Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 246 The Age of Divine Envoys

The barrage suddenly started going crazy, and the number of people started to surge. I originally thought that it would be almost a year ago and it would be the end of the season, but will there be a new plot?

Demacia looked at the forest. After several months of traveling, he was now at least 50,000 kilometers away from Tobu City. He didn't expect that he could still encounter abnormalities at such a distance.

Demacia finished the food in two bites and stretched out one hand to the two rats, buzz~

Er Shu's body suddenly became transparent, sending it back to its world.

After all, although he is a summoner, until he can resurrect the permanent summoning position, he should still be the summoner. Temporary summons do not matter, those things will die when they die, and permanent summons are still very precious.

Demacia ran quickly through the forest, running in the direction pointed by the two rats.


Suddenly, Demacia's body exploded, dyeing the nearby trees red.

Demacia:? ? ?

【Barrage:? ? ? 】×n

Demacia: [You were controlled by the Crimson God's Favored One and your blood exploded. You died. 】

[Barrage: Damn it! Big boss! Quickly notify our boss! 】

[Barrage: Why is this thing not dead yet, and is it so close to the Federation? Is it causing trouble? 】

[Barrage: 6, is this close? It’s four times the diameter of a blue star, is it even close? 】

[Barrage: Anchor, look here, I am waiting for the announcement outside the city lord's palace. I'm sorry, anchor. 】

[Barrage: I’m old 6.]



As a special force field came this way, Demacia responded to the barrage: [Hey, it's hard to lose a level, but what does it matter? Brothers, the broadcast is off. Wait for my video explanation. 】

[Anchor, don’t be such a dog! Let's see, the one in front should leave quickly. It's not the time to close the network yet. You have to give the anchor some trust! 】

[Don’t download the show, ah, ah, ah, I want to watch the plot! 】

Ignoring the barrage of noise, Demacia calmly turned off the live broadcast and turned on the screen recording.

Want to steal his mission? How can it be? Shia's anchor duties have been taken away too much, and now she goes off the air faster than anyone else when something happens.

In reality, everyone may still have moral constraints, but this is a game!

Demacia looked expectantly as a beautiful figure approached.

It was Hambuna who had fought with the white plague. She looked at the blood stains on the ground indifferently, and with a wave of her hand, the blood of Demacia was instantly annihilated, leaving no trace behind.

Demacia was very calm. He looked at his one-hour resurrection time and said that he still had a lot of time.

“It just died here”

"Ms. Hanbuna, I'm sorry for being late. We agreed to stay here. We won't change the location unless necessary. Of course, you can also find someone else to cooperate."

A calm male voice sounded, making Hambuna look a little unhappy.

"Pu Sheng, you have betrayed the Lord of Disaster. Do you still want to be the enemy of the Scarlet Lord?"

"Ancient God?"

Pu Sheng appeared in front of Hambuna holding a cat. He smiled and asked, "Do you care about them and will you come here to chat with me?"

"And can they come to the abyss to find me? In other words, can a single ancient god dare to come?"

Han Buna glanced at the cat, with strong fear in her eyes: "Stop talking nonsense, is the news you said accurate?"

Pu Sheng scratched the cat's head and said with a smile: "The gods of Dawn and Star have no effect. Although hundreds of A-series city-protecting mechas hollowed out the Star Federation, they also made it the safest federation." , there’s no need to talk about dawn, right?”

"So, God plans to find another way, when the level of the world increases a little bit more."

Pu Sheng raised one hand, leaving a slight gap between his thumb and index finger, and said with a smile: "Then God will come and incarnate to replace you, the favored ones of God."

"That era, I call it the Era of God's Envoys."

"Guess which body is the Scarlet Lord's favorite body?" Pu Sheng looked up and down at the beauty in front of him and asked with a smile.

Hambuna was a little silent. She looked up at the cat's domain. In this domain, her connection with God was indeed somewhat interrupted.

She actually believed what Pu Sheng said, but when talking about any cooperation with a guy who was once an ancient god's favorite and later an abyss lord, she had to be very alert. She didn't think that a guy could get away with it. How good can a guy controlled by God be?

