Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 78 Transforming the Bone Dragon

Damn it, how is that possible? What did you do? Ahhhh.

On the ground, the Bone Dragon's wings blew away the smoke and dust, and its huge body trembled a little. It was suffering the invasion of the abyss consciousness, which was unbearable for the Bone Dragon who was high in Silver.

Although the giant dragon basically has the ability to jump to fight, the opponent is an abyss.

You can feel the contract. I have set the term of the contract to fifty years. After fifty years, you will be free. During this period, you will work for me, otherwise you can die.

There was some indifference in Bai Bian's voice. He looked at the Bone Dragon from a high position and acted like a superior.

Dragons are all proud, but the life of a giant dragon is not eternal.

So when their lives are about to come to an end, they have only two choices: donate the treasures they have collected throughout their lives to the Dragon God Isabel and gain the opportunity to enter the Dragon God Kingdom, or become undead and have the opportunity to become a bone dragon. Or Lich Dragon.

Between these two options, almost no dragons would choose to become undead, because they felt that undead were lowly creatures. This would simply tarnish the glory of Dragon God Isabel and disgrace the dragon clan.

After the gods disappeared, when the dragons' lives were about to disappear, they would still offer sacrifices to their gods, and then quietly wait for death to swallow them.

Dragons who choose to become undead are usually extremely afraid of death. Bai Bian is not worried about what amazing moves this bone dragon will do.

Sure enough, after the dragon endured the pain and sensed the fifth layer of the mutation contract, he fell into silence.

Its body trembled, and its bones continuously rubbed against the earth, making harsh sounds. Finally, the scarlet flames in its skull gradually turned blue, and it lowered its head.

Bolton Ollie, met the boss!

As soon as the words fell, the abyssal aura on its body disappeared instantly, and its pain also subsided. Sabo's contract had a hundred layers, White Plague only used ten layers, and Bolton was shown only the first five layers.

In these five levels, it is not a slave, but is similar to an employment relationship, and the employment period is only fifty years. For undead creatures, this time is only a blink of an eye.

Because once the dragon becomes undead, it will have eternal life and there will no longer be a lifespan limit.

There was joy in Bai Bian's eyes, and the panel indicated a permanent summon, which already showed that this bone dragon would never be able to escape his control in this life.

And fifty years later, Bai Bian believes that this guy no longer has the courage to break away from control.

Bone Dragon is now a slave and White Blight can see its panel.

[Name: Bolton Ollie.

Race: Bone Dragon.

Level: 49.

Personal attributes: Strength 390, Agility 387, Endurance 430, Intelligence 340, Spirit 310, Charm 2, Luck 1.

Rank: Silver high.

Skills: Breath of the Undead, Demon Flame Storm, Transmutation, Death Air Erosion, Bone Thorns, Starfall

Specialty: Dragon Power: The power of the mythical race can scare creatures weaker than itself.

Eternal Bone Dragon: The soul of the dragon, the body of the undead, his strength can only reach the height of his life, and cannot go any further.

Evaluation: The mediocre dragon may be looked down upon because of its fear of death, but the dragon represents power, even though it has reached its limit. 】

The giant dragon clan is worthy of being the boss of Long Jun. It can be called the most perfect race. With this attribute, he can believe it if it is gold.

However, the constancy of the undead is also a factor in the transformation of the dragons into undead. The Lich Dragon is okay and can grow like a Lich, but the Bone Dragon is at a lower level, and its strength will be constant and cannot go any further. .

Go north from here. There is a valley about thirty kilometers away. Go there and wait for me. You are too weak. I need to reform you. Bai Bian said expressionlessly and walked towards the portal.

Bolton was startled, and the soul fire in his eyes suddenly turned scarlet. But the next moment, he thought of the unforgettable pain just now, and the soul fire gradually calmed down.

After taking a look at the small wooden house, it flapped its wings and flew to the north in an instant.

The dragon is under the eaves and has to bow its head.

White Blight, on the other hand, ignored Bolton's thoughts. He now needs to buy some materials to transform the bone dragon. After all, the Tomb of the Undead and the bone dragon are too similar, and it would be bad for players to think of it.

It's not that he's afraid of players. After all, even in version 3.0, the player's strength is always below Silver. As long as he breaks through to Gold, with his super high attributes, there is actually no difference between 10,000 players and 1 million players.

Let's not talk about Dongwu City's protection for him. In terms of pure combat power, whether it is the mechanical legion of alchemy technology or the poisonous field of pharmacy, they are not afraid of human sea tactics.

