Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 221 Breakthrough Domain Power


In the space penetration, a trace of scarlet emerged, and the dagger pierced the space to attack the giant mantis from another dimension.

But the abyss lord's sense of battle was many times stronger than that of the Ancient God's Favorite. The giant mantis turned around instantly, raised one hand, and blocked the damage. At the same time, he swung out the other sickle, trying to directly cut this terrifying god in half.


The blade cut through the void, and the evil creature in front of him was cut in half in an instant.

Lord Mantis was startled, phantom!

It turned its head instantly, and immediately saw that other abyss lords were treated the same as him, with such extreme malice and sudden assassination that there was no time for them to distinguish.

"Magic ape, be careful!"

As soon as its voice came out, Bai Bian's dagger had already penetrated into the body of the black giant ape. The powerful power and huge explosive power disrupted the power of the abyss in the demon ape's body.

The extreme poison acted on its internal organs, causing them to rapidly begin to fail.


The demon ape endured the severe pain and discomfort, turned around, and punched out.

Space penetration!

Buzz, boom.

The roar of the sonic boom in the sky was more like thunder, and a hint of purple appeared in the scarlet eyes of the black giant ape.

The effect of poison on everyone is different. Some have high poison resistance, and some have low poison resistance. This demon ape lord is obviously the kind with relatively low poison resistance.


The sound of the knife sounded, and the concentrated demon ape's fist was filled with purple abyss energy, and it punched forward.

A newly emerged white plague was defeated instantly.


Still fake!

There was madness in its eyes, and the power from its body spurted out endlessly, and the entire sky turned purple because of its power.

A shuddering aura enveloped the entire Tobu City.


A strong neighing sound sounded, and White Blight's speed now reached 600. Coupled with the high mobility of space penetration and the perfection of malicious deception, every attack he made was like a perfect assassination.

A dagger was inserted deeply into the giant snake's seven inches.

The damage to the weak point, coupled with the damage to the soul and consciousness, caused the giant snake to twist its body vigorously, and the poisonous attack was offset by the poison of the snake itself.

It turned back sharply and bit it, and strong poison was sprayed out. This poison was even more toxic than the ultimate poison in Sin City.

Space penetration!

[You have been attacked by three curses, all attributes are reduced by 2%, and your actions are temporarily blocked. 】

A meal of white plague, blood cocoon!

[Your health is reduced by 8%, and you remove all negative status. 】

The giant snake's huge mouth instantly swallowed the white plague standing there. The strong snake venom completely corroded the body, and the outbreak of the curse had no effect on the giant snake.

A brief stab in the sky ceased.

The abyss lords did not dare to gather together and could only look around vigilantly.

Every strike of White Plague was too heavy, and they didn't dare to be distracted at all. Moreover, this evil creature was also too weird, and the increase in strength made the abyss lords somewhat unpredictable.

The blood of the demon apes and poisonous snakes fell to the ground, and the highly poisonous blood corroded pits on the ground.


The west gate of Tobu City erupted with a powerful hum at this moment, the city wall began to collapse, and the roar of the monster suddenly appeared at the west gate.


Terrifying magic fluctuations also broke out at this moment, and despair began to envelope the entire city.

Bai Bian glanced at the west city gate and felt Heidinger's aura.

As one of the top members of the parliament, Heidinger is not worthy of being the long-term convenor of the parliament if he cannot defeat the Ancient God's Favorite under the Legend or even the First-Level Legend.

Although Luo Ning's predictions are sometimes wrong due to the intertwining of various powerful fates, she has never made mistakes in predicting the life and death of ordinary people.

In an extremely distant place, faint shouts of killing rang out. The Storm Legion and the remaining 60,000 Wucheng Army, which had never appeared, a total of 100,000 legions, burst out their voices at the West City Gate.

A nearly crushing encounter suddenly erupted.

Luo Ning's ability to predict is getting stronger and stronger. This ability is outrageous. She can predict the fate of the people around her and predict what is the best choice for her.

This kind of trick-like foreknowledge is what she is best at. Sometimes she doesn't know why she arranges things like this, but she knows that the things she wants to protect will be safe.

With Luo Ning here, if there is no other way, she will contact Bai Yi.

Since there is no connection, there is no need to pay attention.

Ding ding ding.

The rhythm of metal suddenly appeared, and there was a little fear in the eyes of these abyss lords, and they ran away without hesitation.


The slight sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air was heard, and fear appeared in the eyes of the giant mantis. It knew that this was most likely to be that perfect shadow again, but it did not dare to ignore it at all.

The huge scythe was still swung out.

The extreme speed made the sky roar, and in an instant it was deeply embedded in the abdomen of the monster in front of him, almost cutting him in half.

real? !

