Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 215 Teleportation array, activated!

There are more and more players online in Tobu City. Even some players who had real things to do, as long as they were not important, gave up those things and chose to go online to take on tasks.

Players from other border towns who had not yet participated in the war all ran towards the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is free for all extraordinary people during wartime, which is tantamount to increasing the circulation rate of players.

In just an instant, the number of players in Tobu City exceeded one million, and everyone was waiting behind the closed city gate for the arrival of the terrifying wave of mutations hundreds of kilometers away.


Before Wei Brigade and Xiahou Fuxing could scream in surprise, the war medals they wore on their chests buzzed softly.

At the same time, their panels light up again.

[Players who participated in the Battle of Tobu City will have their killing merit doubled and this will last until the end of the war. 】

F*ck! Xiahou Fuxing suddenly exclaimed, and then his heart began to get excited.

There are really good things that can be exchanged for this meritorious service, such as the silver-level Barrett.

The power of that thing has far exceeded the upper limit of players, not to mention the L-shaped transformation and M-shaped transformation, which is quite attractive to players.

Barrage: [Fuck! 】×n

Barrage: [Tell my mother-in-law that I won’t visit you today. Let’s buy a house first! 】

Various happy subtitles circulated on the barrage, but the most popular ones were to urge the game company to quickly open more quotas.

After all, no matter what, even if there are more players and the currency depreciates, this is still a game that can move bricks!

But the guard's eyes were full of solemnity. Looking at the black wave that was getting closer and closer, he said solemnly: Let's go back to the city first. This war in Dongwu City will be very difficult.

Players are gathering. A million undead army. Why are you afraid of these tens of millions of monsters? Demacia didn't care. He felt that his blood was boiling. Even if he faced a scene like a huge wave, he wanted to go in and rush in. wave.

See for yourselves.

Amidst the buzzing, the Wei Brigade also had to increase the volume, and then sent them the news about Nanling City in the player forum.

[A war mission also appeared in Nanling City! The tide of beasts and mutations is coming! 】

In the surprised eyes of Demacia and Xiahou Fuxing, Wei Brigade said with certainty: The surge in the number of players in Tobu City means that the number of players in the other three border cities has decreased, and the bosses in this world are not the kind that have no power. Brain.

In addition, the Internet is easy for others to spy on. This war may not only be Tobu City, but also a war between the four major border towns, but the most difficult one is Tobu City.

The guard brigade said with solemn eyes: If those ancient god kingdoms are paying attention to Dawn, not only Nanling City, but also other cities will soon hear the news.

Perhaps it was a prophecy. As soon as he finished his words, many posts were updated again in the player forum and the Alchemy Magic Network. These posts were densely packed with various monsters. It seemed that the Federation's network not only gave convenience to its own people, It also gave convenience to the enemy.

“Tsk, this network lacks a real-name system.”

Amidst the buzzing, Demacia said and looked at the two of them: Then let's go back?

Let's go. The network still needs to be upgraded. At least it cannot be seen directly by outsiders. But this is difficult. There is an extraordinary world. Fingerprints, pupils, and even DNA are not absolute. Just like the rose in the night, even if we stand in front of us, we I can’t tell whether he is genuine or not.”

Wei Brigade said, preparing to click the offline button, but suddenly, the densely packed monsters in front began to make strange movements.

The densely packed monsters spread crazily, extending infinitely to the front, back, left, and right. In just an instant, the already boundless tide of monsters gave people an even more shocking feeling.

Before they had any questions.

The unique supersonic roar sounded in the sky, and a missile with tail flames had already fallen into the dense group of monsters in front of them the moment they saw it.


A loud explosion sounded, and a huge fireball rose in the distance. A large number of monsters were directly vaporized, clearing a huge area of ​​seven kilometers in diameter.

Like a chain reaction, before the big fireball ended, the roar in the sky resounded throughout the world.

Missiles trailed long tail flames and began carpet bombing.

The impact points of these missiles were extremely precise, covering all the fields of vision in front of the three people in an instant.

Holy shit... a nuclear strike?

Demacia couldn't help but murmured as she watched the flames that resembled mushroom clouds being torn apart by the shock waves of other missiles.

Boom boom boom.

The missiles are getting denser and denser, and fire can now be seen in distant places that were originally invisible. Each fire may represent the death of thousands to tens of thousands of monsters.

I feel there is some danger here, so I will withdraw first. Xiahou Fuxing swallowed and decisively clicked offline.

The other two looked at each other with the same look, fearing that the next missile would land at their feet.

boom! boom! boom.

The missiles still did not stop bombing after they left.

For each missile that can reach a diameter of seven kilometers, a legion stretching for hundreds of kilometers does not seem to be particularly large.

The fire became more and more dazzling.

