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Chapter 25 No one is different

Chapter 25 No. No one is different.


The soldier raised the Barrett in his hand without hesitation and fired a shot in the direction of Cammy.


The gorgeous sword light illuminated the surroundings, and Barrett's huge bullet was cut in half in an instant and embedded deeply into the ground.

A touch of coldness appeared on Kami's beautiful face, and the moment the soldier drew his sword, his figure disappeared instantly.

The powerful sword intent caused the surrounding swords to tremble, and the wind and snow seemed to freeze at this moment.

Mo Sen, who was riding a lion, looked at his slightly trembling sword blade with a little surprise in his eyes. It seemed that he did not expect that the lady's sword intention could actually affect his sword.

As the sword light dissipated rapidly, Kami looked down at the soldier lying at his feet and asked in a cold tone: Tell me, who are you?

The soldier's hands and feet were bleeding with a dazzling crimson color. The broken sword was right next to his head, and his whole body couldn't help but convulse.

He once smiled and watched as all the arrogance in the world was crushed by absolute strength at this moment. When he heard the question, he could only moan in a low voice without saying a word.

The surrounding extraordinary beings looked at Cammy with admiration. This was the eldest lady of their Will family, a 23-year-old top swordsman and a super genius in the Federation.

The demon lion under Mawson stopped. Just as he was about to say something, Cammy's cold voice sounded: Ernado, let him speak.

I understand. Ernaldo nodded, and the terrifying energy fluctuations around him continued to flash, as a magic inscription descended on the soldier's body from the void.

A spell called [Consciousness Control] began to take effect.

Cammy spoke again coldly: Who are you?

The soldier who fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed state no longer trembled at this moment. His eyes were extremely empty. When he heard the question, he subconsciously answered: Ser, a level 30 swordsman, from the capital, yes.

His mechanical voice had just arrived, and a black energy suddenly rose from his body. Then, before anyone could react, he died directly.

Cammy, Ernaldo, and Mohsen paused at the same time, solemnity flashed in their eyes. Is this the annihilation of souls?

This looks very much like a powerful being's method of restricting its subordinates. When a certain medium is triggered, the soul will be directly annihilated.

It's just that few people would use such a cruel method, and it is also explicitly prohibited by the federation. Once it is found out, the clan will be exterminated directly, no matter who it is.

The fear is that those civilian geniuses will be enslaved as soon as they emerge.

Seeing this method rooted in the soul here, the first thing the three people thought was that some evil organization was infiltrating their team for an unknown purpose.

Moreover, this organization's methods are extremely cruel and its power is not small.

Mo Sen's eyes became sharp, he looked around and said calmly: All soldiers conduct self-examination, holy water encryption order!

The two silver orc brothers behind him looked at each other and immediately took out their walkie-talkies and started issuing orders.

In the snowstorm, the soldiers followed orders and orders, and under the supervision of their squad leaders, they reached into the holy water that was originally used to inspect civilians.

The captain of each team will say a complex password. These passwords are different, but the soldiers answer them extremely smoothly.

Especially the soldiers of the Wucheng Army. As a city defender, preventing infiltration is their first rule.

In the era of technology, orders were conveyed extremely quickly. More than 50,000 people, including the Will family and the Apocalypse Legion, conducted self-examination extremely quickly. The holy water brought a chill and made the soldiers shiver.

Listening to the voice from the walkie-talkie, Garrett and Magath looked a little ugly. They knew what it meant.

As an older brother, Garrit stepped forward and said in a slightly trembling voice: Master, no one is different.


The Demon Swordsman's powerful magic wave caused the increasingly raging blizzard to suddenly calm down. He looked up at the sky, the murderous intent in his eyes undisguised.

That mysterious organization has penetrated into the Will family's ranks, but the weaker and more scattered soldiers on the periphery are all normal.

This incident itself represents abnormality!

It's just that now I don't know the other party's enslavement methods at all, let alone find a way to target them.

As for whether this is the only one who is enslaved, there must be an enslaver. If he dares to violate the laws in his city, he will be caught and killed.

Miss, there is nothing abnormal about him, and there are no traces of disguise or transformation. He may really be Captain Purcell.

At this time, next to Kami, a lean soldier stood up and answered in a low voice.

Cammy's eyes became darker and he asked coldly: Who was the one who died just now?

The soldier lowered his head and replied in a low voice: He is also one of ours, but he was not injured by the sword. At present, it is briefly investigated and speculated that he should be poisoned or cursed, and he is just comatose and not dead. I asked, Originally, Barrett was supposed to point to the spy, but I don’t know why he ended up pointing to you. Maybe it was a coincidence?”

A young man with a smile appeared subconsciously in Kami's mind, but then she ignored him.

Because Bai Bian has no motive to do this. He is very famous and will definitely have smooth sailing in the future. Whether he is a dead soldier or a reminder, there is no need for him to take risks.

Legion Commander Boom!

Kami's voice had just sounded when a familiar explosion interrupted her words.

She and Mawson turned to look at the same time, and immediately saw a trembling soldier on the edge, his eyes full of fear, pointing a gun at an assassin holding a dagger.

The assassin was covered in white, and if you didn't look carefully, he looked like a ghost hidden in the snow, and he was extremely clever at concealing his presence.

The most important thing is, another bronze peak! That is, a level 30 assassin.


A lion's roar sounded, and Mo Sen stepped lightly on the lion's head. Magic power flashed in the sky. The giant sword behind him suddenly came out of his body and quickly passed through the sky.

Mo Sen grabbed the hilt of the sword in mid-air, and with the thousand-meter distance approaching in an instant, he stabbed down hard.


With a soft sound, the half-meter-wide huge sword blade instantly sank into the snow and inserted into the stone ground under the snow.

But the assassin has disappeared.

Mo Sen turned his head and looked to the left. There was a wooden house there. The magic power fluctuation just now seemed to mean that there was a teleportation array underneath the house!

He looked up again, and what he saw was still the snow and wind in the sky. He frowned. He felt a sense of peeping when he was high in the sky just now.

But the continuous appearance of dead soldiers was enough for him to ignore this sense of voyeurism.

He pointed at the house and made a gesture. Behind him, a group of about thirty soldiers instantly raised the Barretts on their hands, followed by a group of about ten mages, slowly pressing towards the house. wooden house.

At the same time, he turned around, looked at the soldier who was on the verge of death and asked, Tell me how you discovered the assassin.

Yes, legion commander.

The trembling of the soldier's body had disappeared at this time, and the fear of death could not prevent him from executing the order, because this was the first military order when joining the Apocalypse Legion.

My name is Tiny, and I am the captain of the Shimmer Team. A minute ago, I felt danger behind me. When I turned around, I saw a person rushing towards me. Since this is an emergency military situation, I abide by wartime military orders and do not do anything. Without hesitation, I launched my most violent attack on the unknown creature that posed a threat to me, report completed!

Mo Sen nodded and looked up at the sky silently. This operation seemed to have more than three parties and was even more complicated.

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