Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 217 The highest combat attribute: the sun!

Capital City, Parliament.

The scene in the parliament was different at this time. The parliament, which was originally dominated by Michus, now looked respectfully at a middle-aged man who was not seated.

The muscles on this middle-aged man's body are very well-proportioned. His long black hair hangs down naturally. The beard on his face seems to have not been shaved for a long time. He looks a bit casual and silent.

He looked at the white plague in the picture quietly, and there was some fluctuation in his cold eyes. He turned his head and finally looked at Diane.

"Come with me. I got some good results from this trip. Those boys are already waiting for you at the teacher's place."

As he spoke, without even looking at the congressmen, he turned around and walked out unhurriedly.

Diane was a little surprised and glanced at Bai Bian's projection hesitantly. She stood up and followed the middle-aged man's footsteps, and responded in a low voice: "Yes, Lord Luomen."

After Diane and the middle-aged man disappeared completely, the congressmen breathed a sigh of relief.

Michus stroked his beard and said relaxedly: "Is it almost done? Other border towns also need support, let them sweep them over."

The other congressmen looked at each other, their eyes more or less solemn and relaxed. What was relaxed was that the legendary berserker Luo Men didn't care about reforms or some of their divisions that might be easy to see.

What this person currently wants to do is fulfill the Juggernaut's wishes and do his best to extend the Juggernaut's life.

He will completely ignore the others.

Of course, if this person wants to give some orders, they will not resist at all, because this person has a very bad temper.

If you don't want to die, it's best to bow your head and surrender.

And what they felt just now made them feel happy, that is, the berserker Luomen also broke through due to the recovery of magic power, and is now a sixth-level berserker. This is a great strengthening for the entire federation!

The solemn look in their eyes was because of White Epidemic, and the power he had shown so far posed a strong threat to the MPs.

If those 500 modified creatures were dropped into the capital city instead of the enemy's base camp, in Luomen's absence, the Sword Master would be forced to take action and be directly consumed.


They can kill all these madmen, but the capital will be gone, and their industry will be almost gone.

Just like the spokesperson of the Ancient God in the picture now, he was killing these five hundred people with all his strength, but more and more of his soldiers were dying.

Sometimes personal power can determine everything.

What is the reason why the councilors agreed to Diane, but have not issued an order for a long time, and are still discussing the laws slowly?

The wait is now. They will only wait for one week, one week after the reform is announced from Tobu City.

For example, in Diane's first wave of operations, when she found a supporter, it would always take a day or two to persuade her.

And during these times, if the congressmen behind the discussion do not come up with a result, then those top geniuses will not agree.

The purest among them is the half-elf. Elves are always purer than humans.

After the general trend is formed, if Tobu City cannot produce enough power to change the law, then the Federation will also change the law, but this time the reform will not be according to the kind of reform Tobu City has, but according to what they have discussed privately.

And reorganize the federation to use the maximum resources to provide these top talents in the capital.

If Tobu City does have the power to reform, then the federation will still be re-divided, but the reform will be based on Tobu City's reforms and the reforms discussed in the past few days.

The left and right are just members of Congress re-dividing the interests of the entire federation.

"Okay. The Federation does need rapid stability. Just let those people shut up." The head of the Renchu ​​family nodded.

The other members had no objections. A golden virtual sword slowly appeared in the middle of the parliament, and the sword pressed down.

Suddenly, in the capital, more and more elite soldiers trotted towards the teleportation array from each huge mansion and law enforcement team, and a more massive purge began.

It doesn't matter that more than a million of the so-called rebels have died now. Those beings without talents are just a part of the Federation in the eyes of the Congress and nothing more.

"Reports from Bei'an City, Hexiang City, Qiyun City, Biyue City and other cities reported that the rebels' minerals and some unique resources were plundered! And the plunderer was still moving down at an incredible speed. Rush to a certain place.”

A communications soldier said cautiously, with a thin layer of sweat appearing on his forehead.

