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Chapter 50 The alchemist from afar

Pushing open the metal door, Bai Bian looked at the empty shop, feeling a little confused.

Ah, this is your own pharmacy? What about those models?

Boss, you're finally out. This is Mr. Sonu. He just bought all the models in our store. Irene's voice attracted Bai Bian.

He turned around and immediately saw Irene and Luo Ning with complicated expressions. In front of them was a middle-aged dwarf with a kind face.

He is about 1.3 meters tall, has a big brown beard that reaches his knees, and wears seven sparkling rings on his hands, which are worth a lot of money at a glance.

His eyes lit up when he saw Bai Bian, and he walked over enthusiastically: Are you Bai Bian? Your idea is very good. My name is Sonu, and I currently work for the Koman family. I came here to ask you for advice. Click [Alchemy Magic Network].

Regarding this, I have my own independent subject, and the final product is almost the same as yours. You also got the inspiration after reading the Sage Network mentioned by the adventurers of the Federation of Stars, right? Can you discuss this with me?

His eyes grew brighter when he looked at Bai Bian. The young genius had the same idea, but his technology had never been able to achieve a breakthrough.

So after he saw the video of the effects of the white epidemic, he rushed over without thinking, just to discuss his ideas with this genius and try to speak for this magic network.

After hearing Sunu's introduction, Bai Bian immediately thought of who this person was.

The magic network covering the entire federation was heard by him when players in the capital were chatting. Then he discussed it with those players for an afternoon. It didn't take long for the magic network to appear, sweeping the three federations in an instant.

Even the alchemist sage found the idea of ​​Sunu's network operation very novel, and replaced the Star Federation's current network with Sunu's magic network system.

Bai Bian plagiarized this person's work and was regarded as a confidant.

Bai Bian felt a little embarrassed, just like a time traveler in the Tang Dynasty who read under the moonlight before his bed, and then Li Bai heard the sound and came, feeling a little ashamed.

Senior is joking. I just have a superficial idea. It cannot compete with a famous alchemist like Senior.

Bai Bian said hesitantly: In that case, senior, come with me. I'm happy to talk to you in detail. Please come this way.

Bai Bian walked to the reception room, turned around and said to Irene who was holding the Dawn Badge in her hand: Go to Shengwu Winery and buy some of the best wine. I want to entertain the distinguished guests.

Okay. Irene was a little surprised. The best wine, thousands of gold coins a bottle, is this boss crazy?

No need to bother, I just want to discuss it with you. If it's inconvenient for you, you just need to listen to my current research results. I can wait until half a month, not a few days. Sonu was a little bit Excuse me.

From his perspective, this was regarded as spying on other people's research results. Although he believed that the two were close friends, it still felt a bit immoral.

Although at certain moments, he had some doubts as to whether his works had been stolen, the problem was that he had not overcome those difficulties yet, but they had overcome them, so there was no such thing as theft.

It's okay. To tell you the truth, in the entire federation, apart from the two legends, you are the one I admire the most. I still remember that when I was a child, your deeds were all in the textbooks. You were my guide to the path of becoming an alchemist. You must not get drunk this time and never come back.

Bai Bing pulled Sonu towards the reception room and blew a rainbow fart. He didn't think of this person at first. He only knew that the Alchemy Magic Network was of great value and could change many things in the Federation.

And now that the real owner has come to the door, Bai Bian will not take all the credit on himself. Of course, the most important reason is that this alchemist is worth winning over.

Turning to Luo Ning, he said: Closing business temporarily. If anyone asks, just say that I am preparing for the auction and all the goods are sold out.

Okay boss. Luo Ning, who had become a little more mellow, nodded, ran to the door, turned off the neon lights outside, and put a temporarily closed sign on the glass door.

She turned to look at the two people who had already entered the waiting room, thought for a moment, took out two bottles of milk from behind the counter, and took out two glasses from her and Irene's room, poured the milk and sent it in Reception room.

Bai Bian's eyes were slightly bright. Although he had just eaten a delicious soul crystal core, he still couldn't resist his favorite drink.

Glancing at Luo Ning with approval, Bai Yian put a glass of milk in front of Su Nu and said with a smile: Mr. Su Nu, please continue. I didn't expect that in the huge alchemical knowledge system, we can actually study the same topic. This I have to say it’s fate.”

Su Nu's face was full of smiles: Yes, I also feel that you and I. No, it's because you and I have exactly the same idea, that's why we can't wait to come over. Although you are a little younger, you are the master. First of all, I still hope to become friends with you.

Just kidding. Bai Bian glanced at Luo Ning, who quickly walked out so as not to disturb the boss's mood.

Bai Ying was even more satisfied. He asked: Shall we continue? I roughly understand your idea, but please tell me the details. If possible, I would like to ask you to do something.

Su Nu was stunned and his eyes lit up. It seemed that Bai Bian's thoughts coincided with his again. They were really close friends!

He nodded quickly: No problem, as I just said, the magic network is when we create a terminal to radiate a special force. This force uses the magic in the air as a medium to connect to the network emitted by another terminal, and finally weaves a One sheet covers the entire couplet.”

This kind of network allows various instruments that are pre-approved by the terminal to be connected to the terminal network anywhere under this large network, and ultimately by the regional network.

The production method is a bit complicated, but it is also simple, that is

Sonu didn't have any hidden thoughts and expressed his thoughts completely.

Since his subject has been studied by others, he will not refute other people's theories, but will take out his own theories for comparison and verification.

As for whether he would be cheated, the auction was being publicized more and more widely, and almost half of the high-level forces in the federation were involved. For an event of this level, no one would dare to do it unless their lives were at stake.

The concept of network existed in the Federation of Stars a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, the timeline when the old swordsman went to the Federation of Stars was too far away. He only brought back the city defense system and some knowledge.

After the Internet came out, the old sword master's age no longer allowed him to cross countless distances to other federations, and it was impossible for another legend to leave the federation now.

This has resulted in the three federations having their own attributes, and the differences are getting bigger and bigger.

Bai Bian listened to Su Nu's thoughts and nodded repeatedly. Even some of Su Nu's thoughts were not in his current thoughts, or were redundant.

Because White Plague, the [Alchemy Magic Network], is something that the player master summarized based on the optimization done by the Alchemist Sage.

It's only a little more impressive because some players have modified this and gotten very high rewards.

This alchemist is very good, especially when it comes to technology. For example, three of the seven rings on Sonu's hand are space rings.

The spatial knowledge of alchemical technology is more expensive than forbidden knowledge, and can only be produced by gold alchemists.

White Epidemic cannot manufacture high-end things, but as long as the relationship is in place, everything will be easy to talk about.

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