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Chapter 228 Federal Treasure House

Entering this castle-like hall, it was decorated like a noble party, very luxurious.

However, the people who came today were mainly people from the Difeng family, and there were no outsiders.

Diane came in with Bai Bian, and among a lot of extremely friendly eyes, she introduced them one by one. The Tifeng family is very large, even though Michus seems to be surrounding his grandchildren now.

But there are many uncles and contemporaries of Diane, such as the golden middle-ranking man who came to pick him up, Jiaguan Tifeng, who is Diane’s sixth uncle.

There are also one or two extremely old uncles, but they are already in their teens. These are people who have not broken through to gold and are about to reach the end of their life span.

The main reason is that there is an iron law in this world. The higher the rank, the harder it is to have children. Therefore, the strong men in this world like to cast a wide net. In addition to spouses of the same level as themselves, there are also some with lower ranks. women were treated as concubines.

And the children born to these people are usually the backbone of these big families. They can be considered lucky. What if they inherit all the talents of the golden strongman?

This is also the difference between the direct line and the branch line. The direct line is generally more talented, and the mother's strength will be higher.

After seeing a half-elf uncle, Bai Bian was sure that Michus was definitely very playful when he was young.

Judging from the fact that some uncles have no hair on their heads, they most likely drank Sabo's divine kidney potion and exchanged their hair for an indestructible kidney.

However, Sabo's medicines usually have serious side effects, and the white plague can feel some lustful aura from them. This aura will make their desires in this area continue to expand, and eventually they will lose themselves.

This is also the reason why the Federation directly banned the Sabo brand medicines after using them for a period of time.

In fact, 99% of Sabo's potions have been banned from sale by the federal government. The reason is simple: it's a scam.

For example, critical strike potions that pollute the mind, strength potions that degenerate the body, or stealth potions that make certain parts disappear directly, and a series of other potions.

Saab did give instructions on the side effects of these medicines, but he did not give them all, or he avoided the important points and ignored them.

But fortunately, his potion is ineffective if taken at the gold level. Most of the negative effects can be erased by others as long as a gold mage takes action.

That's why the potion didn't directly backfire on Sabo. He had Tobu City on his back, and as long as he didn't touch some bottom line in the Federation, nothing would happen.

After a while of greetings, the banquet began.

This banquet was very luxurious, even more outrageous than Will's last five-million-dollar dinner.

White Plague was somewhat uncomfortable with the enthusiasm of the Tiffany family, especially Diane's father, Star Tiffany, and mother, Sally Renchu.

And Sally Renchu ​​is also a very talented branch of the Renchu ​​family, which is one of the reasons why Yuan Tang and Helen are close.

As for why the branch can be the matron of the Tifeng family, it can only be said that sometimes if the talent is enough, the gap in status is not a problem.

As the banquet began and after three rounds of drinking, in addition to the purpose of gathering, Michus also began to talk about business.

Michus is sitting on the main seat at the moment, while Bai Bian and Diane Canada are sitting on his right side, and Star and Sally are on his left side.

Michus said with a smile: "I'm here to see you this time, and there are some things I want to discuss with you."

[When you drink Tian Ning Wine, your strength +1, agility +1, and endurance +1. 】

"You said it." Bai Yan drank a glass of wine and responded with a smile.

Michus looked at some people on his left and said in a warm tone: "There are three secondary border cities connected to Dongwu City, Chaoyang City, Wuduo City, and Red Lion City. Among them, Red Lion City is currently occupied by Coman. Management, the other two cities are now cities managed by Difeng."

"The lords of Chaoyang and Wuduo City have come to the capital to develop. I want Dongwu City to take these two cities as well."

Michus said with a smile: "As before, you can take 20% of the city's income. What do you think?"

Bai Bian's eyes narrowed slightly. Is the energy of the Tifeng family so great? Forget about the other two cities, the city lord of Chaoyang City is also in a golden position, and they can actually peacefully resolve the distribution of the cities.

However, he thought of Eric and felt a little relieved. For the elderly golden top players, if they could increase the chance of breaking through to legend, even if it was only 1%, then they would do whatever it takes.

As for the second-tier city lord in the golden middle position, strength is everything. For the parliament, the golden middle position is not yet qualified to challenge the parliament. As long as the compensation is sufficient, a safe abdication is the best option.

