After checking it, golden subtitles popped up immediately.

[You used Alchemy Mixed Poison to leapfrog and kill the Level 69 BOSS Scarlet Priest. The experience value was +50,000. Because the level gap was too large, the experience value was increased by +300%, and you gained 150,000 experience points.

BOSS bonus, experience value + 50,000, gold coins + 10,000.

BOSS bonus, gold coins + 5,000.

Gain +5 skill points and +20 free attribute points.

Gain additional experience points + 100,000.

Bonus for leapfrogging BOSS: Optional BOSS expertise +1. 】

Bai Bian's eyes lit up, and he killed monsters at more than 30 levels. Although this could only be regarded as grabbing monsters, the rewards were still ridiculously high. Not to mention his expertise, the free attribute points and skill points were very good.

This shows that White Plague no longer has to deliberately buy potions that break the limits of the body, or try to transform the body with flesh and blood, because attribute points can easily break the shackles of flesh and blood.

Let his endurance, strength, and speed all exceed the upper limit of 10.

Because the alchemist is a profession that pays more attention to external forces, every time he upgrades, the magic power in his body does not increase much, and the alchemist's magic power is mainly peaceful, which is not suitable for physical training.

It is difficult to break through the limits of ordinary human power through the natural nourishment of these magical powers. Before gold, it was basically achieved through potions or modifications.

In addition, skill points are used to increase a certain piece of knowledge and proficiency to full value.

It can be regarded as saving a lot of time during the white epidemic.

Continuing to check the messages, the complicated information mainly talks about the items obtained, which are basically obtained from the altar of the Scarlet Cult.

Among them, what surprised Bai Yie was this.

[Your legend level exceeds 50 and you will receive the title [Future Star]. 】

[Name: Future Star.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★★★

Wearing effect: Charm +3. Any NPC with an official position will have a high initial favorability towards you.

Wearing requirements: legend level 50+, charm value 5+.

Introduction: The young man has become famous in the Federation. You will be the star of hope within the Federation. Do you see it? The stage that belongs to Shia is handed over to you. 】

Titles are even more difficult to acquire than specialties. Because of the abnormal level of realism, the panel's role other than upgrading and restricting players has been reduced to a minimum.

And the power of this kind of title is one of the few things that can have an impact on the Shia continent. At least before the late 2.0 period, no one had ever used it.

Even in the end, it only had the highest three-star title. Although this low-level title is not useless, it is not that useful.

Therefore, players will not particularly strive for titles other than showing off.

This is actually the reason why players suspect that the continent of Shia is a real world. Everything is too real.

However, the title reward inexplicably appeared for White Plague this time. Perhaps this means that although the BOSS template cannot accept tasks, it can draw on the power of more panels.

After wearing the title, Bai Bian didn't feel any changes. The charm attribute was not important to the alchemist, it was mainly the main attribute of the summoning system.

However, those are rare professions, and there are currently very few in Shia. However, every special profession is the focus of the federation. Either it belongs to the federation, or it belongs to the parliamentarian family.

There are almost no people living outside the country, because the benefits provided by the Federation and the Congressman's family are so good that basically all the resources needed for cultivation are helped by someone.

Just like the current Bai Bian who has taken refuge in a parliamentarian family, he doesn't have to worry about anything except his talent. Any alchemy knowledge he needs will be sent directly to him.

The reason why SSS-level geniuses also need a 50% discount to purchase knowledge is because the federation wants these geniuses to join the federation.

Of course, these restrictions are not a problem for the white epidemic that has begun to snowball.

Bai Bian looked at the distance and found that he could reach the inner city in about ten minutes.

He decisively began to choose his specialty.

[You have activated the optional BOSS specialty x 1. 】

[Please choose one of the three specialties. 】

[BOSS Killer (Active) - There will be a special energy in your body. When the energy is activated, the damage caused by your body will be marked on the target. After the accumulation reaches thirty layers, the mark will explode. Causes a lot of extra real damage.

Cooling time: 1~5 natural days. 】

Bai Bian was stunned. Active expertise was not uncommon, but Bai Bian had no interest in this thing. Let an alchemist deal with it face to face? Are you afraid that you are not crazy?

[Eye of Illusion--Your sight will separate yin and yang, and see things you can't see originally, such as spirits, illusions, and curses. 】

Bai Bian was a little hesitant. In fact, alchemists can't see things like souls. For example, Bai Bian captured the soul of the scarlet priest just now, but that requires active spiritual power or soul power.

And this thing is equivalent to adding an attribute to the eyes, just like the yin and yang eyes, which can be seen at any time. However, Bai Plague feels that this thing is very useless, because whether it is medicine or equipment, it can do the same thing.

The only thing that appeals to the White Plague is that it can see the curse. If you can see the power of the curse, then you have the possibility of avoiding it or even counteracting it. Overall, it's not bad.

Bai Bian looked at the third one, his eyes completely brightened, and he made a decisive choice.

[Light and Darkness (Unique) - As an alchemist, you will have two faces. Your dark side will turn into blood and awaken in your body, becoming the madman behind the genius, the madness after elegance. 】

Just choose the one with the (unique) logo, regardless of the effect, because it is something that is unique to you and cannot be obtained by others, and it will also be the most suitable thing for you.

Feeling the sudden coldness in his heart, Bai Yi felt that he seemed to have something extra, but this was not the time for research.

As the vehicle slowed down, the tall city walls of the inner city also appeared in front of us.

After taking a look at the panel, the attributes and the like have changed a lot, at least a little more luxurious.

[Host: White Plague.

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Level: 37 (11900/150000).

Experience: 0.

Gold coins: 69231.

Personal attributes: Strength 10, Agility 10, Endurance 10, Intelligence 109, Spirit 279, Charm 8, Luck 1.

Free attribute points: 20.

Legend: 51 (Continuing to rise, you will be the brightest star in the Federation.)

Rank: Silver middle.

Title: Future Star: ★★★

Skills: Intermediate Alchemy and Pharmacy (2756/3000) (expand), Intermediate Alchemy Technology (3611/5000) (expand), Elementary Alchemy Transformation (1005/3000) (expand), Spirituality (expand).

Skill points: 7.

Personal expertise:: Highly focused and profiteer.

Boss template expertise: Alchemy Demon, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Defense, Soul Gourmet, Light and Dark (only)

Boss growth: You can choose a boss specialty every ten levels. Now the number of feats you can choose is: 0.

Evaluation: The rising shining star, the general trend may be about to take shape, and alchemy will finally set off a craze at dawn. 】

Thanks to Pipipin’s helmsman for the reward, hehe

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