Lord Mantis was a little surprised. His other scythe slashed towards the opponent's neck without hesitation.

But seeing that the opponent had no intention of hiding, its strong instinct told it that its injuries would be more serious after this blow.

Its huge sickle, which was nearly three meters long, suddenly retracted and blocked in front of its own body.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, and Lord Mantis was glad that his judgment was correct.

Ding ding ding.

But the next moment, the metal rhythm from behind approached, and the ultimate sense of crisis hit it, and its heart skipped a beat.

It tried to use teleportation skills to escape, but the huge scythe that had almost cut the white plague in half was now entangled in scarlet tentacles, and it would take at least two seconds to break free.

But these times are very long for a battle of this level.

Ding ding ding.

There was also a sound in front of it that frightened it. It tried to call for help, but the surrounding abyss lords were avoiding the gold-devouring cones and had no mind to pay attention to anything else.

Pfft, dang~

As if the sound of a bullet was heard, it felt a pain in its head, and its consciousness began to blur. The scythe in front of it was also knocked open by a huge force, and some cracks even appeared on the scythe.


A dagger has been pierced into its body, which is the weak point in the operation of his magic power, and its consciousness has completely returned to the abyss at this time.

[You killed the mutation lord: Abyss Scythe, experience value +600000, skill point +3, attribute point +2, additional experience value +600000. 】

[You have been upgraded and reached level 66. 】

[Your extremely evil will is refreshed, now: strength +32, agility +35, endurance +40, intelligence +20. 】

[You killed the mutation lord: Abyss Demon Scythe, and the dark side absorbed a lot of blood: strength +8, agility +10, endurance +8, intelligence +5. 】

[Your scarlet magic blade triggers: HP: 86%. 】

[You have been baptized by life energy: HP: 90%. 】

[You have been baptized by life energy, and your eyes that have been stabbed with bloody backs have been greatly restored! 】

[You are blessed by the blessing of life: recovery +20%, strength +3, agility +3, endurance +3, intelligence +3. 】

[The dark side is rejecting life energy, the power of elements is afraid of your dark side, your charm value reaches -10, and the blessing of life blessing is being rejected. 】


Around Bai Bian, green and scarlet colors intertwined, and the energy of life began to dissipate in an instant. There was no elemental power around it, only negative power remained.

Charm value is very complicated. A person's appearance can indeed affect charm value, but it mainly depends on the affinity of natural elements and the affinity of various rules.

For example, for summoners with the main charm attribute and other hidden professions, if the dark side of White Plague activates the summoning technique, then who in the world would dare to sign a summoning contract if they sense his sinful aura?

Even the demons in the abyss and the evil ghosts in hell also like those beings with high charm.

Because although the charm value is high, it does not mean that the person is a good person, but if the charm value is negative, there will be no good people!

And White Plague has never heard of it. It is unrealistic to see any uncharismatic light knight or druid anywhere.

The power was superimposed again, and the white plague disappeared instantly.

At this time, strong uneasiness appeared in the eyes of the abyss lords again, because the feeling of evil appeared again, and the power of this monster once again increased to the same level as them.

But for the gods, equality does not mean fairness. The gods always carry the word "god".

And the body they created in Shia is not a god, not even a legend.

A ball of green energy flew in the direction of the demon ape. The demon ape was a little surprised. Why was there anyone treating it? There is no healing department among the abyss lords?


The ultimate sense of crisis hit, it felt the poison that was about to be removed from the body, as well as the life energy, and chose life without hesitation.

But the moment that ball of life energy entered his body, his scarlet eyes suddenly widened.

what happened? How could such a rich life energy and such a pure healing technique aggravate its injuries? Recovering those poisons!


The dagger he had just dodged followed closely behind, and the attacks from the surrounding abyss lords came first.

All fell in front of it.

But that godly creature seemed to be crazy, completely ignoring the surrounding attacks, and a dagger had already fallen on its chest.



The roar of energy and the sound of the dagger piercing flesh sounded at the same time, and the demon ape's consciousness suddenly fell into chaos, but a huge force in its body was reviving.

That is the talent of this body. When it is near death, it will increase a large part of its strength. It is the growth between life and death.

It violently swung its fist and hit the tattered god in front of it.


A strong hissing sound sounded, and the demon ape turned his head, and immediately saw that the venomous snake was chopped into two halves.

An even more extreme sense of crisis suddenly struck.


It punches instantly.


A fist that was very small compared to its size was fisting with him.

The huge force raised a shock wave in the sky.

But its eyes widened again, because the power of this golden middle has actually grown to a level comparable to it.


The sound of the dagger breaking through the air continued, and its abdomen felt a sharp pain.


Immediately after the severe pain, the dagger suddenly slid upwards, cutting a one-meter-long wound on its abdomen.