Finally at a certain moment, a patch of scarlet appeared, dyeing the sky with blood.

Missiles began to be detonated in the air.

The shocking shock wave destroyed the mountain peak they were on just now.

On a scarlet throne, an extremely beautiful woman appeared on the huge throne carried by a monster. She just looked calmly ahead, but the extremely terrifying legendary atmosphere spread throughout the entire area.

Speed ​​up



In a sea of ​​stars, Luo Ning suddenly opened his golden eyes and said in a solemn voice.

The alchemist who was frantically debugging the missile impact data suddenly stopped.

What's wrong?

Eric's eyes looked at Luo Ning very softly, and his tone couldn't help but soften.

Top-level precognitive potential is very rare and has never appeared at all in Daybreak's history of more than a thousand years. This is the first time.

So when Sabo said that Luo Ning was there, he came over without hesitation.

There is a legend that blocked the bombing of missiles. Only when two or more missiles are launched from the same place can it break through the blockade, because it detonates the missile in the air.

The visions around Luo Ning rotated faster and faster, and there was a bit of fatigue in his golden eyes: Moreover, there are many forces preventing me from peeking, and it is difficult for me to calculate the landing point.

Eric frowned: It's okay, don't force it, you can just wait until they are almost here before starting.

The gold in Luo Ning's eyes suddenly bloomed with stronger brilliance, and the power of the surrounding stars quickly arranged. She immediately said: There is something polluting the obstruction, continue!

The alchemists received the order, immediately adjusted the coordinates without any vision at all, and then pressed the launch button.

Suddenly there was a huge roar, and the hum of missiles quickly began to move away, rapidly bombing the monster group that was less than 300 kilometers away.

At this time, the outer city gate could already begin to see the approaching scarlet in the distance.

Especially those exploding intercontinental missiles, like the roar of thunder.

Coupled with the wave of monsters that can be vaguely seen, it has brought extremely strong pressure to the people of Tobu City.

At this time, outside Tobu City, the scarlet in the sky quickly turned into a dark color, exuding a little filthy air.

Sabo stood above these filthy atmospheres, his eyes thoughtful. This war seemed to be more difficult than he expected.

It seems that the ancient god has a greater influence on the world than he imagined.


There was a strong roar, and a missile passed not far away from him, hitting the Scarlet Throne far below.

The foul smell in the sky did not block the missile, and even prevented the Scarlet Power from detonating the missile in the air.

The missile fell instantly at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Hambuna, who was below on the Scarlet Throne, narrowed her eyes slightly. She couldn't understand the filthy things in the sky. They seemed to be very high-end.

It's also like some kind of existence that specifically restrains her power.

This made her feel very unhappy.

A fair hand with bright red nails was raised, and the missile coming towards her stopped for an instant.

As she clenched her fist slightly, the missile with a speed of Mach 30, or ten kilometers per second, was wrapped in scarlet power, and then detonated directly in mid-air.


The huge explosion energy instantly penetrated the scarlet power, and endless fire bloomed in the sky like a sun.

The unstoppable fire instantly cleared away a large area of ​​creatures from the Kingdom of Ancient Gods, but because they were now dispersed enough, the damage was not as huge as imagined.

Hambuna narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the broken wine glass in her hand, and said calmly: There is something on it that blocks my power. Find a way to destroy it.

As soon as he finished speaking, an even more evil aura suddenly erupted, and a purple tiger with a height of tens of meters and long wings stepped out of the void.

He roared into the sky, and the terrifying abyssal aura suddenly began to erupt.

Purple is colliding with the forces of absolute filth.

Boom boom boom.

But while it was clearing the cloud of absolute filth, more missiles penetrated the realm of absolute filth and smashed crazily at the dispersed but still dense group of monsters.

This time it wasn't fire. Endless thunder rose into the sky, instantly defeating many of the abyssal forces. Some missiles even fell into the abyssal forces in the sky with great accuracy.

At the moment when it was detonated by the power, the violent power of the thunder emptied a large area of ​​the abyss power, before the abyss power could be restored.

More missiles fell, and electric light began to fill the earth. Hundreds of thousands of monsters fell in the electric current, turning into a ball of coke.

It seemed that this gap was an opportunity. Nearly one hundred and fifty intercontinental missiles with different coordinates glided fiercely in the sky in a perfect arc.

Trying to cover all the monsters, but at this moment, majestic figures appeared above these monsters.

A total of a dozen twisted or evil beings stretched out their hands at the same time, and Sabo's expression suddenly changed in the sky.

He was a little helpless and murmured: What a pity.

The absolute filth on his body suddenly erupted, and part of the combined power of the Ancient God's Favored Ones began to collapse, while the remaining part wiped out the extreme filth in an instant.

Boom boom boom.

