He doesn't want to touch anything related to evil gods, ancient gods, abyss, and hell.

These things represent disaster and distortion, and Silver is not qualified to resist anything.

Don't worry about this, you just need to get closer. Sabo's high-pitched voice was slightly nervous, as if he was afraid that Bai Bian would take possession of this black thing.

Bai Bing resisted a little, but still listened to Sabo and took a few steps forward. As he got closer, green traces began to appear on the silver mage's shield, which seemed to be contaminated.

When he got close to a certain point, Bai Bian suddenly felt a little dizzy. It was obvious that he was not breathing, but he did feel the smell.

The extremely polluted aura flickered for a moment, and the dark mass stuck to the door disappeared from sight.

It's just that the green mist has not completely dissipated, and is almost sticky floating in the corridor.

Bai Bian shook his head. The player panel can show what he was attacked by, but the BOSS panel seems to be more realistic, without so many displays.


A subtle sound sounded, and the silver-level magic shield was gradually dissolved.

Bai Bian's eyes widened, his specialty [Spiritual Defense] was touched at this moment, and he felt the flow of mental power.

Without daring to delay, Bai Bian's eyes were filled with spiritual power, and the alchemical magic power came out of his body. He fiddled with several alchemy formations a few times, and the door was slowly opened.

Next time there is something like this from the evil god, teleport it yourself and use it.

Bai Bian said coldly, and when the door was open enough for one person to walk together, he quickly entered sideways.

After arriving at the door, he quickly operated it and the door slowly closed, blocking out the green smoke.

Don't be so fussy, my friend. Silver-level protection scrolls can be defended for a long time as long as the magic level of the maker exceeds forty. This only means that you bought a parallel import.

Sabo got something from God, and his tone of voice became a bit teasing.

Bai Bian was speechless. This is a magic scroll belonging to Bai Yin. How could it reach level 40?

After fiddling with his glasses and cutting off the sharing of vision, Bai Bian turned around and carefully looked at the treasure house belonging to the Scarlet Sect.

There was a little surprise in his eyes, this place was different from what he imagined.

There seems to be a huge altar here, and the altar is densely covered with various broken limbs, including those of humans, orcs, elves, and other races.

And in the center of the altar, a pool of blood occupies 60% of the area of ​​the hall.

Occasionally, a bubble would appear on the surface of the extremely calm blood pool. When the bubble burst, it would cause faint ripples, somewhat like a volcanic crater.

Bai Bian took off his sunglasses, and his black pupils revealed a blue light. His eyes were covered with mental power, and he looked at everything around him carefully.

It seems that because this is the lair, the only protective magic is on the door.

However, as a gold-level boss, it is normal to have such arrogance. After all, judging from some alchemy inscriptions on the door, someone often enters here.

If there is trap magic, it will be a little inconvenient.

After making sure there was no danger, White Blight walked to some shelves at the edge of the altar.

Apart from the pool of blood and the broken limbs, the only thing valuable about this altar is what's on it.

As he got closer, Bai Bian's eyes suddenly burst into surprise.

On these shelves, azure crystals the size of fists are shining brightly, and just looking at them can make you feel a refreshing feeling in your soul.

The scan of the panel swept across the shelves, and the information about this thing suddenly appeared in front of me, just as Bai Bide had guessed.

[Name: Soul Crystal Core. (Small)

Properties: Material.

quality:? ? ?

Introduction: A gift from the world, a treasure for the soul between heaven and earth, it possesses the gentlest high-level energy in the world, and it can match and favor energy of any level.

Price: 9999 gold coins. 】

It is indeed this thing!

Bai Bian counted a total of eight shelves here, and each shelf contained a soul crystal core. The value of these eight crystal nuclei alone was already more than one million gold coins.

This is simply a great harvest!

As for the price of the panel, just look at it, whoever sells it is mentally retarded.

There is a series of the purest soul materials in this world. The most elementary and common soul essences are similar to slag. You can buy a small piece for about thirty gold coins.

Further up are the soul crystals, and the soul crystals are divided into [small, medium, and large] from the beginning. The small soul crystals are about 300 gold coins, the medium ones are 2,000 gold coins, and the large ones are 10,000 gold coins. There is still no market price.

As for the soul crystal core, this is a material that even legends want, because everyone has a soul, and its purity is purer than that of all living things, so it has no professional barriers and can be used by any profession.

In addition, the method of use of this thing is very simple. It can directly absorb magic power to enhance the power of the soul. It can even be used to break through the limits of the body or magic power. It can also be used by mages or alchemists to create potions for the soul.

This resulted in almost all soul crystal cores being gathered into the federal treasury, and only those who had made great contributions could redeem them.

On the black market, each piece starts at 100,000 gold coins, and there is still a price but no market, and the price is crazy.

Therefore, just from these eight soul crystal cores, this trip has already made a lot of money.

What's more, the other materials don't seem to be that weak.

Such as this.

[Name: Dragon Soul Grass.

Properties: Material.

Quality: Gold.

Introduction: The new life that grows in the breath of the dragon represents an unyielding will, and its will seems to be combined with the dragon. It looks like a dragon, doesn't it?

Price: 2000 gold coins. 】

In the world of magic, it is not easy to be related to dragons. In addition, dragons are now very rare, which greatly enhances their value.

After carefully looking at the shelves and confirming that there were no trap spells, White Plague decisively took out his medicine box, took out more than twenty medicines and put them into his windbreaker pocket, and then twenty-seven worker bees appeared. And quickly changed into various tools.

I quickly started renovating the box.

If it was something else, he would have passed it on to Sabo, but the soul crystal core was different. Money and silk were so touching. That greedy dwarf would most likely give up other things and ask for this one to be taken away. How could that be possible?

It was agreed that he would occupy 80% of this operation. This thing is an extremely scarce resource and cannot be given away, and other things can be divided.

My friend, what's wrong? Why is nothing coming? Sabo's tone was a little strange, as if he was confirming something.

Oh, it's nothing. Wait a minute. I'll put the soul crystal core in place first. Bai Bian didn't hide anything and said in a calm tone.

Soul crystal core? Sabo's voice changed, and he asked excitedly: My respected and friendly friend.

Bai Bian interrupted ruthlessly: The soul crystal core belongs to me, and I take 60% of the other 46%.

Sabo: That.

Bai Bian interrupted again: No need to discuss.


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