Bai Bian thought for a moment and nodded: "Thirty percent, I'll let the quartermaster work part-time. He always has inexhaustible energy."

Misius did not refuse and accepted with a smile: "Your reform this time is very good. We can see a very bright future. Coupled with your current contribution to the Federation, the parliament decided to give you the authority to purchase treasures three times. Wait a minute. Do you have the time?"

"Of course, you can go at any time." Bai Bian's eyes brightened slightly. The federal treasure house was full of good things. It not only contained things collected by powerful men of all ages, but also many things from the New God Era.

Although this is said to be a purchase, it is no different from getting it for free because the price is really cheap.

The pricing of soul crystal cores on the market is determined based on this purchasing authority.

Michus nodded, with some hesitation in his eyes, but in the end he didn't say anything and continued eating and drinking with a smile.

In Bai Bian's eyes, it was clear. Sure enough, the council couldn't help it.

Frantic Bloom is really strong, with almost perfect combat and individual targets. And with such a strong power, how can they not take a peek?

Although there are few alchemists in Daybreak, they are not without them. For example, Sunu is the master of alchemy technology.

There are other masters, but their energy levels are generally not very high, so they are not as famous.

But Michus was still concerned about the relationship between Tifeng and Bai Bing, so he has been talking about the beneficial side of Bai Bing until now.

However, White Blight is not in a hurry. He wants to go to the federal treasure house to take a look first. If there are really many high-value things, then he doesn't mind exchanging Crazy Bloom for some benefits.

After all, there are many politicians in the Parliament, but they still want the federation to survive in the Dark Age.

For example, in some of the first cities, there may be oppression that goes beyond federal laws, and even things that make people angry, then these things will no longer happen in the cities that have been divided by the parliament.

Because with the re-division of the city, the entire federation, except for the four major border towns and some secondary border towns, is almost entirely the property of the parliament.

The boundaries between people's power, parliament's power and their family's power are blurring.

Some people may play tricks to serve the Federation, but they will go all out to serve the family.

And these families are inseparable from Tobu City. After all, Tobu City’s economy must have a place to buy things, right?

The Federation, as a whole, is valuable to the White Plague.

Moreover, he is now regarded as a high-ranking member of the Federation. He is also very happy if the Federation is strong.

When the sunlight slowly turned golden, the three- to four-hour banquet finally came to an end.

Michus stood up and looked at Bai Bing: "Shall we leave now?"

Bai Bian nodded, looked at Diane, who was full but still sitting upright, and asked, "Do you want to go?"

Although people nowadays don't pay much attention to etiquette, people from big families rarely have rudeness, so even Diane, in front of a lot of elders, still sits obediently and looks like a lady.

Diane nodded immediately: "Go, go right away."

Bai Bian and Diane followed Michus out of the hall. The moment they stepped out of the hall, Diane let out a long sigh of relief.

She slapped her reddish cheeks with her hand: "I'm finally liberated."

"This is your home, why are you more uncomfortable than me?"

"Isn't it you? How did I know that so many people sitting next to you would look at me like that? It's hard to ignore those glances even though they're all eating silently, right?"

"That's a bit too enthusiastic."

"A bit? Isn't that very good? It seems that he wants me to get married quickly." Diane said, her eyes a little wandering.


"Don't ask!"

As he spoke, magic waves flashed, and Michus led them to the center of the city and towards a cubicle in the council hall.

The federation's treasure house is underground under the Juggernaut's residence. It is also the safest place in the federation. There is no need to enter the treasure house to choose or purchase the items inside.

Instead, choose from the magic projection in this compartment. Any breath of the treasure house can be restored one to one here. As long as the contribution points are paid here, a dedicated person will take out the corresponding items with the authority of the council. .

It's a bit troublesome, but it's enough to illustrate its value. If you don't have more than half of the members' authority, you can't even choose, let alone open the treasure house.

When the magic fluctuation reached a peak, the surrounding scene suddenly began to change. First, all the surrounding light was cleared. When the light reappeared, the surroundings had completely changed.

The area here is very large and divided into seven areas.

Mineral resources, plant materials, flesh and blood materials, equipment, energy, and some areas where the aura is not very good should be the aura of the ancient gods or the effect is unknown.

