Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 88 The Supreme Response

[You leapfrogged and killed the level 59 night elf: Shadow Clown, with an experience value of +30,000. Due to the large level gap, you received double experience points, with an experience value of +60,000.

Leap level bonus: gain +3 skill points, +5 free attribute points.

Extra experience value +50,000. 】

Bai Bian grabbed the clown's frantically struggling soul with one hand, pinched a ball of black breath with the other hand, and put it into his mouth without hesitation with both hands.

In this state of evil thoughts, Bai Bian instinctively felt that there would be no price to pay for devouring the soul of a strong man of this level.

The trembling of the soul exploded in his mouth, and the extreme negative state of the clown before his death made every pore of Bai Bian feel comfortable.

[You swallow super high-quality fear, strength +5, agility +3, endurance +5, intelligence +2, and charm will decrease slightly. 】

[You swallow high-quality souls, and your spirit +2. 】

This thing was a bit over the top, and a strange sense of satisfaction appeared, making Bai Bian narrow his eyes.

He didn't expect to be able to crush the golden lower position, but this combination can continue to develop.

The mental power was defeated, and the mental poisoning method followed up. Barrett caused serious injuries, and the bomb continued to poison, and then connected with the terrifying melee ability of the dark side.

At the beginning and before the dark side comes out, there are two opportunities. If any enemy underestimates the enemy, then he can die.

Not underestimating the enemy, Bai Bian felt that his chance of winning could reach 80%.

Is it worthy of being a boss template? It's so easy to kill enemies in larger realms.


A sticky tentacle exploded on his face, immediately disturbing Bai Bian's good mood.

He stretched out his hand with an expressionless face, pressed back the tentacles, squatted down, rummaged through the clown corpses in the east and west, and picked up a ring, a dagger, and a necklace. Bai Bian went there in a good mood. Walk into the flames.

【伱Received golden equipment, Night Blade, Space Mysterious Ring, and Moonlight Necklace. 】

The space ring of the same grade as the one given by Sonu is a huge profit.


At this time, in the inner city of Tobu City, the city lord looked at the screen of light in front of him, and a smile appeared in his old eyes. This is the combat power that top geniuses should show.

Look, it's worthy of SSS level potential, and it can kill people beyond level 15. Eric showed off to the people next to him.

At this time, next to the city lord was an old man with white hair and beard. There was also amazement in his eyes: The fighting power of evil thoughts is quite strong, but it is a pity that it is still a defective product.

He can make up for it, old guy, why are you here? He doesn't want to go to the capital. You can't make decisions for him. This is my promise to him. Eric's face was very kind, but his tone was intolerable. Doubtful.

Heidinger was a little helpless: Old guy, you know I didn't mean this. It was the Juggernaut who asked me to come and take a look. He said that if the potential is enough, then wait until you, this old guy, can no longer do it, and let me come and open a branch.

Eric's smile suddenly brightened: Old brother is coming, of course I welcome him. Tobu City welcomes old brother to come and take charge at any time. I am always old. It's a pity.

Heidinger was a little silent. He knew what Eric was feeling sorry for.

Perhaps it is the preference of this world. The life span of a mage is the longest among all professions. The life span of a human race's golden mage can reach a thousand years.

If it is a necromancer, it has eternal life.

As for warriors of the same level, their maximum lifespan is five hundred.

This is also the reason why mages have a high status. They have strong combat effectiveness, long lifespan, and comprehensive methods. These are the mages in this world.

Eric had magic talent, but compared to his warrior talent, it was too low, so he chose the most suitable profession, the magic swordsman.

And this is undoubtedly the right choice. Level 77 is already at the top of the world in the era of low magic power. Except for Legend, no one can clearly guarantee that they can beat him.

Stop talking about this, you can come back in ten years. By then I can no longer protect him, and he himself should be able to reach the golden middle level. Then you can just escort him for the last period of time. There is still hope for the Federation!

Eric counted the time and spoke seriously.

Heidinger was silent for a moment and nodded: Okay, those little guys in the capital can almost go out to practice. Hey, there are some troubles. Don't worry about the Tifeng family and the Lott family. The other two...

You can try Beiping or Nanling. Some mutated areas don't need to be cleaned so diligently. More experience is the right thing to do. Eric said with a smile.