The entire sky was now wrapped in thunder, flames, and ice, forming an incredible canopy.

A small part of the missiles instantly fell to the ground, erupting with enough power to wipe out a first-order legend and clearing out a large area of ​​monsters.

The monsters below were advancing faster and faster, and Tobu City had appeared at the end of their sight.

Boom boom boom.

The second round of salvo followed. The expressions of the ancient gods' favored ones and the abyss lords below changed slightly, and they tried to block it again. However, this time the missiles fell extremely quickly, and the sky was filled with the power of various missiles to block them.

It seems that it is not so easy to win this time.

Hambuna's scarlet eyes were somewhat solemn, and the scarlet power appeared at low altitude, instantly detonating more than fifty missiles.

The remaining power of the Ancient God's Favored followed closely behind, intercepting these powers to the maximum extent, but there was still some power that broke through their obstruction and acted on the still boundless group of monsters.

But now the monster army can only see the city, and the casualties have exceeded three million. The power of the missiles has an extremely huge impact on the war.

Han Buna waited quietly for a while and saw that the city's missiles did not continue to take off.

She glanced at the crazy or weird aura around her, and her figure gradually dimmed.

The existence of these interceptor missiles also disappeared at this time. They were still a little afraid of the power of the Sword Master. They would only use high-end power from the enemy if it appeared.

The rest is hidden. If this attack really makes the sword master angry, then it's easy to run away, right?

The densely packed monsters are now less than two hundred kilometers away from Tobu City.

This is a very close distance, and the distorted and crazy aura of the monsters is about to envelope Tobu City, making this huge city look extremely small in front of the tide of these monsters.

Sabo returned to the outer city area of ​​the East Gate, looking at the group of monsters that were still scattered and vaguely surrounding Tobu City on three sides, with something about to move in his eyes.

He glanced at the sense of peeping from the West City Gate, and he knew that there was a group of old guys in the capital watching here.

These old guys have too much power.

Tobu City's reform was not just talk. In his expectation, even if it was Tobu City's own reform, it would have to show enough power to attract the attention of the federation in order to be successful.

It may not even be possible to succeed, but as long as Bai Ying agrees, then Sabo will understand what Bai Ying means.

They develop their own, and if the Federation really wants to hinder it, then Tobu City may become independent of the Federation.

And he also guessed Bai Bian's trump card. The Federation of Stars is a force that cannot be ignored, and Bai Bian will come up with a satisfactory answer.

Sabo looked back and saw that the players in the city had begun to make noises. In the live broadcasts of some players outside the city, they could already see monsters. Players and legions that almost filled the entire Dongcheng District were also eager to try.

But the monster army of more than 7 million was not something they could resist for the time being. Sabo looked back and was a little confused. The number of missiles had not been sent out yet. Why.

He took out his cell phone, and before he could say anything, a spatial fluctuation appeared next to him.

Bai Bian, dressed in black and with a calm expression, appeared on the wall of the east city gate.

At this time, the outside army was less than fifty kilometers away from Dongwu City.

Oh, my friend, you finally showed up. You really missed me. So I'll leave this place to you. Your somewhat naive little lady has made the Federation a little uneasy. I need to get some things that used to have owners. Now, Something that the owner is not clear about yet.”

This is really a money-picking feast. Do it beautifully, my friend. Those old guys seem to be participating too. Hey, why can't they all be stupid and naive?

With that said, Sabo's figure disappeared.

Bai Bian's eyes flashed slightly. He bent down to arrange something, and his calm voice spread throughout Dongcheng District: Open the city gate and line up outside the gate.



A thunderous response sounded, and the heavy city gate of Dongwu City began to open, and the players, Qingyu, and Wucheng Army instantly poured out of the city gate.

The players would not listen to orders and had already run towards the monster group fifty kilometers away. However, the 40,000 Wucheng Army and 30,000 Qingyu Army were neatly lined up at the door, quietly looking at the boundless front. crowd.

The war is about to begin.

As for what the Federation thinks, White Plague no longer cares.

The federation will always be helpful to him. It can even be said that the federation has trained him, so he is willing to play with the federation.

Then it depends on whether the congressmen will follow suit. If the [Grassroots Reform Plan] is sent to Diane, isn't it sent to Michus?

Michus will understand the necessity of reform. As for the Federation not following, then Tobu City will do it itself.

Unless the Sword Master comes in person, how can they stop the White Plague?

His current strength may not be enough to be unscrupulous, but it is not an ovary that will shatter at a touch.

When the layout of the violent teleportation array in front of him was completed, he rubbed his brows tiredly.

Smiling, he bowed slightly to the prying eyes of the west city gate.

The power of the devil's dimension flashed slightly, and a confused Baiyin subordinate was already standing on the teleportation array.

Convey magic power, teleportation array, start!

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