All seven areas exude a palpitating aura. It is not a dangerous aura, but an aura of attraction.

No matter which area, everyone is very attracted to the White Plague, and it seems that there is something they want in it.

Michus did not pay attention to the little quarrels among the young people, and said gently: "You only need to use mental power or magic power to select an area, and then those items will appear in this area, and you can choose what you want there. , the corresponding price will appear on it.”

Bai Bian nodded and decisively chose the mineral resource area.

Suddenly, the precious light in front of his eyes filled his field of vision, completely illuminating his surroundings.

There is only one piece of each type of these minerals, but there are still thousands of types here.

Bai Bian could even see some minerals that he had only seen in records. Those were rare mineral resources from the New God Era, and they were also minerals that had not appeared in the Federation's 80,000-kilometer diameter or nearby.

It was very precious, and there were many other minerals. Bai Bian saw the mineral that appealed to him at a glance.

[Name: Stone of Desire.

Properties: Material.

Effect: Crystallization of desire, which contains pure and huge power of desire.

Introduction: Ore condensed by desire, this may be a miracle.

Price: One million contribution points. 】

Bai Bian ignored the price. This thing could be said to be an epic-level thing. After all, with his attainment of full-level evil thoughts, he could almost confirm at a glance that this thing could create a maximum legendary evil thought in one piece.

Even if the dark side is chewed, it should be no problem to greatly improve the attributes.

However, the White Plague in the world of Black Death and Pathogen can only suppress the growth of the dark side and has no intention of strengthening it.

Look at another very attractive stone.

[Name: Divine Blood Stone.

Properties: Material.

Effect: Blood of the God of War.

Introduction: God is not dead, but seriously injured.

Price: 3 million contribution points. 】

Bai Yi paused, looked at the soul crystal core (large) not far away, hesitated, and continued to look at other things.

The blood of God will form many things after combining with magic power, such as magical plants, God's Stone, God's Orb and the like.

These are considered artifacts to a certain extent, and there are only two things White Plague has to do now, the light side to break through to the golden level, and the dark side to transform into a god.

After the dark side becomes a god, his combat power will more than double again. If he encounters existences like Charles and Pu Sheng again, he should be able to directly suppress them, unless they also have the opportunity to be no less than him.

After carefully examining this area, Bai Bian chose the Blood of God.

As for the price, that's a small problem. Now he never worries about money. What's more, God's things only sell for three million. Back then, he sold the flesh and blood of the ancient god for three million. This is normal. There is no backlash in the blood of God.

I continued to look at the things in the other seven areas. This was really eye-opening. Bai Bian had never seen so many things about gods, and even so many weird things.

For example, there is something that Diane always looks at, but hesitates to speak because she doesn’t know what it is.

[Name: Divine Power Orb.

Properties: Unknown.

Effect: unknown.

Introduction: It contains powerful power, but it cannot be traced back to its source.

Price: 500,000 contribution points. 】

There are many of these things that are of high value, but whose effects are unknown. After all, the Federation is not omnipotent, and there is not much information they can find about God's things.

However, White Plague is a man with a faceplate, and this thing turned into one during the scan of the faceplate.

[Name: Death Orb.

Attribute: Equipment.

Effect:? ? ?

Introduction: Blood of the God of Death, can you believe that the God of Death can actually bleed!

Price: 100,000 gold coins. 】

After Dawn was established, it raided and searched almost every place where the gods fought on this continent. This federation has always been in the midst of fighting, and peace only lasted for a few years.

As long as the upper limit of the world is higher and the Sword Master dies, all the peepers outside will have no scruples, and then the real war will begin.


Bai Bian thought about his performance outside Tobu City, and his eyes flickered. He had to grow up faster. The high-end war might not wait until the death of the sword master.

The ancient gods are the real peepers, and the favored ones of the ancient gods are just things that can be manipulated. For the ancient gods, it may be the truth not to let taboos appear.

After selecting three items and spending nearly 10 million contribution points, Bai Bian breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that he knows the value of the federal treasury, it's time to solve Michus's troubles.

Bai Bian smiled and asked: "Grandpa Michus, tell me what you have to say. What is the bottom line of the parliament?"

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