"Is that Charles too?" Han Buna asked calmly: "If it is a carrier, Charles should be the most suitable among the favored ones of the ancient gods, right?"

Pu Sheng paused, then continued to groom the cat as if nothing had happened: "He is a monster, and a small part of his power comes from God. Do you do the same?"

Hambuna was completely silent. More than 90% of her power came from God, not from her own cultivation.

Therefore, she is extremely dependent on God, and once this dependence appears, it means that she has completely become God's slave.

Even though she has now reached the fourth level of legend, she is nothing more than a puppet.

"Charles is weaving a big web. If nothing unexpected happens, before God comes, there will only be two federations left on the continent of this world. The ninth-level legend of the Sun Federation cannot stop him."


Pu Sheng took out a beating heart, handed it to the cat in his arms, and watched it eat the heart bit by bit.

The tone was somewhat calm: "And which god do you think he came from?"

"Calamity, Darkness, Moon Shadow, and even your Scarlet have all cooperated with him. These are the top ancient gods."

"Without the constraints of the Tobu City Lord who threatened you last time, Charles will grow much faster than you think."

Hanbu Na closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the arrogance and indifference in her eyes had disappeared. She was obviously a fourth-level legend, and she was obviously much more powerful than Pu Sheng.

But she showed a hint of weakness at this time: "Pusheng, you have to help me, we used to be so good."

Pu Sheng smiled: "Of course, otherwise why would I come?"

He glanced at the sky, with a smile on his face: "Let's go, maybe you can't cooperate with the ancient gods, but you can help me send something to your god, and let him be the last one to come in."

"Okay, everything is up to you."

The figures of the two gradually faded, but Demacia's eyes widened in the darkness, as if he heard something extraordinary.

The Federation of the Sun is over!

Then wouldn’t the North American servers be crashing?

Should he notify the players in North America?

But those players have been brainwashed by this game, and they are all like magicians. Isn't coming here to grab resources?

Probably not, right? After all, is there any game where you can play yourself to death?

Thinking about it, a task popped up on the panel, which surprised Demacia.

[Mission: Secret.

Attributes: Special tasks.

Task description: You have inadvertently learned some secrets about the gods. Please convey the conversation between the Ancient God's Favorite and the Abyss Lord to White Plague verbatim.

Mission Difficulty: Easy.

Mission reward: 30 gold coins, skill points +5, attribute points +5.

Introduction: The value of a secret mainly depends on who knows the secret. 】

Demacia's mood suddenly improved, although she was a little disappointed after these few months of travel.

But there is no way he can only be resurrected in Tobu City after death. Only when he logs off can he mark the online point, not the resurrection point.

This is also the main reason that restricts players from exploring the map.

Opening the chat with Wei Brig, Demacia began to discuss the video he had just recorded with Wei Brig.

It contained too much information, and he felt a little weird, but he didn't know what was weird.


Zero: [The player Demacia called and said there was very important news. 】

Bai Yi: [Let them go to the city lord's mansion. 】

Bai Bian responded, stood up, and walked out of the Hall of Knowledge.

He started browsing the player forums and quickly found something related to Demacia. Is that the Scarlet God's Favorite?

When he arrived at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, Demacia was already waiting there. This time he came alone.

"Go in and talk."

Bai Bing took Demacia to the city lord's palace, entered the original living room, and sat down with Demacia. Bai Bing's huge spiritual power enveloped the room, and then asked: "What do you want from me?" ?"

Although there is no danger in Tobu City, it is always important to be careful, especially when it comes to things related to ancient gods. The better you understand the gods, the more you will know the horrors of the ancient gods.

Plane gods need to be recognized by the plane, such as the devil's rules of hell, the abyss consciousness of the abyss, and the necromantic laws of the undead.

A new god needs more things, such as godhead, faith, lighting of divine fire, establishment of a divine kingdom and a belief system in order to be called a god.

And what about the ancient gods? They were just mortals when they were born, but they never had any shackles, and they became ancient gods along the way.

Moreover, the term "Old God" is also what the beings in the New God Era called them. They did not deny it, nor did they admit it. They still called themselves the "Lord of So-and-so".

Therefore, in the face of the ancient gods, White Blight never relaxed.