The congressmen were stunned for a moment, and then Lott Zheng Quan thought of something and twitched the corner of his mouth: "What are the characteristics of that predator?"

The soldier's head lowered and his voice trembled: "Only the man from Dongwu City can control the power of extreme filth at will."

Congressmen, look at me and I look at you. They are all speechless. Are you here to pick peaches?

Michus couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and waved his hand feebly: "Go down."

He sighed and suggested: "Let's first see if the pressure in the border town is too great. If not, let someone guard it."


At this time, the lawmakers have never been so united, passing a proposal in one second.


Tobu City.

The players were only less than twenty kilometers away from those monsters, but they did not continue to move forward because the battle ahead was too huge.

Every hit from those monsters that appeared out of nowhere was a terrifying AoE. They had an intuition that they would be instantly killed by those monsters now and in the past.

But players are always players, especially with such a large number of players. Although most of them have stopped, there are still many who rush forward. No one even needs to organize. The battle between players and monsters is about to begin.

Bai Bian looked at the battle ahead with relief in his eyes. He stayed in the Kingdom of Night for a total of eight days. The flow of time there was half that of the outside world. During these eight days.

Five Hundred Crazy Blooms is already the limit, because this transformation has a requirement, it must be a silver-level carrier to barely withstand this power.

And it consumes a lot of resources. Five hundred frantic transformations require about three million gold coins and materials for each one.

There are not many materials left that he asked people to buy. Various factors combined have limited the number of modified weapons, but these are enough.

And because of this super high-level transformation, his level has also reached [64], and he will be promoted to sixty-five at any time.

But the experience value required for level 65 has reached eight million, which is almost the terrifying experience value of level one plus one million.

However, this does not seem to be as difficult as imagined for the alchemist.


"Overthrow the evil rule of the White Plague and take back our rights!"

Faint shouts were heard, and a long-planned rebellion instantly started in the inner city.

Bai Bing just looked back and didn't bother to pay attention. If it were in a world without extraordinary beings, then this kind of rebellion would be fatal indeed, and Bai Bing would not be stupid enough to start reforms at this time.

But now there is an extraordinary world, where individual power is greater than the power of the group, it is just rebellion.

boom! boom! boom!

Neat footsteps began to sweep away the moment the rebels appeared. The Apocalypse Legion never left the city, and the treatment given to the Legion by the White Plague was enough to make them ignore the impact of this reform.

Their military salary is more than ten times that of other legions. This legion was also the only legion that no one chose to leave when the reform first appeared.

This legion does not have lower-rank and middle-rank bronze soldiers, but the upper-rank bronze soldier has a monthly salary of 3,000 gold coins.

Silver has a low of 8,000, a middle of 15,000, and a high of 50,000.

Who could refuse the money? Even if the White Plague is the most severe regiment against the Apocalypse Legion, and their elimination rate even reaches 15%, it does not prevent them from being enthusiastic about such high military pay.

Therefore, anyone may hope that Tobu City will fall, but now, civilians, legions and officials are the ones who least want Tobu City to fall.

And it is enough for a city to have these people!

Sifu has reached level 48 in one year. Although he is not the strongest among the Apocalypse Legion, he still has some power as a legion commander.

He touched the sword in his hand, looked at the rebels who were smashing them, and said calmly: "Kill, no one will be spared!"

His voice spread throughout half of the inner city, and fear and madness appeared in the eyes of the rebels. Most of them were wealthy businessmen in the inner city. They could not accept that kind of reform. Under the call of some people, they wanted to make their voices heard.

Or maybe they wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but what they didn't expect was that even though the situation outside was so grim, the Apocalypse Army did not leave and hid in Qingyu's station.


Behind Sifu, officers and soldiers drew their weapons and attacked the rebels in an instant.

There is currently no gold among the people in Tow City, but who can defeat the well-equipped Apocalypse Legion in silver?


As Barrett's voice sounded, the Apocalypse Legion's massacre of these rebels began instantly.