Forget it. Heidinger stroked his beard with some confusion: The White Plague caused them to explode in Tobu. When all the members are here, your deterrence will be useless. If it is not the Sword Master Come out, adults, maybe they have been here long ago.

Continue to bring other seedlings to the border. Heidinger was a little helpless: Do you believe that the day after I took him away, the parliament would issue a wanted order for me the next day?

Haha, actually there is no need to be so nervous. Think about it, when we were young, didn't we also fight out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood? Eric pointed at the picture in mid-air, with a smile in his eyes: Look, he Aren’t you also living well?”

It's different. Originally, the Council really wanted them to go and experience it, but with the arrival of the wonder, the recovery of magic power, and the night rose in the dark, the uncertainty was too great. Heidinger said with some emotion: There is great terror between life and death. , there are also great opportunities, but with their talents, they should be able to reach the top of the gold medal without these.

When they all reach the top, let's go overseas to practice. Our end point is just the starting point for them.

Heidinger stood up as he spoke. Two scrolls appeared in his hands and he threw them to the old city lord: I've seen them before, so I'll go back and save them. This thing is difficult to make.

Eric's smile became more sincere, he put away the two scrolls, and said kindly: Aren't you just throwing two into the black market? It's nothing for you.

Heidinger looked out of the city with some sadness, turned around, his magic power vibrated, the space was torn apart, and he disappeared into Tobu City.

For gold-level mages, as long as there are enough beacons, they can travel through space in the Shia continent without the need for a teleportation array.

It's just that mages before reaching the peak rarely do that, because it is also dangerous. Once lost, it will be difficult to come back.

The smile on Eric's face gradually disappeared, his eyes became a little solemn, and he was starting to become uneasy.

Meanwhile, the Outer City, West End Underground.

The angel who was praying shook his hands slightly and opened his eyes expressionlessly. He looked out of the city with silence in his eyes.

The clown died, and he died miserably. Rose of the Night also came into contact with a person with SSS level potential, but she didn't expect that in actual combat, he could surpass so many levels and still win.

His eyes flickered, and he continued to pray silently. His spiritual power became one, and he dedicated his most devout faith to the supreme power of the night.

As his prayer continued, the sound that sounded like murmuring in sleep gradually grew louder. After about ten minutes, he opened his eyes again, and his eyes became deeper and silent.

He couldn't find the Joker's soul, so it seemed like that battle might have been a crushing one.

He stood up, took out an old-fashioned electronic device, and kept sending something.

At the same time, an extremely mysterious power appeared in front of him.

The angel's body trembled and he knelt down quickly, his expression even more pious.

A crooked symbol appeared in the void, so twisted that it made people's hearts tremble.

The angel looked up cautiously, then lowered his head, piously responding to the ancient words: As you command!

As the power disappeared, the angel slowly stood up. His eyes were full of silence at the moment, and he continued to send messages with the ancient instrument.

At the same time, there was a little killing intent in his eyes.

The Supreme gave a response, and there was only one word for dealing with the white epidemic: [Kill! 】

In this case, his gaze seems to be able to penetrate countless buildings and look at the huge mansion in the center of the city——

Back in Dongwu City, some blood stains on Bai Bian's body were also cleaned up.

He has positioned his strength as a normal golden midfielder.

If the opponent doesn't know him beforehand, he can kill the golden median, or at least the ordinary golden median.

If the other party is also the boss, then he can still sway him. As long as the old city lord can keep an eye on the safety aspect, it should be foolproof.

When she walked to the store, Luo Ning's eyes suddenly lit up as she looked out frequently. She breathed a long sigh of relief and smiled sweetly: Boss, you're back. I'll give you this to drink.

Luo Ning took out a bottle of milk from behind the front desk and handed it to Bai Ying, while showing a little admiration for Bai Ying.

In her prediction, Bai Bian should be seriously injured this time, but she didn't expect that there was no injury at all.

Although there were some discrepancies in the prophecy, she was still very happy.

Bai Bian walked forward and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch her head: No, you can just drink it yourself. Where is Irene?

Um, Sister Eileen is asleep. She seems sleepy all day long recently. Luo Ning pointed to their room and said.


