Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 207 Finger Bone of the Goddess of Life

Extremely evil creatures do not just refer to the race of evil thoughts created by alchemists.

There are some unified standards for extremely evil creatures: extremely high growth potential, irrationality, and a body composed of negative emotions.

A long time ago, there was a creature named Gluttony, and they were the original extremely evil creatures.

The most evil creatures in the back are also represented, some of the evil beings.

God's evil! ! !

Yassen's scarlet pupils shrank sharply, and he could think of where he was feeling uneasy!

This person is trying to obtain the power of the gods. This is crazy, but the threat is very great!

The dense array of six-pointed stars in the sky suddenly erupted, and incomparable terrifying power instantly penetrated the earth, like scattered lights on a stage. All hellish creatures illuminated by the light died instantly, and their souls were wailing.

A ray of magic flashed, and Bai Bian stabbed the hell creature in front of him to death, then slapped it away with a slap.


The huge power dispersed the brilliance of magic.

His eyes were fixed on the demon charging towards him.

There are only ten seconds now, but it should be enough to kill a devil!

Switch out the hunter who is wearing it and wear the title of Hell Hunter.

The scarlet color in Bai Bian's eyes gradually became abnormal. The cooldown time of the skill represented the body's recovery power. Forcibly using the skill many times in a short period of time may cause damage to the body or magic power.

But the white plague at the moment couldn't control that much. In a short period of time, the power of the fifth bloody backstab attached to both eyes.

His vision turned scarlet, and there were cracks in the eyes of his newly recovered head.

Extremely evil spirit!

Slightly lowering his body, when the terrifying figure with almost 700 attributes approached, an even more extreme speed suddenly broke out.

The distance between the two disappeared instantly.

The dagger stabbed Yassen in the abdomen with great precision.

Yasen's pupils shrank sharply. He actually couldn't figure out why every attack by Bai Bian could find the weak spot in his body's energy.

But what he knew was that this blow could not be missed!

The powerful experience of the fighting master caused his body to make movements that were contrary to the human body. The muscles on his body were twitching unnaturally, causing his weaknesses to disappear and his body to twist rapidly.

Mental stagnation!


A blue light enveloped the surroundings, and Bai Fei did not use any power from the light side, nor did he use his newly acquired eight-star title.

Just for some data, and now, a large number of hell creatures are dying rapidly.

He could no longer continue to add strength.

What we need now is to use all our strength to kill this guy within ten seconds!

The mental stagnation of Eight Hundred Spirits instantly caused deep fear to appear in the devil's eyes.

The powerful force in his hands could not break free from this mental shackles in a short time.

The magic power in his body was exploding crazily, and the fists in his hands opened like claws, stretching forward with all their strength, trying to grab this god's neck.

Suddenly, he felt something pulling on his waist.

He cast his gaze downwards as hard as he could, and immediately saw a thin ribbon of soul dragging him closer.

The murderous intent in Bai Bie's eyes became more and more intense, when the tip of the knife was adjusted to almost the same position.

Mental stagnation lifted!

There are seven seconds left on the clock!



The dagger plunges into the devil's weak point.

The terrifying mixed damage exploded instantly, causing the eyes of the devil in front of him to turn bright red, and fear and murderous intent rose in his eyes at the same time.

The claw-like hand inserted directly into Bai Bie's chest and grabbed it fiercely.


There was a sound like a balloon exploding, and a dark red heart was crushed at this moment.

The heart is fatal to any flesh and blood creature, but the devil knows that this may be an exception.

So his current strength of up to 700 and agility of 720 give him absolute speed.

The other hand grabbed Bai Bian's neck and squeezed hard.

The crushing power caused Bai Bie's head to hang back unnaturally, and blood sprayed crazily, staining the devil's body red.

His head and body were only connected by a little flesh, and Bai Plague could even see his own butt.

But this is not important. After the superposition of his attributes just now, although all attributes are still much lower than that of the devil, he is not without the power to fight back.

I don't know when many eyes appeared on his hands.

There was a scarlet mist on these eyes, and traces of cracks gave people an extremely frightening look.

There are six seconds left!

The bloody backstab and the power of the extremely evil spirit made these eyes fixate on the devil's chest. Scans of the panel kept appearing, showing the devil's crazily declining health.

Yassen HP: 30%.

Now malicious kill line: 20%!

Black gaze!

Poison withers, curse attaches, and curse weakens the soul.