The number of monsters outside the city is getting smaller and smaller, but the number of Frantic Blooms that are still roaring is also decreasing accordingly.

However, whenever those ancient gods' favored ones or abyss lords were unable to kill them with one blow, Madness Bloom could always burst out with extremely powerful power, and could even crush the relatively weak gods' favored ones and abyss lords at one time.

The only disadvantage is that it cannot last long and cannot be prepared too far in advance. Within ten days, the frantic soul will definitely explode in the depression, and after an explosion, their soul will decline and their life will come to an end.

But White Blight doesn't care about this. If those God's Favorites and Abyss Lords ambush him somewhere, he might be a little more wary.

But this kind of head-on collision is the favorite fighting method of alchemists and mages.

Even if Taboo, the alchemist sage of the Federation of Stars, dares to say in advance when he will attack the Federation of Stars, then Taboo will never leave the Federation of Stars alive.

The time given to the mage or alchemist to prepare is the worst decision the enemy has ever made.

As the last bloom ahead exhausted itself in the roar, it died in the roar.

The player army and the monster tide collided instantly.

But there is an upper limit to the level of players, and there are not many golds in those monster legions. Those are the deputies of the ancient god kingdom or the abyss lord.

They are insurmountable existences for players, but in such a vast battlefield, these existences were massacred by Madness Bloom just now.

The remaining power now seems unable to achieve real massacre.

And in the sky above those terrifying beings, majestic beings, either scarred or full of murderous intent, were hanging in the air, staring in the direction of Tobu City.

Bai Ying counted the numbers and found a very strong lineup, four legendaries, one at the third level and three at the first level.

Among them, two of the first level are abyss lords, one is the favored one of the ancient gods, and the strongest one is the favored one of the Scarlet Lord.

This also shows that the power that the ancient gods can project to Shia has reached the legendary level, and the abyss lord is growth-type, and there are not many restrictions. However, before the sword master went to the Star Federation, he once targeted the aliens outside the four major border cities. There has been a major cleaning in the transformation area.

Later, Luomen was constantly cleaning up these abnormal areas, which led to a scene where the power of the abyss was weaker than the power of the ancient gods.

The seventeen gold-level and lowest-level abyss lords have all reached level seventy-seven, which is the same level as Eric.

Each of these can put pressure on the dark side of White Plague in a duel.


Bai Bian has no intention of challenging them in a duel, and his current advantage still lies with him.

Bai Bian showed a smile on his face, stamped his feet, and said softly: "Show me your face."


The walls of Tobu City began to tremble, stones fell rustlingly, and a very special aura began to rise, causing all the powerful beings who were preparing to erase the players to freeze with their eyes a little horrified.

The height of the White Plague was rapidly increasing, and soon a huge three-hundred-meter-tall mecha appeared behind the three legions.

Although this exposed the outer city behind him, no one thought this was a dangerous move.

"March to support the wonders!"

Bai Bian's calm voice fell, and 70,000 people under him instantly drew their weapons and began to rush towards the vast battlefield dozens of kilometers away.

The Wucheng Army with the lowest Bronze rank and the Transformed Legion with the lowest Silver rank march towards the battlefield at an incredible speed. Within ten minutes, they will tear apart the legion in front.

Among them, ten behemoths more than six meters high have rushed into the tide of monsters. They burst out with roars belonging to the transformed soldiers, targeting the golden lower and middle positions that were being slaughtered in the group of players.

With the support of high-end combat power, players instantly became more confident.

As a strange bugle spread across the battlefield, the blood of both male and female players began to boil.

In such a vast battlefield, the player's front stabilized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to push back to a certain extent.

Bai Bing stood in the air and said with a smile: "Try to kill those four legends. Be careful and come back if you can't hold on."

【Obey! 】

As the mecha under Bai Bian made a deafening mechanical sound, an even greater force suddenly appeared, and endless firelight surrounded the mecha at this moment.

The mechanical sound made those strong men change their expressions.

[Attribute conversion successful, highest combat attribute: Sun! 】

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