Disgust appeared in Diane's eyes. She threw the manufacturing information in her hand to the gold and walked directly downstairs.

Bai Bian, let's discuss our business in your shop!

The loud words brought Bai Bian back to his senses. He looked at Sabo. The things this guy was selling seemed to be of some use.

You only have to bear the side effects of becoming bald in exchange for an indestructible kidney. It's a bit sweet.

Many wealthy businessmen also sat down again because of Saab's introduction. Only the congressman's family left one after another and had no interest in doing these small businesses.

What are you thinking about? Diane walked to Bai Bian and asked. Suddenly she thought of something, looked back at Sabo, and immediately looked at him with strange eyes.

Bai Yian paused and was speechless: Wait for me here.

With that said, he walked into the city lord's lounge.

Eric looked at Bai Bian with kind eyes at this time: It's good, but sometimes, you need to be bold at the same time. The Will family is a family of swordsmen. Their family doesn't have much money, but they are very powerful. , sometimes it’s better to sell a face than a few gold coins.”

I've been taught a lesson. Bai Bian bowed slightly and handed out a Dawn Badge in his hand: Thank you, City Lord, for coming here today.

No, please pay more attention to yourself. Eric stood up and walked out slowly: Moson, continue to maintain order. Badu and Eddie, no need to send them away, just go back.

The three legion commanders behind them bowed their heads and responded respectfully, while the elves and orcs walked out in silence.

Bai Bian looked at the Dawn Badge in his hand, then at the back of the old city lord, and couldn't help but sigh.

This world is broken, the gods of good have disappeared, and the gods of evil are looking at them. Everything seems hopeless, but it has also given birth to a purer world.

Except for a few people, most people still have hopes in their hearts, and these hopes are all transferred to the young man's talent.

When the gods were around, geniuses would be stifled, and there would appear to be peace but constant fighting. But now, any gifted and intelligent creature will shine in this era.

It can be said that apart from evil organizations, the only ones who can kill geniuses are geniuses of the same age, because the Federation only needs the most genius.

Putting the Dawn Badge into the ring, Bai Bian walked out. This auction yielded nearly 90 million gold coins. These gold coins were enough for his luxurious growth. Gold coins were no longer something he needed to worry about in the short term.

If you include Sonu's share, they will basically only pursue ultra-rare materials, such as soul crystal cores.

As long as it is available on the market, he can buy it at will until gold reaches the upper limit.

But when gold reaches the top, money is not as important as imagined.

The next item is an absolute filth. This thing has only one function. It can contaminate any elemental force. As long as there are enough, the seal of God can be broken. Think about those relics. Its only shortcoming is that it cannot get out of this box. , can’t wait any longer? Then”

Saab's auction gradually became more passionate, and Bai Bian was stunned for a while.

Erin, let's go.

Bai Bian shouted loudly and walked out.

Here you go, boss, wait for me!

Erin, who was hiding in the corner and watching with interest, trotted over quickly, her high heels making a very rhythmic clicking sound.

Diane also came back from her excitement. She looked at Eileen, followed Bai Bian, and asked: That dwarf is interesting, but why do his things have side effects?

I don't know, it's a matter of inheritance. Bai Bian answered casually and walked out of the auction house with some joy.

After taking a look at the legend level, it has reached 76. Waiting for the news of this auction to spread, maybe it can reach 80?

I don’t know if there will be any rewards.

Okay, can I see the effect of the soul lantern first? Also, you can only sell it to me. I've already made so much money for you. Diane changed the topic.

Okay, I don't even need a share. I just need you to give me a top-level soul lantern, and then I can give you the manufacturing method for free. Bai Bian thought about it and said seriously.

Diane was stunned for a moment, and then became suspicious: How could you be so generous? When you were in school, you even had to pay for your meals.

Erin's eyes lit up. Although she didn't interrupt, her pointed ears were already perked up. This was the boss's gossip.

Bai Bian was speechless: Isn't this a reward for you?

Diane was still a little suspicious: Really? You didn't lie to me?

Of course it's true. When did I lie to you? What I said was for you is what I said it was for you. Bai Bian came to the door.

At this time. A huge aircraft took off. This was the Corman family's spaceship. They needed to build a network as soon as possible to cover the entire federation.

The faster this kind of thing, the better. One after another, some wealthy businessmen who had spent a lot of gold coins in the previous auction also came out and left in their own vehicles.

Especially the fat man taking pictures of the train. The tail of the aircraft drew a long trajectory in the sky. His thing was in the most hurry.

The technical barriers to steam are really nothing in this era.

Diane thought about it carefully and asked very hesitantly: The material of this thing is very precious? The failure rate is very high? Or do you like me? Do you want to marry into our family?

White plague:.

Somewhat helplessly: Can't it be a return for your previous investment?

Diane shook her head with certainty: Impossible! I would rather believe that the gods suddenly returned than believe that your stinginess can be changed!

Eileen next to her nodded in approval and muttered in a low voice: Yes, he is very rich, but he still likes to deduct my gold coins! Greedy capitalist!

White plague:.

He swiped and took out a thick stack of paper: This is how to make a soul lantern, take it!

This time it was Diane who was shocked. She took the stack of paper blankly, then looked down at the paper, then at the white plague, and finally looked up at the sky.

Oh my God, someone else has changed? This is impossible.

Dai An murmured and quickly turned to the materials column. The first one said [Source of Legend].

There are only two things that can replace the source of legend: [Power of the Soul], [Soul Core (Large)] x4.


Her expression changed from shock to understanding, and then she looked at Bai Bian speechlessly. After thinking about it carefully, she nodded: I know, I just said you won't change. I thought you had been changed.

Muttering, Diane turned around and walked towards her luxurious spaceship. She needed to discuss it with her family, because the [Source of Legend] was the original power of legend, so there was no need to consider this.

But you can still think about the alternative. The power of the soul of a god is not available to a true god, but it is not necessarily a god-level one.

Bai Bian stretched out and glanced at the particularly lively streets: Let's go back.

The snow is melting, spring is coming and a new era is coming.

This auction is destined to change the world.

Boss, since you are so rich, how about your salary? Irene quickly followed, her eyes bright, and as she was saying something, she bumped into Bai Bian's back.

She stabilized her mind, raised her head, and immediately looked at the always easy-going boss standing there with confusion, with a look of shock on his face. The boss's gaffes were not uncommon.

She quickly asked: Boss, what's wrong?

Bai Bian came back to his senses, calmed his mind and asked, What did you just say?

Eileen was a little hesitant. She had just raised her salary, and her boss was so shocked. If she continued to talk, would she be fired?

Working at Liming Pharmacy, her status has risen, and she likes Bai Bian's easy-going approach and doesn't want to change jobs.

Bai Bian, on the other hand, quickened his pace. He looked at the things on the panel and fell into deep thought.

[The course of the times has been changed, and the countdown to the internal beta of the game is 9 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.]

[The game forum is open! Players are welcome to enter the discussion.】

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