Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 210 The First Deity-attached Dependent

Eric was a little helpless: Just think about it yourself.

He stood up, put his hands behind his back and looked at the crowds coming and going in the distance. At least Tobu City in the inner city was more alive.

He paused, with some hesitation in his eyes.

At this time, some scattered drizzle began to fall from the sky. Now it is March, and spring rains are always more frequent, giving this bustling border town a sense of story.


As soon as Eric opened his mouth, he paused again, and then seemed to be relieved: Don't worry, do it, I am an old man, I still have some face in this federation.

After saying that, his figure faded and disappeared into the drizzle.

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. He looked at the scene in Dongwu City and was in a daze for a while. He stood up and disappeared.

The drizzle in the sky fell next to him, but it couldn't touch him.

The crowd around them didn't pay attention to the rain, but occasionally complained a little when some mud stained their robes.

It seems time to create a Department of Sanitation.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian's figure flickered in the street, and he understood a lot about arcane magic.

The skill of space penetration gives him a thorough understanding of space.

Arcana is not so much a system as it is the truth of all things.

This system will definitely be bigger than mages and alchemists in the future.

Because it really relies on knowledge to leverage the extraordinary. For example, if a gold-level arcane master has never learned the knowledge of fire, even though he is already gold-level, he can't even cast a fireball.

If you want to cast a fireball, you must learn about flames and understand this knowledge.

As long as they understand the principles of fireball and the rules of fire, the power they erupt will crush the mage's fireball.

Every time Bai Bian took a step, he walked a long distance. In almost no time, he arrived at the east gate of the outer city.

The soldiers here did not take shelter from the rain. Instead, they moved some rain-shielding equipment to the city wall and continued to look outside intently.

Except for the Whispering Legion, the other three legions have already started a knockout round, and those who left cried loudly.

Because such a high-paying job is really hard to find, and the resources are very abundant.

For example, gold-level weapons that cannot be purchased outside will be yours as long as you have enough military merit.

But that's the initial tone. Only through constant rotation can we find stronger and better soldiers.

My lord.

A loud sound from another dimension sounded, and the soldiers not far away showed no reaction at all.

Bai Bian asked softly: How are you doing lately?

It feels better than ever, but my lord, I really want to break free of that restraint. It makes me very uncomfortable and dangerous.

There was a very human displeasure in that voice, and the entire city wall shook.

The soldiers not far away were somewhat accustomed to this kind of vibration, and they still looked at the outside world motionlessly, not daring to relax at all.

Wait a little longer, now is not the time.

Bai Bian said calmly, squatting down and spreading his mental energy to this section of the city wall, feeling something.

As commanded.

After the voice answered, he stopped talking, as if nothing had happened.

After the white plague test was completed, there was a little relaxation in his eyes.

He still attached the Mechanical God to the city-protecting mecha on the east city wall.

Because this divine possession was even more outrageous than he imagined, and it was even as he expected. This was God's method.

For example, this data.

[You created a constant measurement machine, experience value +500. 】

[Name: Constant measuring machinery.

Grade: Silver.

Effect: Strength 100, Agility 100, Endurance 100, Intelligence 100.

Introduction: The test equipment in the lower stage of Silver. If you can defeat it, you are an excellent genius. 】

[You use the mechanical enchantment, and you get the mechanical attachment x 1. 】

[Your highest attribute spirit: 800, the level of the possessed object is silver, increases all attributes of the dependents by 50%, and the spiritual attribute transformation is enabled. 】

[Your dependents obtain the soul of the god, your dependents have souls, and your dependents evolve into mechanical life forms. 】

[Name: Constant testing machinery.

Race: Mechanical life form.

Template: Attached to the gods.

Level: 37.

Personal attributes: Strength 150, Agility 150, Endurance 150, Intelligence 150, Spirit 5, Charm 1, Luck 1.

Skills: Intermediate Fighting, Intermediate Elemental Magic, Intermediate Assassin, Intermediate.

Expertise: Mechanical Possession: You have evolved from an ordinary machine to a mechanical life form, and you can grow through practice.

Possessed Soul: You have absolute loyalty to the possessed soul, and you can awaken the expertise that only living creatures have.

Evaluation: An incredible creation. It can even use magic power to strengthen the steel plates on its body, making the steel plates more advanced. This is simply recreating a race. 】

This is something tested by the White Plague. It can allow machines to evolve into mechanical life forms, and have the growth ability of normal life forms. Whether it is changing body parts or choosing a direction to practice, the corresponding places can be strengthened.