A shuddering sense of crisis came over, and the most extreme fear suddenly appeared in Yasen's eyes. The dagger in his abdomen was drawn out at some point and was stabbing his chest.

The extreme speed coupled with this unkillable monster made the devil feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

He wanted to avoid it, but the arm that pierced Bai Bie's chest became an obstacle. Bloody tentacles grew crazily from the fleshy buds and wrapped around his left hand.

Then came the forearms, shoulders, and even the neck. These densely packed tentacles seemed to be integrating Bai Yifei with him.

Even with his burst of speed, he could only retreat with the white plague.

Madness flashed in his eyes, and his other hand frantically cleaned these terrifying tentacles.

He also has an ability that only explodes when he dies, which is the protection from the devil and the protection from God.

When this ability is triggered, it is the death of the monster in front of you!


The sound of a knife entering flesh was heard.

Yasen's health: 10%9%8%

Kill with malicious intent!


The dagger still inserted in Yasen's body trembled violently, and the various malice superimposed on Bai Bian's body, the malice that was about to erode his soul, suddenly subsided at this moment.

The looming shadow of a huge ferocious beast gave the hell an absolute sense of threat.

I don’t know if Bai Bian saw it wrong, but a scarlet eye on the handle of the Blade of Evil opened, but it only closed for a moment.

The devil's hand that was trying to cut off the tentacle suddenly froze.

The whole body also became extremely stiff.

The hand that stabbed into Bai Bie's chest was released by the dense tentacles.

These tentacles were waving unconsciously, like some indescribable thing. Under the control of a will, the tentacles waving around turned into the filling of his body, straightening Bai Bie's head, filling it into the disappeared neck, and Among the internal organs that had been completely destroyed.

Bai Bian pulled out the dagger and took a step back. The devil's body staggered slightly, and he slowly fell back without even a last word.

His eyes shed tears of blood at some point, and an aura of extreme resentment broke out in him.


In the sky, a huge eye appeared, and purple light enveloped the devil.

This force was so huge that Bai Bian even felt a strong sense of suppression.

[Devil's Guard: When the health value is lower than 1%, it becomes invincible for 5 seconds and recovers 100% health value within five seconds.

Cooling time: 365 natural days. 】

He did not forget the devil's specialty and stared at the purple light.

The power on his body was decreasing rapidly, and a large number of gold-eating insect cones appeared around him. At the same time, the eight-star title Soul Master was also worn, and malicious deception appeared.

White plagues with no flaws appeared around them, surrounding them with a purple halo.

He held the extremely evil blade in his hand and prepared for a stronger battle.


The effects of the extremely evil will are coming to an end.

But at this moment, it was clear that the power of the devil's guardian was still frantically venting his sense of existence, but his extremely evil will was refreshed.

At the same time that a large number of prompts came on, a huge and unfamiliar memory was trying to enter his mind.

Bai Bian was impatient and prepared to crush it with his soul, but the next moment he was stunned. This part of his memory

[You used Bloody Backstab, Extremely Evil Spirit, and Malice to cause killing damage to Devil Yasen. Devil Yasen's soul has died. 】

[You leapfrogged and killed the legendary boss Demon Yasen. The experience value was +700,000. Due to the large level gap, the experience value was +300%, and you gained 2,100,000 experience points.

BOSS bonus: experience value +700000, skill point +5, attribute point +5.

BOSS bonus: Special skill point +1.

Gain additional experience points +700000.

Beyond-level BOSS bonus: Dark side optional expertise +1. 】

[Your dark side kills the legendary BOSS, with strength +8, agility +10, endurance +5, and intelligence +15. 】

[You inflict fatal injuries to the legendary BOSS, and the scarlet magic blade recovers 30% of its health. 】

[Due to too many kills, your charm value is -2, and your current charm value is -9. 】

[You gain part of the legendary BOSS’s memory, and your contract science advances to the master level. 】

[Your extremely evil will is used to plunder part of the power of the legendary BOSS, and your intelligence is temporarily +50, lasting ten seconds. 】

[The growth rate of your extremely evil blade: 5%. 】



Bai Bian staggered slightly, half-knelt on the ground, the dagger sank into the ground, and pinched the center of his brow with his other hand.

Knowledge, this is an extremely huge amount of knowledge, and there are some messy things in it that will take him a certain amount of time to process.

However, Bai Bian also understood the power of the Extremely Evil Blade and Evil Thought Slash at this moment.