Bai Bian thought about it for a moment, then something clear appeared in his eyes: Then don't disturb her. Have any customers ordered anything recently?

Irene is an elf and will not reach adulthood for more than ten years, but the elf's talent will awaken between adolescence and adulthood. When awakening the talent, most of them will obtain the inherited memory of the elf, which is the lethargy they present now.

This is good. If Awakening's expertise is good, you can consider giving Irene a little more salary.

As for leaving, it doesn't matter. After all, Irene is just an ordinary elf. After getting along for a long time, she has some feelings for her, but if she wants to leave, she won't force her to stay. That's meaningless.

No, everyone came in last time, but left again, saying they didn't want to disturb the Lord. Luo Ning answered seriously.

Boom, boom, boom.

Hello, the dinner you ordered has arrived.

Bai Bian turned around and immediately saw a cautious goblin standing at the door with a food box in his hand.

My mine.

Luo Ning took out five copper coins from the drawer, ran out, and brought back a lunch box.

The goblin glanced at Bai Bian cautiously, clutched the five copper coins tightly, and ran away with a swish.

Bai Bian didn't pay attention. He was thinking about the business of the shop. After becoming the acting city lord, it seemed that there was no equipment that he needed to make.

He thought for a moment, and then took out the mobile phone he bought yesterday when he and Luo Ning were shopping. The Internet is very busy now, and the price of five gold coins for a mobile phone is very high.

But it can’t resist the novelty and convenience of obtaining information.

He opened the contact software and sent a message to Sabo. He was the quartermaster and was responsible for the food, military pay, and equipment upgrading of the 400,000-strong army.

Although Sabo was greedy about these things, he never withheld them. He was still a qualified quartermaster. When he went out to purchase, he would at most cheat the city lord out of his money, but not the soldiers.

Bai Bian's fingers paused as he sent the message, as if he might be the city lord in the future.

But wait until he finds a new quartermaster before replacing him. Sabo is always reassuring when doing things.

Bai Bing plans to put the useless equipment he usually acquires, as well as manufactured Barretts, excess potions and other things into a treasure house.

Then the military merits of those soldiers can now be exchanged not only for money, but also for these high-end equipment and medicines.

Because he can gain a lot of experience points by making equipment and medicines, and there is no difference between selling the things he makes and exchanging them for soldiers.

From now on, a series of income such as rent in the city, share of the network, entry fee, etc. will be his.

Now he is no longer alone. Tobu City should be his at least before his death. Tobu City has become stronger, and everything is easy to talk about.

Thinking of this, more knowledge is pouring into Bai Bian's mind. Maybe some things in the future can also appear in Tobu City.

Boss, do you want to eat?

Luo Ning, who was opening his dinner and getting ready to eat, looked at Bai Bian who was standing there in a daze and asked a little embarrassedly.

Bai Bian came back to his senses, glanced at what Luo Ning was eating, and felt helpless: Why do you only eat this?

In Luoning's lunch box, there were only civilian staple foods from this world and some vegetables.

There is no kitchen in the shop, so I can't cook. Luo Ning said with some confusion: And the food in the inner city is so expensive. I only found this one with copper coins.

Five copper coins is enough for her to live for half a month in the outer city, but she can only eat one meal in the inner city.

If it weren't for the sky-high salary she thought, she wouldn't be willing to eat so well, so she would have secretly built the stove herself.

Then why don't you eat with Irene? Bai Bian walked over, took Luo Ning's rice, and then asked softly.

Sister Eileen only eats fruits, but fruits are so expensive. They cost only one silver coin each. I also want to save some money. My mother died because she had no money. Luo Ning lowered his head and whispered: I don't want to die.

Gu Gu

Her stomach made an inappropriate noise, causing the little girl to blush a little.

After all, a twelve-year-old girl, Bai Ying, had some fluctuations in her eyes: I was negligent. You will have staff meals in the future, please wait for me.

Bai Bian walked out and came back about ten minutes later, holding a beautiful food box in his hand: From now on, someone will bring meals every morning, noon and evening. What are you doing? This is an employee benefit, free of charge.

Luo Ning, who was paying for it, paused: Eh? Boss, you've already covered me, will you suffer a loss if you continue to cover me?

White plague:.

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