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Chapter 203 Hunting the Evil God?

Saab, before you talk about the devil, I want to know how you are doing now?

Bai Bian's tone was a little solemn: I feel the breath of the evil god in you?

My dearest friend, don't you believe me anymore? Sabo's face froze, and then he said in an extremely grandiose manner: Don't worry, I am also from Shia, and I prefer us to being squeezed by God. Cooperation between!

Bai Bian said calmly: It's not that I don't believe you, otherwise I wouldn't have handed over Dongwu City to you.

But the Lady of the Night a week ago, her power shocked the whole of Shia. Although the evil gods are not as good as the Lady of the Night, they are also gods.

If you are at risk of losing control, I can seal you away first. When I am strong enough to compete with God, you can appear again.

Although Bai Bian said well, Sabo still showed a little disappointment on his face: I thought our tacit understanding would ignore these things.

He thought of something and spread his hands helplessly: I have indeed established a connection with an evil god now. All my resources have been sacrificed to him, and he has given me some talents and divine power.

Bai Yi paused, looked at Sabo, and said nothing.

The evil god is very dangerous, a god who is rejected by the world.

Plane gods, ancient gods, and new gods don't like this kind of god very much.

The kind that will definitely lead to a divine battle after seeing it.

Because the evil god is a god who violates his divine duties and the rules of the world.

In this world, both divine beings and evil gods are existences that can be beaten at the drop of a hat. The evil beings are a bit crazier and have low sanity, so they die the worst.

The evil gods hide everywhere and do things secretly. As long as they don't appear in front of other gods, no god will deliberately look for them.

After all, the evil god is not weak either.

Okay, okay, I originally wanted to wait until you become a god before I tell you, but now that it's all said and done, I'll tell you in advance. Sabo had an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

His whole body changed into the exaggerated state just now, and he said coquettishly: This is also the reason why I don't really want to touch the Colossus.

Tell me about it. Bai Bian's mental power surged out and took Sabo to fly. At the same time, Bolton, who was originally on the wall of the inner city, flew over and took the two of them out.

My things are not that easy to get. After you arrive at Legend, we kill the evil god, and then we divide the accounts into eighty-two, you and me, how about two?

Sabo was a little hopeful and said cautiously: I can make his power constant to a certain extent. He may be the first true god to fall in Shia after the disappearance of the new gods!

White plague:.

That's a god. Isn't it bad?

He was a little excited as he said that, that was a god, and he couldn't even imagine how rich he would get if he killed the god.

Divine blood, divine bones, everything about gods are treasures to mortals. Even if a god spits out his saliva, it is still a god-level material.

At the same time, he also understood something. Sabo's growth was too weird. The evil god believers sacrificed to the evil god to obtain power that did not belong to them.

And Sabo's body is now full of the power of the evil god. This power is even weird enough to make Bai Bian feel dangerous.

But what's even more strange is that this dangerous feeling disappeared after the meeting. It seemed that Sabo didn't have much frontal combat effectiveness.

In other words, he has no resources and does not dare to strengthen his frontal combat effectiveness. In the confrontation with evil gods, even if a mortal has the inheritance of other evil gods, if he is not careful, let alone dealing with gods, he may be manipulated in an instant.

This is also the reason why Sabo can sneak within ten meters of the White Plague without being discovered. All his resources, even all the things given by God, have been developed in the weird direction, and he does not dare to part with any of them.

He seems to be trying to steal the power of the evil god.

A god with only weak divine power!

Sabo's tone rarely became serious: I gave him resources, and he accepted them and used them to recover his injuries. Then he gave me his power. The most important thing is that he tried to control me. He and I The entanglement is too deep.”

Sabo looked at the scenery below: My friend, I wouldn't do that if I didn't have a little bit of confidence.

He raised a hand, and a trace of the power of the evil god stirred in it: This is a disaster and opportunity for me. Any power beyond oneself will have a price. For example, your power of evil must be maintained carefully, right? ?”

It's just that I can still control what I am here. If you don't help me, the worst outcome will be for me to assimilate with Him. Then you will lose me, my friend.