White Plague has tested many things. In addition to the two specialties used for testing, this possessed object will also awaken one or more specialties based on its own characteristics.

That's why Bai Bian finally made up his mind to destroy all the test attached gods, and finally possessed the city-protecting mecha.

And because the level of the city protection mecha is too high, although only 10% of the mecha's attribute points are added.

But there is no doubt that a level 84 mechanical life form has completely stretched Tobu City's security.

This is no longer a city-protecting mecha that can barely stand up to a third-level legend, but a true fourth-level legend.

The most important thing is to grow!

As long as it is there, Tobu City will be impregnable.

This is also the reason why Bai Bing had the confidence to let Saab start reforms even though he knew that the third crisis was coming.

The fourth-level legend, in this timeline, can be considered the top among the entire ancient god forces.

As long as the white plague does not leave the city, for now, those ancient god kingdoms will be like that.

What's more, the level of perfection of this fourth-level legend is even higher than he imagined.

For example, a specialty that even he envied.

[Energy Adaptation: The energy in the body can freely switch all known attributes and initiate a 100% restraint effect on the enemy. 】

Any attribute 186-A can be perfectly restrained. He could not imagine the point at which Tobu City might be broken.

But there was another thing that surprised Bai Bian. The highest authority over the city's protective mecha in the border city should have been in the hands of the city lord of the border city.

There is a prerequisite for this god-possession, which is a machine with absolute control. Originally, everything was normal after he turned on the city lord's authority, and he did successfully possess the god.

But after 186-A obtained its soul, it told White Plague that two forces bound its energy core, which is its current heart.

One comes from the capital, and the other is very vague, but it is always there.

The threat of these two restraints is very great, and can even directly destroy its energy core, giving it a strong sense of crisis.

Bai Bian can think of the purpose of this restraint. Legendary power and machinery may not betray, but the owner of the border city may not, so these powers must be placed in the border city, but some protection is also needed.

The lord of the border city controls this powerful force, but the council can easily destroy these forces.

Fortunately, 186-A now has the ability to break free from these two constraints, but now is not the time.

The council did not tell the lord of the border city about this restriction, perhaps to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

And White Plague has no plans to leave the Federation, so the constraints will always be there, and the relationship between the border city and the capital will always be harmonious.

By the time he reaches Legend, nothing will matter.

Bai Bian looked around the city and went to the city lord's mansion. This was all he did in the past two months.

The reason for looking at 186-A this time is also because of the energy problem. After energy became his core energy, Bai Ying tested various values ​​of 186-A.

Its absorption rate of magic power in the air is now more than a hundred times higher.

In other words, 89% of the energy can be recovered in 3100 natural days.

Now after the upgrade, 100% of the energy can be restored in 30 natural days.

With the assistance of a hundred magic conversion devices, the energy of 186-A after being possessed will start from scratch, and it can be fully charged in 15 days without adding any resources.

This is a terrifying number, and the resilience has increased by more than 200 times compared to the original.

Even scarier than some truly legendary resilience.

If combined with other energy minerals, the time can be further shortened, and with the expertise of [Energy Adaptation], energy of any attribute can be used as energy.

The current data limit is 100% energy recovery within three days.

The highest level of legendary sixth-level judgment skills can be activated.

This is really strong. When White Plague can produce the A-series of city protection mechas, 186-A will definitely have to be replaced. Only then will his combat power be at its peak.

Now the main mission of 186-A is still the same, to defend Tobu City.

White Plague would not summon it at will until it was a matter of life and death.

Let AI record the data. Bai Bing has returned to the city lord's palace, and the remaining two white blights with divine status have not yet found a suitable partner.

Because of the need for [absolute control], fully modified mechanical transformers have been excluded from the list of possessed gods.

For others, wait until you encounter a suitable machine and then enchant it. If that doesn't work, White Plague can also enchant the newly modified Barrett or the Hive.

Just wait until you have a candidate and then destroy the hive and Barrett.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian took out the method of making divine evil and began to study it.

After the third crisis, his soul will undergo a transformation, and then the soul will be able to grow again.

At that time, it will be time to turn the attributes of the dark side into divine attributes.

Of course, this requires strong skills, including methods for transforming the divine bones and estimating the hearts of evil beings.

Therefore, the research direction behind the white epidemic will once again turn to transformation science.

The remaining three special skill points are also prepared to transform the dark side into a god.

