Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 45 Light and Darkness

The next day, noon.

White Plague sent Sabo, who was shocked, greedy, and even worshiped Sabo, to the Dawn Pharmacy.

Clearly, Saab can see the value in these creations.

The Federation of Stars dare not say anything about these things, but in a federation like the Dawn Federation where eight of the ten extraordinary people are warriors, it can definitely be called a transcendent era.

After all, they cannot learn from the various Gundams, battleships, maglev trains, etc. of the Federation of Stars.

But the value these low-end versions and extremely low-cost products can bring is shocking.

These things are auctioned, what is the difference between giving them away for free?

You can imagine that when the news spread, the entire federation was in a state of excitement.

After Sabo left, Bai Bian breathed a long sigh of relief, glanced at the legend level on the panel, which had risen to 53, and walked to the laboratory.

Sabo came and took away most of the materials this time. Except for the soul crystal core and some materials that were difficult to obtain, White Plague gave everything he got this time to Sabo.

He was able to sell these items at a good price and purchase the materials he needed.

That will be a huge batch of materials worth one million gold coins, which can meet all the material consumption of the White Plague this month.

Boss, our potions have been sold out, and there are also a lot of reservations. The wealthy businessmen who reserved the equipment have begun to rush. ​​Eileen said quickly when she saw Bai Yi was leaving.

Originally, Bai Yi's store's pharmacy business was very good. Although it was 20 to 30% more expensive than other places, it couldn't stand up to his popularity.

Those wealthy businessmen didn't care about the dozens of silver coins or a few gold coins. What they thought more about was making friends with this talented alchemist.

Bai Yian paused and replied casually: I know, I can make it up soon.

As he said that, he walked into the laboratory and groped his chin. Maybe it was time to find some alchemists as disciples. Although those low-level potions were produced with experience points, it was obviously more cost-effective to make equal-level potions.

But don’t worry about this matter now. Now is the time to study the specialty of [Light and Darkness], and you can put other things aside.

Looking at Guangyang's description, Bai Bian closed his eyes and felt it carefully. According to the description, this should be a kind of blood power and a second face. The activation should also be to find the cold breath that appeared in his body yesterday.

As the mental power wandered around the body, Bai Bian found a drop of blue blood, which lurked near the heart and remained motionless under the wash of surrounding blood.

Bai Bian tried to touch it with his mental power.

dong dong

At this moment, his heart suddenly began to beat rapidly, and Bai Bian's pupils suddenly contracted to the extreme. He felt as if his heart was caught by something, which made him very uncomfortable.


Bai Bian gasped for breath and clearly felt the drop of blood entering his heart, and then his whole body became extremely cold, and an extremely weird aura loomed.

As the breath gradually stabilized, the abnormalities on Bai Bian's body began to fade away. He panted heavily, stretched out a hand and looked at his palm.

It's still fair and doesn't seem to have changed much.

He calmed down, and at the hem of his windbreaker, a worker bee appeared, and quickly brought a mirror. The boy inside was still wearing a black windbreaker, with a fresh hairstyle, except for a pair of scarlet eyes that brought him a little evil intention. It seems like nothing has changed?

Bai Bian had some doubts in his eyes. He stood up and immediately felt a difference. He seemed to have become weaker?

He looked at the panel subconsciously, and now the panel had completely changed its appearance.

[Host: White Plague (Dark)

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: None.

Level: 1 (0/300).

Experience: 0

Gold coins: 69231.

Personal attributes: Strength 3 (10), Agility 3 (10), Endurance 3 (10), Intelligence 0 (109), Spirit 3 (279), Charisma 6 (8), Luck 1.

Free attribute points: 20.

Legend: 0 (obscure)

Rank: None

Evaluation: An unknown ordinary person with nothing to say. 】

Bai Bian fell into silence as he looked at this series of nothings, sharing expertise and souls, and completely cutting off the rest.

Is it equivalent to a body that has nothing to do with the subject?

Not even a career!

Bai Bian clenched his fist. This was just an ordinary eighteen-year-old man's body who rarely exercised. His strength was pitifully weak. Only his soul and spirit were connected.

if it is like this.

Excitement gradually appeared in Bai Bian's eyes, but he quickly suppressed it. The weird aura on his body gradually faded away, and his whole person returned to his original appearance.

He walked over to some materials and began to analyze and study his body.

He cut off the flesh and blood tissue from his two bodies and observed the similarities and differences between them.

As time went by, excitement gradually appeared in Bai Bian's eyes. The more he studied it, the more terrifying he felt about this specialty.

light and dark.

These two simple words brought a huge surprise to White Plague. Perhaps when players got this expertise, they thought of double-player, such as mage plus alchemy or swordsman plus alchemy.

With the help of a large hero, this kind of thing can indeed be done. The long-range alchemist and the melee magic swordsman are very interesting.

But if you do this, you will be sorry for your status as BOSS.

Re-training one's profession not only consumes countless resources, but also consumes immeasurable time, which is obviously not cost-effective.

After confirming that nothing on the dark side could affect the main body, Bai Bian decisively set his sights on [Alchemical Transformation] in alchemy!

The reason why alchemical transformation can be classified as an equal subject to science and technology is because it is no worse than science and technology and potions.

Some alchemists who follow the science of transformation will transform their bodies into fully mechanical or fully mutated ones. Their pure combat effectiveness will not be weaker than that of warriors and assassins of the same level.

Even because of the weirdness of the transformation, in addition to easily turning into a madman, in terms of combat, it has to surpass warriors and assassins. The only losers are those professionally understood rules.

However, the advantage of alchemical transformation is that there are no barriers. As long as the materials are sufficient and the host can withstand it, it can continue to transform into a stronger state.

The reason why Bai Bian has never dared to transform himself is because of this.

After the mechanical transformation, although you can see for a long time, you can no longer be called a human. After you lose all kinds of physical desires, your thoughts will gradually become mechanical.

Flesh modifications are mostly evil things that can easily affect thinking, and White Plague feels that brains are more important than muscles.

Without a brain, in this era it will only be death, and there is no second option.

And now.

Bai Bian's eyes unconsciously looked at the City Lord's Mansion. The dark side cannot affect the thoughts of the light side when it is not summoned. So, can we take a peek at the power of the Scarlet Lord?

Use God’s flesh and blood to transform your body


Bai Bian shook his head with some regret. Expertise is talent, and in this kind of double-sided talent, there is always a balance between yin and yang.

If the Yin side is really invaded by the power of God, Bai Bian doesn't think it can affect the Yang side.

That is a god. A god who transcends levels cannot be limited by a small talent. If you want to have a glimpse of the power of a god, you must at least be a legend.

Bai Bian bowed his head. He needed to plan the Yin side carefully. The alchemist's shortcoming was close combat, so the transformation of the Yin side must also be in this aspect.

Now he needs more data to accurately control this transformation.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian started bloodletting and self-examination again.

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