The blood that was already unstoppable flowed even more violently at this time.



The attacks of the remaining five abyss lords followed closely, and the body of the rapidly recovering god began to break apart again, but the huge impact force directly bombarded the god into its open wound.

The evil spirit entered its belly!

As soon as this thought came out, its consciousness returned directly to the abyss.

The only five abyss lords left in the field couldn't help but gather together, the fear in their eyes undisguised.

Injury for life, no fatal weakness, a clone that is hard to distinguish between real and fake, getting stronger with each fight, super mental strength, and abnormal recovery power.



At this time, the sky suddenly turned scarlet, an extremely terrifying aura spurted out crazily, and the surrounding natural elements suddenly began to collapse.

Big scarlet eyes appeared in the void, and their eyes were full of negative emotions, as if some kind of evil was peering into the outside world.

Around the eyes, eyelashes were waving unconsciously, like crazy tentacles, giving people an ultimate sense of fear.

[You have entered the extremely evil realm of the White Plague, and your sanity value is reduced by 5% every second. When your sanity value is reduced to 80%, all your attributes are reduced by 5%, and your health is dropped by 1% every second. When your sanity value is lower than At 30%, your body will become extremely evil. Please stay away from the extremely evil realm quickly. 】


"Damn it! You've made my city lord awesome!"

"Damn it! When can we explode this boss? Why is it so exciting?"

The players who passed by and rushed to the battlefield below all burst out with exclamations of exclamation. They endured the inexplicable disgust and a strange feeling of nausea in their hearts and ran away.

They even used the magic power in their bodies, and their legs almost left the afterimage.

In the sky, those eyes lowered lower and lower.

After the demon ape's body remained still for a moment, it exploded instantly.

The white plague, with his bare upper body and tattered trousers, and his scarlet eyes gradually overlapping those of the eyes in the sky, appeared in everyone's sight.

[You killed the mutation lord: Abyss Demon Ape.]

[Your dark side rises to the golden level. 】

[Your extremely evil will is refreshed, now.]

[You have awakened your specialty: extremely evil field. 】

[The charm value of your dark side reaches -11. 】

[You gain optional expertise ×1. 】

[Extremely Evil Domain: Malice is accomplished. In this domain, all your attributes are +10%, and the enemy drops 1%~5% of their sanity value every second.

When the sanity value drops to 80%, the health value will be reduced by 1% every second, and all attributes will be -5%. When the enemy's sanity value drops to 30%, the enemy's sanity will be judged to have collapsed, and extreme evil will erode the enemy. His body fell into extreme evil! 】

Bai Bian's eyes glowed red, and an extreme sense of oppression swept across the city. The power of the domain extended unbridled forward, but avoided the city behind.

Standing over the city without walls, he seemed to have ensured the absolute safety of the city.

It tilted its head slightly and looked at a lion with three faces and no mane.

The abyss lord's heart skipped a beat, and his sanity dropped crazily.

It has fear in its heart.

The abyss lords who were no more than ten meters away from it looked at this powerful man who had reached the same level with disbelief in their eyes.

"Why isn't it a god? How can it still be rational?"

A giant with three heads and six arms asked in a trembling voice. The aura belonging to the abyss was gushing out from his body, but it was suppressed by this extremely evil realm, allowing the power of the abyss to only flow on its surface.

In each of its huge eyes, the fear in its heart became more and more intense. The emotion that should not appear in the heart of a demigod was now growing like crazy.

The other abyss lords are not far behind. In the abyss, except for the true god-level lords, these demigod lords have no confidence in facing the evil gods.

What's more, it is a body cultivated with a trace of consciousness and a part of flesh and blood.

The lion kept retreating, its huge body trembling unconsciously. It wanted to run, but it knew that as long as it turned around, it might be killed instantly.


The buzzing sound in the space sounded, and the sense of crisis in the lion's heart reached an extreme.

Before it could react, a fist had already penetrated his spine.


Hysterical roars sounded, and extremely terrifying power erupted.


The power of the abyss spread, but the next moment a lion's head with three faces was torn off instantly.


The extremely evil will was refreshed, and the extremely terrifying power was superimposed again. All attributes of White Plague now surpassed the ancient god Sirsis in the nightmare world.


Bloody tentacles exploded on the man's naked body, dancing unconsciously.

Bai Bing casually threw away the lion's head. Under the frightened eyes of the abyss lord whose sanity was declining, Bai Bing reached out and pressed the tentacles back. His eyes passed between them and looked at the two beings who were rushing towards this side. .


The ground was trembling, and the 186-A, which was in tatters and with electric arcs flashing everywhere, hit the ground hard. The huge tonnage caused the ground to crack and the city to tremble.

[My Lord lived up to his mission, eliminated two legends, seriously injured two legends, and came back alive]

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