulation!

White Plague's desire to upgrade equipment has reached a new level. This skill point is too powerful.

And create equipment of the same level and get extra experience points.

Liver, you must be tough on your liver!

As long as there is no upper limit for boss templates, gods can be liver-dead!

However, some preparations were still needed. He took out his communicator and sent a message to his best friend, Quartermaster Sabo. Basically, he asked him to advance 30,000 gold coins and transfer the knowledge about the poison in the silver alchemy potion. bring back.

The equipment on Bai Bian's body and the main business of the shop are machinery, but Bai Bian still attaches great importance to alchemical poisons. When facing the two silvers of Rose of the Night, if he hadn't been poisoned in advance, his victory might have been more difficult. Some.

After sending the message, Bai Bian's eyes gradually focused. He was not afraid that the stingy quartermaster would refuse this request. In the future transaction of 500 firearms, the profit for both parties would start at least 100,000 gold coins.

Although the gun normally costs around three hundred gold coins, and the material costs up to twenty gold coins, Bai Bian believed in the dwarf.

Because before White Epidemic came to Dongwu City, it was hard to make medicines and save money, and the knowledge was not fully accumulated in a year.

After coming to Tobu City, he began to cooperate with Sabo from the development of Alchemy Barret.

In just half a year, in just half a year, he had gathered all the general knowledge of alchemy at the bronze level, and used top-quality materials for all kinds of materials. He still had time to complete his own things.

That’s what meeting the best partner can bring.

Time passed quickly as he concentrated on it. Bai Bian stopped upgrading his equipment and looked at the prompts on the panel with some fatigue.

[You have upgraded three pieces of bronze-level equipment to silver-level equipment and gained +1500 experience points. 】

[You created silver-level equipment: Demon Hunting Revolver, Apocalypse Curtain, Ghost Ancient Ring, and gained additional experience points +1500. 】

[You have upgraded three pieces of silver equipment, alchemy technology proficiency +30, skill point +1. 】

Three pieces of equipment add a little skill point.

And it was obtained when upgrading the most difficult Apocalypse Curtain. The other two only have experience points. It seems that the skill points are given according to the difficulty, or are they randomly based on luck?

Bai Bian thought about it and used the identification function on the panel of his black windbreaker.

[Name: Apocalypse Curtain. (coat)

Quality: Silver. (high quality)

Durability: 50/50.

Equipment effect: Can store inanimate objects with a diameter of no more than one meter.

Current availability: 3/5.

Equipment requirements: Spirit 50+.

Introduction: A wasteful work of a bronze alchemist, the role of the Space-Time Stone has been greatly reduced. The only good thing is that this piece of equipment can be upgraded.

Selling price: 2000 gold coins. 】

After reading the introduction, Bai Yi was not surprised at all, because the game's realism reached 97%. Players were almost indistinguishable from reality except for the panel.

This also means that the storage system that can be seen everywhere in other games does not exist in this game. The mission items or other items they obtain are either converted into contribution points or sold to the game at a low price.

Because the only thing this game can store is gold coins.

Otherwise, you can only carry a sack.

Of course, those players who really use sacks will have a high probability of being snatched away. The federation represents order, but it does not represent safety.

Therefore, players are in urgent need of storage items. The first thing players thought of was space rings and storage bags, but in the end they could not be realized due to technical reasons.

And buying those space equipment made by Legend is ridiculously expensive.

In the end, this kind of wasteful thing happened, and the time and space stones that could only be used later were used to enchant clothes, so that a piece of clothing temporarily served as a storage space.

This is very necessary, otherwise except for Master, other professions have to reach the gold level to be eligible for contact with space. Even warriors, as long as they are not special professions, legends can open up their own portable space.

Bai Bian stood up, walked to the shelf with a row of potions, took out a bottle of low-level mental recovery potion and drank it.

A little coolness occupied his brain, making his thinking no longer chaotic.

He used appraisal to check the other three silver equipment on his body, and found that their attributes had improved a lot, and his personal safety was guaranteed.

[Name: Demon Hunting Revolver.

Quality: Silver (Excellent)

Durability: 70/70

Equipment effect: Every time a bullet is fired, the bullet will leave some kinetic energy in the gun, and the bullet will become more powerful at the next moment. After the bullet is fired, the kinetic energy left by the six bullets will form a powerful arc beam, giving The enemy's six-in-one fatal blow.

Number of bullets: 6/6

Equipment requirements: Stamina 10, Intelligence 30.

Introduction: Thunder and lightning can wash away all evil. Perhaps the cost of using it will make your hands become a little numb, but its bullets can paralyze stronger enemies.

Selling price: 1000 gold coins. 】

This is the weapon used to kill those miscellaneous fish. Bai Bride likes its paralysis properties very much. Even if it has small side effects, it will not affect Bai Bride's upgrade.

Unfortunately, this is where the potential of this pistol ends.

[Name: Ghost Bone Ring.

Quality: Silver (Inferior quality.)

Durability: 10/10.

Equipment effect: An invisible ring that can store a small amount of poison and has the power to turn poison into light and mist.

Equipment requirements: Mental strength 30+

Introduction: Don't underestimate any decoration of the Poison Alchemist, it may be a deadly equipment.

Price: 800 gold coins. 】

This is the end, but Bai Biao will make something better after finding the materials.

[Name: Beehive.

Quality: Silver. (high quality)

Durability: 30/30.

Equipment effect: You can freely control up to 30 mechanical worker bees. The worker bees can switch their own forms according to the alchemist's transformation.

Number of worker bees: 18/30.

Equipment requirements: Alchemist level 20+

Introduction: Every alchemist will build his own assistant, but you just choose the hive. If you continue to transform it, you may have unexpected gains.

Selling price: 5,000 gold coins. 】

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