This knife only cuts the mind, not the body.

In other words, it doesn't matter how many stages of bosses there are. As long as the value of malicious killing is reached, they will all die from malicious killing.

[Malicious Kill (unique): When the target's health is less than 10%, the next attack of the Extremely Evil Blade will extract a lot of malice from your dark side, causing a mind-killing effect.

Cooling time: 30 natural days. 】

The consciousness is gone. What is the use of the body?

The white plague raised its head with difficulty, and the surrounding white plague shadows disappeared. At the same time, the gold-eating insect cone also disappeared into the void.

A large number of memories in his mind are being processed and eliminated quickly, and the useless parts are being shattered. However, he is not yet able to be so precise, so in fact, some of the knowledge is also erased.

His eyes were still full of cracks at this moment, which was the price of continuously using bloody backstabs.

With broken eyes, he looked at the devil who was still breathing and without any injuries on his body, his eyes full of peace.

The devil is dead, but not dead either.

His body was still alive, the vitality preserved by the Devil's Guardian specialty, but he had no soul.

And without a soul, his body will die soon.

Bai Bian closed his eyes and stood up reluctantly.

Feeling something, his eyes turned sharply, showing extreme malice. He held the dagger behind his back, and his figure gradually faded away.

Wait, wait, wait. My dear Lord City Lord, I am one of my own, my own.

In the midst of nothingness, Sabo suddenly appeared. He raised his hands and explained quickly in a panic.

There was some surprise and amazement in his eyes. He didn't expect that he could be discovered even close to him. Sure enough, the power of the evil god was no worse than that of the evil god.

Bai Yi paused, the space penetration was cancelled, the dagger in his hand disappeared, and his broken eyes stared at the devil.

At this time, the breath of the devil's body also slowly disappeared.


A force of rules came, and the dead devil's body began to explode things crazily.

This is White Blight's reward for joining the rules of hell. If White Blight wins, he will get everything the devil has.

Soul Crystal Core (Large) × 1, various resources instantly buried the devil's body, but not as many resources as Eugene's.

Eugene is a veteran, but this devil doesn't seem to have that much experience, and it's conceivable that he won't have many resources.

Bai Bian took out a bottle of Sigh of Life and drank it. The neck and internal organs woven by the tentacles quickly recovered.

And Bai Ying could finally breathe at this time.


White Plague's eyeballs are becoming perfect: Next time, don't approach suddenly after the battle.

Bai Bian said calmly, stepped forward, and sent all these resources into the devil's dimension.

Yasen doesn't have the resources of an evil god, and he doesn't have any resources that are too precious. After all, he is a young devil.

But the corpse he left behind is truly a complete legendary material.

It seems that White Plague can add some souls to it, or give it to Diane, which is a good choice.

Bai Bian suddenly paused and looked at the devil's face. He might as well reform it.

I know, but my friend, can you give me the corpse of this devil? This corpse is so perfect, there is no injury at all. Sabo approached carefully, and then said with a smile.

Bai Bian didn't want to talk, so he stretched out his hand to put the body into the devil's dimension to keep it fresh.

Slowing down time eight hundred times allows him to prepare more materials for legendary transformation.

This, I'll trade this with you. This is the only reason why you can't become a god.

But if you use this in exchange, you have to pay me the difference. You know, I never do business at a loss!

Sabo said with a troubled face, and took out a finger bone from an extremely dirty dimension.

This finger bone is full of crystal clear feeling. It is obviously a gloomy white bone, but it gives people a very relaxing power.

The bones of gods, coupled with the bones of forbidden knowledge gods, my friend, your power may undergo transformation. More importantly, these are the bones of the goddess of life!

During the battle between the new gods and the old gods, some evil beings collected the bones of this powerful god.

My friend, you know that the bones of the righteous god can neutralize the evil power in you. The power of the evil god is corroding you, and this can help you.

Sabo's eyes were very sincere. He held a small finger bone in both hands and looked at Bai Bian expectantly.

Seeing Bai Bian's silence, Sabo felt a little distressed in his eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and said, You don't need to make up for it! This finger bone is exchanged for this body!

make a deal!

Bai Bian stepped forward, picked up the crystal clear bone, turned around and left.

Everything around him quickly began to collapse, and hell was withdrawing from this projection.


With heartache in his eyes, he began to collect the devil's body, and an inexplicable thought came to his mind: Damn capitalists!

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