All this will have to wait until the third Saint Crisis is over.

Time passed slowly, and the news that Tobu City was going to register residents of Tobu City had been spread. Sabo did not directly release the news that he would improve the treatment of civilians, abolish the happiness blockade and resource blockade.

But because the current bureaucracy in Tobu City is not very loyal.

Sabo's various orders have spread, such as preparing to build houses in the outer city, paving roads in the outer city, and a large number of various vocational schools, and schools in the inner city are also being expanded.

They even built some entertainment facilities that should not exist in the outer city.

Although there is no official explanation of these actions, some can be vaguely guessed.

There have been some not-so-good comments on the Internet.

But because of the popularity of White Epidemic and the filter of genius, this kind of bad remarks have not exploded yet, and it is relatively calm.

Later, the key is to set up outer city taxes, build factories, reduce residents' working hours, increase civilian work income, and establish new laws.

All ordinary people today are being squeezed, and they are most relaxed when they are studying.

Once they reach the age of sixteen and have not yet entered the realm of extraordinary commoners, they need to bend their backs for a few copper coins and live a life of fatigue and numbness.

Therefore, the only way to strengthen the people is to raise wages for all people, reduce working hours, add more diverse jobs, and give them life protection and the dignity they deserve.

With more free time, ordinary civilians will have more time to study, or even work part-time to earn more money to purchase extraordinary knowledge.

But at this point, the pressure on Tobu City came.

Civilian wages have increased and working hours have become shorter = capital consumes more money = capital is not happy.

The common people are getting stronger = wages are higher = capital consumes more money = capital is not happy.

Establish new laws = Extraordinary people have less privileges = Extraordinary people are not happy.

Even if there are more low-level extraordinary people, it means that the value of low-level extraordinary people is being weakened, and even various hidden benefits such as competitiveness will disappear.

This is the real obstacle.

Bai Bian can even foresee the passing of the extraordinary beings in Tobu City, but it doesn't matter.

There is no need for these extraordinary people in the war. With the current treatment of the legions and officials in Dongwu City, it would be better for these people to leave.

Bai Ying discussed with Sabo, and AI Zero was also assisting, trying to take a quick and concise route.

When Tobu City truly develops, he believes that those with vested interests will shut up.

As time passed quickly, the outer city began to rapidly renovate, and a large number of simple but warm houses began to appear.

The construction department and law enforcement teams are expanding crazily, and a large number of players are participating in the construction. It is no exaggeration to say that the outer city area is changing with each passing day.

When about half a month passed, Bai Bian, who was reading a book, was stunned and his eyes relaxed.

A pair of cold hands covered his eyes.

A deliberately changing voice rang in my ears: Guess who I am?

Bai Bian pretended to be thoughtful and asked: Xiao Hong?


Little Green?




Diane slapped Bai Bian on the head, rubbed his face with both hands, and asked viciously: What did you do behind my back?

Bai Bian achieved his goal and smiled relaxedly: Hmm~ It turns out to be Xiao An. I can't even recognize him after not seeing each other for so long.

Tell me first who Xiaohong and Xiaolu are? Diane said fiercely: I couldn't come out on your birthday. I originally planned to celebrate your 20th birthday with guilt, but I didn't expect you...

Bai Bian was stunned. He seemed to be born on March 1st. He had even forgotten that there was such a holiday as his birthday.

Feeling the extremely strong but somewhat cold hands on his face, his non-existent conscience suddenly felt a little painful.

He quickly raised three fingers: I'm just kidding, I'll send four!

I don't believe it, tell me quickly, who are Xiaohong and Xiaolu? Are they elves? Xiaohong is from the Flame tribe, right? Is Xiaolu from the Life tribe? How could you do this?

Bai Ying: With this ability, it would be a pity not to be a law enforcer.

The god named him based on his hair color.

You're really kidding me. I'm teasing you. I'm already in the golden middle. How could I not sense you coming?

Diane stopped rubbing his face, walked up to the front, looked into Bai Bian's eyes, and asked suspiciously, Really?

White plague:.

He spread his hands helplessly: Really, isn't Ms. Elena here? Didn't you let her report my whereabouts? You are stupid and you still don't believe me. How can you believe what I say?

The suspicion on Diane's face disappeared, and he became cheerful again. He sat on the armrest of the mechanical seat, reached out and pinched his face and said seriously: I have told you so many times, I am not stupid!

After saying that, she felt a little embarrassed: Although time has passed, happy birthday to White Epidemic.

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