Bai Bian was silent for a moment: Let's talk about it then. Where is the devil?

A smile broke out on Sabo's face, and he knew that there was still some tacit understanding between them. As long as he was still useful and as long as he did not betray, the cooperation between the two could continue.

This is why Sabo never wants to go it alone or rebel. No one from other forces, including the ancient gods, will accept the power of the evil god.

Only this top genius, who is trying to control the power of evil and some more terrifying power, would ignore the power of the evil god and even think about hunting the god.

My friend, it's just ahead, but you should take a look at this, I feel a little bit tricky.

The evil smile on Sabo's face continued, and a picture appeared in his hands. It was a picture of Sabo exploring the hell game alone.

However, Saab's operation did not go so smoothly this time. After using some special methods, Saab still lost the hell game.

Look, I've tried every method, but I still can't draw this devil into multiple games. He's too vigilant and even won one of my souls.

He said exaggeratedly: You must have a way, right? These are the treasures of two devils. I can even use other treasures to exchange for things related to evil gods, so we need them and leave nothing. It is best to use them Also stay.”

Bai Bian could tell that Sabo lost this time because he was afraid that these two devils would escape.

The devil's vigilance was too much this time, but it wasn't impossible for him to make a fool of himself.

He thought thoughtfully and said: Perhaps the two devils who were let go were promoting something in hell, but what is certain is that the devils are not sure whether we are dawning, otherwise they would not come to dawn.


The devil's game plane.

Devil German took a sip of the soul he just won with some satisfaction, and breathed a long sigh of relief: Hey, it's been ten days, and I've won five times. Sure enough, those two guys, Eugene and Fay, just want to trick the devil.

Oh? So many people?

A picture appeared in front of him. A dense bronze middle appeared in front of him, and there were even a large number of various races in the upper bronze.

They spoke words he didn't quite understand, and as soon as they came out, they were killed by the gatekeepers in large numbers.

It was roughly talking about some task discovered by the anchor, which made the devil a little worried.

Jiman began to feel a little uneasy, and a second picture appeared next to him. It was his cousin's hell game, which he talked about for a long time before convincing him to join.

What I want is that at the critical moment, the two games can reach a complementary state, so that they will not lose.

But now this scene is inexplicably weird.

My dear brother, how are you doing there? he asked nervously.

There are so many people, but these people are a little weird. Why do they have no soul? It was a very young devil, but it was different from the evening dress and elegance of Jimen.

The muscles on this young devil's body are very developed, which makes the suit bulge a little. He doesn't look like an elegant devil, but more like a handsome fitness instructor with a very masculine charm.

Without a soul? Jiman was a little stunned. He carefully looked at the weak guys who were dying, and said thoughtfully in his eyes: Is it possible that someone is controlling them?

It's unlikely. They all have independent minds and are stupid! The young devil had some uncertainty on his face.

He showed a video.

Just now, he was also killing these weird guys crazily, but after some people who ran away came to a remote place, a little devil gave a little guidance, and these people followed the little devil's guidance and went to the preset place. trap.

Then they were slaughtered while swearing.

Jiman was a little silent, and he also ordered his family members to try it.

As a result, it turns out that these self-proclaimed wonders seem to have no wariness against any existence that does not attack them, and they will believe whatever they say.

German was a little puzzled: Did you hear what they said? Wonders? Now the wonders are intelligent?

Yassen shrugged: Who knows? But I plan to try to see if they can play the game. If they can, no souls are needed at all. The rewards of the rules are also excellent.

Jiman was silent for a moment, and then said: But be careful, these federations have been a little weird recently.

I know, I know, you will never start the Duolun game? You are too verbose. Yasen said and cut off the communication directly.

Jiman was a little solemn but felt that his brother was right.

After the devil reaches Legend, he has three options to choose from. The first is step-by-step cultivation, which relies purely on talent to grow. How far he can grow depends entirely on the devil himself.

The other one is the devil's game exclusively for Shia. As long as he keeps winning, the devil will grow very quickly.

