When we arrived at Tobu City, the city looked a bit weird overall. On the stone walls, there were cannons full of technology, pointing menacingly into the distance.

Soldiers holding Barrett energy guns were constantly patrolling, while under the city gate were soldiers holding long knives or shields.

Mr. Plague!

Mr. Plague!

The eyes of the two human soldiers guarding the city gate lit up, they stood up straight and greeted them respectfully.

Among the border guards in Tobu City, who doesn’t know this knowledgeable alchemist?

The equipment made by Bai Bing himself is what all soldiers long for, because it may save their lives on the battlefield.

Mr. White Epidemic, do you need help?

A young soldier stepped forward with a flattering smile on his face and asked politely.

After all, in their eyes, alchemists are intellectuals, and it must be very laborious to carry such a large shield. With this alchemist's status in Tobu City, it is not wrong to gain a good impression.

Call me a car, thank you. Bai Bian responded with a warm voice, and his footsteps paused a little.

The soldier's eyes lit up, he left quickly, and responded enthusiastically: Wait a moment, respected Mr. Bai Ying, I will be right away.

Bai Bian nodded and glanced upward. The thickness of the city wall was about eight meters. When entering the city gate, he could see that at least the east gate of the city wall was covered with densely packed mechanical structures. Steel forms this passage into the city.

This thing is actually a bit outrageous, because it is the reason for the Dawn Federation border. It is said that a long time ago, when the old sword master went to the Star Federation in the north, he asked the alchemist sage to forge some weapons to protect the border.

And the alchemist sage who specializes in machinery.

In fact, Bai Bian has always had a doubt, how could a mere gold-level old wolf, plus some monsters in the mutated area, be able to break through this fortified city.

The city of Beiping in the north had used the backhand of the border city in 2.0. The Gundam briefly resisted the legend until the arrival of the legendary berserker from the federation.

Suppressing his doubts, Bai Bian walked into Dongwu City.

What catches the eye is a large area of ​​brick or stone buildings that are not tall and can even be called simple. These are civilian areas. Although the streets are relatively clean, they have a different style from the high-tech buildings on the city walls.

At this time, the soldier drove over quickly in a more technological vehicle. The vehicle was pure white and had a sci-fi style. It had a sense of déjà vu as if the future was tearing apart ancient times.

These are things studied by the nobles. It is said that they are a symbol of status. Each one costs thousands of gold coins. There are many such flashy vehicles in the four gates of Tobu City, and some are even seen. Nobles will race cars in the city, but there will be no traffic flow.

Bai Bian sat on it, casually took out a gold coin and flicked it to the co-pilot, and calmly ordered: Drive faster.

I understand sir.

The soldier's eyes lit up, he nodded repeatedly, and stepped on the accelerator. The vehicle roared and sped away in the envious eyes of the civilians around him.

With a light touch of Bai Bian's fingertips, the backrest of the seat in front of him turned into a small screen. After a casual operation, a faint blue light emitted from his hand, and then a bottle of milk appeared at his hand.

After taking a sip of milk, Bai Bian looked out. What he saw was the coldness. With the snowstorm coming, few civilians would hang out outside, and most of them worked indoors.

Every time he rides in the car, Bai Bian can't help but sigh that the capital in this world can do better than his last world.

The civilians had no means of transportation, used copper coins, and even lived in places without electric lights.

In the wealthy areas, there will be sports cars in the future, and even more luxurious things.

When the soldiers drove the vehicle to the dedicated lanes in the inner city, the speed of the vehicle began to increase endlessly, because civilians were not allowed to enter these lanes.

Coupled with the fact that it is a one-way street, any experienced driver can push the speed of the vehicle to the limit.

It only took about thirty minutes to reach the end of the endless civilian area.

Another high wall appeared in front of Bai Bie.

On the walls of this city, the soldiers' clothing and strength are even more powerful. Almost all the soldiers patrolling or standing guard are bronze-level extraordinary beings.

Alchemy cannons are pointed at the outside of the city wall. The extremely tight defense declares the status of this place, the inner city, the rich area!

Mr. White Plague, we are here.

The soldier said with a smile, and the door of the car close to the white plague opened automatically and was raised like wings.

Thank you. Bai Bian came back to his senses, said thank you, got out of the car, and walked towards the city gate.

In fact, the inner city does not prevent civilians from entering. They only need to register and pay an entry fee of ten copper coins.

And if the civilians were not in an emergency, no one would want to waste these copper coins.

Of course, these are all matters on another road. The White Epidemic is the channel for the rich, and of course there is no need to pay any fees.

Mr. Plague.

Mr. Plague.

When the soldiers guarding the gate saw Bai Bian, they all greeted him and looked extremely kind. Bai Bian's reputation is very big, even in the Dawn Federation. That's because he transferred some things from thirty years later. He was brought here and gained a great reputation.

Although those things were copied in a short period of time and there was no copyright fee, the benefits to him were countless.

Nodding as a greeting, Bai Bian stepped through the gate of the inner city and suddenly seemed to have stepped from the past into the future.

There are neon lights at the entrances of many shops, buildings seven or eight stories high can be seen everywhere, and the extremely flat ground is extremely clean. Those are the materials for alchemy.

Unlike the dilapidated and cold civilian areas, the inner city is extremely prosperous, with half-elves, orcs, goblins and other races living together peacefully, and looking around, there are almost extraordinary fluctuations in their bodies.

Here you can even see elves and goblins walking arm-in-arm into the neon-lit tavern. It doesn’t take long for the sounds of fists and shouts inside to resound through the sky. Together with the troubadours singing in the tavern, the blizzard is... I can't stop this magnificent scene.

These scenes could not be seen at all before Ragnarok.

After all, everyone in the entire Shia continent knew the arrogance of the long-eared elves, but before the world-destroying disaster, when the goddess of life did not respond, they also put aside their pride.

Of course, beauty advocates still make up the majority among elves.

Bai Bian came to the largest store in the center of the city. The neon sign on the facade was very conspicuous [Lingming Pharmacy].

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