If there are really a million players charging him regardless of life and death, then the huge experience value may push him to legend in an instant.

What he is afraid of is that the players near him will quit the game collectively, or go offline when they see him. In that case, the player's path will be blocked.

Therefore, it would be better to modify the bone dragon.

And his current contribution points are 69 million, and the panel gold coins are 2 million, for a total of 71 million, so he still has to save some money.

Transforming the bone dragon would be a huge expense, but he also wanted a flying alchemy fortress.

Sure enough, the alchemist's money can never be kept for long, no matter how much money he has, it can be created.

As the space fluctuations gradually flickered, Bai Bian returned to the store's laboratory. As soon as he walked out of the store, he saw Luo Ning's eyes full of shock.

Bai Bian smiled and said: I will be in retreat for the past half month, and all appointments have been postponed. Just discuss it with your clients. If you have anything, just ask Eileen, and if you are in danger, just call Orr.

Bai Bian said and hurriedly walked out.


Luo Ning suddenly shouted, his tone a little anxious.

Bai Bian paused, turned around and asked, What's wrong?

Luo Ning was a little embarrassed: Well, can I open a special counter in our store? I feel like I can help people divine things now.

Bai Bian was stunned, and then he was shocked. Luo Ning has only been in the store for a month, right? Bronze so soon?

After feeling it carefully, he breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't reached bronze yet, but he was getting there soon.

Luo Ning looked at Bai Bian's expression and thought of something. She quickly said: Well, I can give all my divination fees to the boss. No, I won't use your shop in vain.

As she spoke, her tone was a little low, because she had heard from Eileen that their boss was a multi-millionaire, and she was a low-level fortune teller. The boss did not care about the fortune telling fee based on copper coins. let's go?

Luo Ning was a little depressed: Well, how about that?

It's up to you. Just keep the money and spend it yourself. Look after the store. Bai Bian waved his hand casually and walked out in a hurry. But as soon as he walked out, he came back in a hurry, stared at Luo Ning and said, Still. Yes, tell Irene to stop being lazy, you just need to practice hard.

After saying that, he left without looking back. Luo Ning's talent was really strong, and he was a little worried that the little girl would be poached, but in the end he thought that she might not be this kind of person, so he didn't say anything more.

Luo Ning's eyes were bright as she looked at Bai Bian's back. Recalling what she had experienced this month, a sincere smile appeared on her face. It if she had a family again!

And Erin, who had just heard the news:

She gritted her teeth and muttered: Damn capitalist!!!

Bai Bian didn't have time to care about the little girl's heart. He quickly came to Yongcheng Street, which was the street selling materials in the black market, and walked to the largest Mithril store.

Dusk was about to fall, and the streets were very lively at this time. The owner of the shop called Yinhui came up to Bai Bian with bright eyes the moment he saw it.

Rare customer, rare customer, Mr. White Plague, do you want to buy mithril? Come in quickly, Willie! Go and get my best coffee to brew, we have a distinguished guest.

The boss called Zhang Feng, a human race, slightly fat, and looking extremely kind, and he quickly led the way.

And the surrounding customers are paying attention to Bai Bing. Who doesn't know Bai Bing now? You can call it a household name.

Bai Ying followed Zhang Feng to the second floor of the shop. The second floor was a private box, a place specially used to receive distinguished guests.

And the two of them walked into the most luxurious box.

As soon as I sat down, a green-haired elf lady came in carrying two glasses of wine on a tray that exuded a strange fragrance.

She looked at Bai Bian curiously, but her professionalism made her put down what she was holding and walked out.

Mr. Bai Yie, have a try. Zhang Feng pushed a cup of coffee in front of Bai Yie with a smile.

Bai Bian smelled the fragrance and felt that the magic power in his body had increased slightly. He was a little surprised. He scanned it with the panel scan and fell silent immediately.

Ah, this gold-level drink is just for entertaining guests? Does he want to come and sit here often?

After taking a sip, the prompt on the panel suddenly lit up.

[You drank Pearl Gem Coffee, and your intelligence +1. 】

Not bad. Bai Yie's eyes lit up, and the taste was excellent, but it was a pity that he could only add attributes once.

Bai Bian took another sip of coffee and said directly: No nonsense, Boss Zhang, how much mithril does your store have now?

The smile on Zhang Feng's face became even brighter. He knew that this man's financial resources could be regarded as the richest man in Tobu City in terms of cash flow.

He quickly took out a mobile phone, operated it, and then said with a smile: Mr. Bai Bing's invention is still amazing. Look, our store currently has 300,000 grams of mithril. May I ask? How much does it cost?”