The last step is to go to all the worlds to open a contract. As long as someone summons devils and makes a deal with them, you can plunder everything from that person to grow.

Of the three paths, few devils practice step by step. This is why there are legends of devils all over the world and why they are afraid of them.

This race is a race that relies on plunder to grow.

Jiman thought about it and decided to try to see if these guys could participate in the devil's game.

Hell needs certain rules from Shia, and the devil helps Hell obtain these rules and receives feedback from Hell.

So in Shia's Hell game, it doesn't matter what level the participating players are, as long as their Shia mark can stay here.

This is the reason why powerful planes such as the undead, the abyss, and the netherworld peek at Shia, and even gods peek at Shia.

As the main world, it is always somewhat different from other worlds.

As Jiman lowered the difficulty of subsequent levels, the player's survival rate immediately increased rapidly.

It only took about three hours for players to arrive at the Devil's Castle.

Jiman adjusted his collar and his figure faded. When he reappeared, there was already a female player in front of him with eyes full of curiosity.

The moment the player saw him, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran over and asked, Handsome gentleman, are you trapped here? Do you need me to take you out?


He still had a smile on his face and bowed slightly: Sorry, beautiful lady, this is the devil's game. If you participate in the game, as long as you win, you can get all the treasures you want.

The player's eyes brightened even more: Can you give me gold coins? Lots and lots of gold coins!

Ji Man's mouth twitched: Of course, you can have as many gold coins as you want if you win.

The player's eyes started to shine: That

She hesitated a little, but gritted her teeth and said, No, what about one hundred thousand gold coins?


Okay, sure, these people are definitely not controlled!

He was still elegant: Of course, such a beautiful lady, shall we start the game?

The player did not hesitate at all and said with a smile: Let's start, handsome sir, you are so generous!


His mood was a little complicated. As a devil, it was the first time he was praised by an elf. He didn't expect it to be in this situation.

But now it was still a little weird, and he said hesitantly: Then the game has begun. I wish the beautiful lady a happy time.

As a special wave flashed through, he immediately looked at the scene in the devil's game world and stared at the elf.

The devil's game can begin, and it's a good start.

In this difficult devil's game, only three seconds passed before the strange elf turned into a corpse and lay quietly in the game space.

While Ji Man breathed a sigh of relief, he was also a little confused. What on earth are these things?

But then he felt a hint of hell's blessing, and a trace of relaxation flashed in his eyes. No matter what this thing was, it would be fine as long as the rules of hell recognized it.

Brothers, don't panic. Hell is not as dangerous as you think~ Look what's in front of you? A castle, a handsome man? Is that a vampire?

Some weird sounds sounded, and Jiman looked up. The second contestant also arrived.

Jiman sorted out his complicated mood, and with elegance on his face, he greeted him: Handsome Mr. Human, welcome to the dimension of hell, where we participate in the devil's game. It is absolutely fair and just. As long as you win, then Can take away everything you want.”

Demacia was a little confused. He scratched his head and asked, Can you give me gold coins if you win?


what's the situation? Do today’s hell game players like to ask for low-level materials that are useless?

Although it was a bit complicated, he still nodded: One of the participants just made the same request. As long as you win, you can take away 100,000 gold coins.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and countless yellow gold coins appeared behind him. It was the light of wealth, illuminating Demacia's eyes.

One hundred thousand? He swallowed.

At the same time, a mission jumped out, blocking the possibility of being cheated. How could it still be a lie if there was a mission?

Night rose? Rose of the Night's people are dead!

Barrage:【! ! ! ! More or less? 】×n

[He said Mr. Duo? ? ? 】×n

This scene was broadcast through the live broadcast, and the following players suddenly rushed in like crazy. Players outside who didn't want to come all turned around and ran this way.

100,000 × 30 three million soft girl coins! That’s three million! !

Yes, one hundred thousand, as long as you can win, it's yours. Jiman said with a smile.

Demacia's eyes lit up and she immediately took over the task.

He smiled and asked: If I win once, can I play a second time? Or is it only limited to one time per person?

Gilman:! ! ! Appeared?

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