"It's like this. I accidentally photographed something and I need to hand it over to Mr. Bai Ying in person." Demacia took out a small chip from her arms and handed it to Bai Ying.

Bai Bian took the thing in his hand, and arcs of electricity appeared on his fingertips. Zero absorbed the thing inside very quickly.

The moment everything is translated.

Bai Bian's fingertips moved slightly and instantly crushed the chip into powder.

A smile appeared on Bai Bian's face: "Mr. Demacia, I'm sorry for breaking your chip. This news is very important. What reward do you want?"

Demacia was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and looked at the mission reward and said, "Well, I would like to ask, how long does it take for Nocturne to transform into an adult? My summons have been sleeping for half a year. Didn’t wake up.”

Bai Bian thought for a while: "Usually around thirty years."

Demacia: "Mr. White Plague, please help me. I can't lose him for so long. This is my reward, okay?"

Bai Bian nodded, this was not difficult for him: "Yes, the most important attribute of plant life is always vitality, so as long as the vitality is enough, their growth will be accelerated."

Bai Bian said, taking out a bottle of the source of life: "What level is your summon?"

Demacia answered without hesitation: "20."

Bai Bian thought for a moment, took out another bottle, opened the cork of the Source of Life potion, and poured in half of the bottle of Source of Life.

Then some transparent material appeared in his hand, which instantly turned into powder and sprinkled into the bottle.

Shake slightly.

Bai Bian handed him the new potion: "Drink this, and within five years, your summon will complete its transformation."

Demacia froze, with a bitter expression on her face: "It will take another five years."

"The growth of plant creatures is like this. They need more time to undergo transformation. Five years is already a safe limit. If it is less, their transformation will be incomplete or become deformed."

Bai Bian asked calmly: "If you want, I can make it wake up now."


He waved his hand quickly: "No, no, just five years. Goodbye, Mr. White Plague."

Demacia took the potion and walked out with a sad expression. He subconsciously scanned it with the panel, and then his eyes widened. There were question marks all over the potion.

He is a top bronze player, which means that this must be at least gold level!

His disappointment was suddenly wiped away, and he quickly left the city lord's mansion in the strange eyes of the people around him.

But Bai Bian, who was still in that room, fell into silence. Trouble, really trouble.

Pusheng seemed to be discussing cooperation with the Scarlet God's Favorite, but in fact he came to tell him some news.

There are probably three purposes, or in other words, there are three stated purposes.

First, Charles is growing too fast and needs to be restricted, otherwise Pu Sheng may be embarrassed if he meets him.

Second, the Sun Federation is about to go cold, which is not conducive to the purpose of Universal Life, so let yourself save it.

Third, find an opportunity to kill the fourth-level legend, so that the Scarlet Lord will be at least slightly injured.

I have a headache. When did this guy Pusheng start playing tricks?

As for the Age of Gods, Bai Bian doesn't know much about it. When he was a player, 3.0 didn't even reach the Age of Gods. If calculated based on previous lives, this might be 4.0, right?

Bai Bian thought, in fact, when Pu Sheng said this in front of the players, he was actually telling the legend of the Sun Federation. After all, it was no secret that the players could communicate regardless of distance.

If the Sun Federation was prepared, it might be able to last longer.

As for him going to the Sun Federation, that's impossible.

Although now Dawn has reached 9 top potentials due to Dai An and Guan Xin.

But this has nothing to do with the security of the Federation. In Tobu City, he has all the conditions to develop as an alchemist, and there is no reason to sacrifice himself for others.

As for killing that fourth-level legend just to weaken an ancient god.

The Ancient God was indeed strong, but not strong enough.

He needs to wait a little longer, wait for the seventy-level advanced mission to be completed, and wait for the evil being to be born.

He believes that the guy from Pusheng will give him the reward he wants, maybe after he is ready, he will tell himself through the player


Zero began to contact the Wei Brigade. Bai Bing needed him to contact the legend of the Sun Federation. He had some knowledge that he could give to the Sun Federation.

This is his last mercy to the Sun Federation.

At the same time, one of his special skill points was directly on Praise of the Sun.

An advanced version of Praise to the Sun, I hope Charles likes it.

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