Bai Bian looked at the smartphone in a daze. It seemed that he had been playing with the player for a long time and he didn't pay attention to the development of the Federation.

Did the mobile phone come out so soon?

Three hundred thousand grams.

Bai Bian pondered for a moment. One gram of mithril was ten gold coins. Three hundred thousand grams was three million gold coins. Three million would only buy 300 kilograms of materials.

Bai Bian once again lamented the expense of extraordinary materials. He estimated the materials that would be used on the bone dragon, and there should be some left over from 300 kilograms.

After all, the main function of mithril is the transmission of energy. It is the only material that does not consume energy during energy transmission, so it is so expensive.

Twenty percent off. If you want to sell it, just take it. Bai Yifei said directly. Mithril is as hard currency as soul crystals. Even with the fame bonus, the 20% discount should be the limit.

There was a look of hesitation on Zhang Feng's face, but after looking at Bai Yian's face, he nodded decisively: Okay, the one I admire the most is Mr. Bai Yian!

By the way, help me buy the things on the list. A piece of paper appeared in Bai Yian's hand, and nouns appeared on it, all of which were various types of steel and machinery.

Zhang Feng quickly stood up, and after Bai Yian handed him the piece of paper, he said seriously: No problem, Mr. Bai Yian, wait here for a moment, I'll go right away!

Waiting for Zhang Feng to leave, Bai Bian was thinking about the upcoming transformation. If he smashed down a few million gold coins, the bone dragon would turn into a steel tyrannosaurus. The combination of technology and magical creatures would collide to create a mechanical fortress in the sky.

When the transformation of the bone dragon is completed, the players will almost arrive, and they can then clean up potential dangers.

For example, in the original trajectory, you can visit the mutated area that helped Lao Lang break through Tobu City, as well as the new mutated area that appeared.

And some opportunities in the wild can also be used to obtain funds.

After drinking the coffee, Bai Bian silently began to transfer money into a blank Daybreak badge.

Another four million is gone.

There was some heartache in Bai Bian's eyes. When the moonlight fell, the boss also brought the things over with a smile: Mr. Bai Bian, this is mithril. I put the other things you asked for on the first floor. There are a lot of them. It’s also precious, so it might not be suitable to bring it up.”

Three hundred kilograms of mithril is not big, it is the size of an adult human head, but the silver is much more beautiful than the silver of silver coins, with mysterious colors flowing on it.

If you look at this thing in terms of volume, it is much more expensive than the soul crystal core, but its rarity is also certain. From the fact that two councilor families can actually fight for a mithril mine, you can think of its value.

Alchemy equipment, magic equipment, and various equipment, as long as they exceed the grade of silver, there must be mithril in them.

Bai Bian handed over the Dawn Badge in his hand, stood up, and walked downstairs: Well done, thank you for your hard work.

Yes, yes, I will go down with you. Zhang Feng smiled flatteringly. Very few people in Dongwu City would buy mithril. The sales volume of these mithrils is at least half a year. After all, everyone only has one gram, or I bought it like this for up to ten grams.

And now, even though it's 20% off, it's still a huge profit, because their purchase price is six gold coins per gram.

Walking downstairs, there were already four steam trucks parked here. Seeing these trucks, Bai Bai was stunned again and couldn't help but sigh.

Development in the extraordinary world is rapid. It won't be long before Tobu City will be connected to a train, right?

Put all the materials behind these vehicles into the space ring. This one hundred cubic ring is almost full.

After thinking about it, he walked into the store without saying hello to the resentful Irene. After entering the laboratory, he locked the door and activated the teleportation array.

In an instant, the space blow came, but this time the distance was relatively close, so it was not as painful as imagined.

The farther the transmission distance of this teleportation array is, the stronger the vibration in the space will be.

When he reappeared, he returned to the lawn where the player disappeared, dismantled the teleportation array leading to the store, and quickly arrived at the valley where the boss template was obtained.

A huge bone dragon with a body length of 130 meters and a wingspan of 100 meters was nesting in the innermost part of the valley, waiting for something.

When it saw White Plague, the soul fire in its eyes fluctuated a little, but in the end, its body didn't move at all.

Wait for me here, and we'll start the transformation in two days. Bai Yi said coldly, walked to the innermost part of the valley, opened the passage to the underground, and walked into it.

He needed to think back on that analyzed transformation.

The popular science among gamers is not just about data, but also about analysis of materials. Those are all true players! For example, that guard brigade.

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