Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 191 The answer to God’s showcase

When he walked to the backyard, Bai Bian thought of something and changed the name of the dark side back first.

The name Alchemy Demon has a deep impression on players, but if the dark side stands in front of players, players will be instinctively disgusted, so it is better to change it back.

The panel does not restrict him from changing his name, or in other words, the NPC's name is based on what others call him.

For example, Bai Yie gave an NPC a name, and he accepted it, and eventually changed the information in the federal data. Then, if the NPC is scanned on the panel, the name is just the name given by Bai Yie.

The dark side doesn't even need to modify any information. Basically, it will be whatever he wants to call it.

Rose of the Night has a say in this. If players cannot find them, the identity they created for themselves will be synchronized on the panel. Even if the player cuts a member of Rose of the Night, the name that will be revealed will be the newly changed one, not the original one. name.

The snow became heavier and heavier. In the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, the snowmen built by Luo Ning turned into snowdrifts overnight.

There were footsteps behind him, and Bai Bian turned around. Demacia, Wei Brigade, and Xiahou Fuxing were brought in by a mechanically transformed soldier.

In one night, the guards in the entire inner city were changed, including the guards at the City Lord's Mansion.

The outer city has also begun to recruit more law enforcement teams.

However, there is no law enforcement team in the inner city, and there is direct military control. This will save a lot of trouble. The army will not care about the identity of the offender, and he must be shot if he deserves it.

Bai Bian looked at the live broadcast room and found that none of the three people were live broadcasting now. He felt a little pity.

The mechanical soldier bowed slightly, saluted, and left with mechanical steps.

Bai Bian smiled and said, Don't worry about Rose of the Night. I want to ask you to do me a favor.

The three people's eyes lit up, and the guard bowed slightly: This is our honor.

Last time, Xiahou Fuxing tested the effect of a dangerous object, and now I need you to help me ask some questions.

As soon as Bai Bian finished speaking, the panel of the Guard Brigade suddenly lit up.

[Task: Inquiry about God’s Showcase.

Select mission type: Special Mission.

Mission requirements: City Lord Bai Bian has been troubled recently, but God's Showcase has certain side effects for him, and Wonders can avoid these side effects. Please help him complete his inquiry about God's Showcase.

Mission reward: experience +500, gold coins +10.

Failure penalty: None. 】

No problem. Wei Brigade responded with a smile. If it was him who answered just now, he would be the one who accepted the mission.

The other two were a little envious, but there was nothing they could do if they didn't get the mission.

Then come with me.

Bai Bian waved his hand, and terrifying mental power surged out, and a middle-aged human race was captured from the snow-covered bone dragon's mouth.

This human race's eyes were very calm. He was obviously just an ordinary person, but he dared to look directly at the white plague.

In fact, all extremely evil people are very powerful geniuses, but because of their extremely evil hearts and extremely evil souls, they are uncontrollable and have no chance to grow in the kingdom of order.

But even after being imprisoned for thirty years, they are still geniuses. As long as they are given a chance, they can soar into the sky.

The extremely evil man who went to the Mysterious Town last time, if the Mysterious Town had not been too dangerous, his future would have been limitless.

The three curious people walked to Qingyu's station. The showcase of God was placed in Qingyu's treasure house last time. When they moved here, they also moved it here.

Under the watchful eyes of some stern-looking soldiers, a group of four people walked inside.

Opening the door of the treasure house, inside are the trophies from two wars.

These will be converted into additional military merits for the legion commander after the munitions department comes to count them. This is also a way to retain the strong ones.

Bai Bian found the showcase of God, and instead of asking the extremely evil person to ask directly, he looked at the Wei Brigade and said, Go and ask. How can we deal with the black dragon 20,000 kilometers away.

Bai Bian hesitated for a moment, but still wanted to kill the black dragon. If the legendary black dragon died, then dragon blood, dragon scales, and dragon soul would all be legendary materials.

Not to mention the dragon's treasure, even the body is still there, and the necromancer likes the dragon's corpse very much.

If you can kill, it's best to kill, which can bring him a huge wave of wealth.

But he didn't ask how to kill, but how to solve it. It was just a conversion of words, but the range in between was much larger.

If the player is not qualified to ask for kill, it is not bad to give a solution.

Wei Lu was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashing. The legendary black dragon and the night rose seemed to be somewhat related.

He had watched Xiahou Fuxing's video, and without any nonsense, he reached out and pulled out a gray tentacle from the window of God.

This tentacle looks very lethargic. Obviously, it doesn't really want to deal with players every time it faces it, but because of certain rules, it can't refuse.

As the square text was transformed into Daybreak Script, the tentacles of God's Showcase hesitantly retracted.

Not long after, a note fell from under the cabinet door, and a tentacle stretched out.

Here is the solution and the task.

Wei Brigade's eyes were a little solemn. Looking at the mission on the panel, he couldn't help but look at Bai Bing.

[Mission: Dangerous transaction.

Attribute: Repayment task.

Task description: Find a soul crystal core and give it to God's showcase.

Mission reward: None.

Mission penalty: All attributes are permanently reduced by 80%.

Introduction: The greedy transaction has begun, and this time it seems that you will pay a heavy price. 】

At the same time, Bai Bian also saw clearly the words on the tentacle. As the tentacle retracted, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After carefully sensing it, he didn't feel any changes, but he always felt that the current transaction object of this window was him, not the player.

But fortunately, God's Showcase does not clearly state what quality of soul crystal core is required.

Seeing Wei Lu's gaze, Bai Bian took out a small soul crystal core from the demon dimension and handed it to Wei Lu.

Forget about others, Wei Brigade still helped him a lot. If Wei Brigade really separated, that would be the real loss.

Wei Brig took the soul crystal core, looked at the thing full of question marks, and breathed a long sigh of relief. After handing the thing to the display window of God, the two tasks on his panel were completed at the same time.

Bai Bian's mental energy surged, and he picked up a piece of paper on the ground, with two lines of crooked handwriting written on it.

[Crisis: Spectacle.

Kill: Capital, Summon, Abyss. 】

Bai Bian paused for a moment, his eyes thoughtful, and he looked at Demacia. Can God's showcase also see the future? Still in its estimation, players can resolve this crisis.

There are now four ways to kill the dragon. The first one is the sword master of the capital, but the latter two are a little difficult for him to understand.

Is what Abyss said a contract? Or.Pu Sheng?

Whose calling is it? Or who to call?

It's a bit of a headache. It's always right to let the players take a look first, but I don't know if this thing can be broadcast live.

The players looked at the paper in Bai Bian's hand with some curiosity, but Bai Bian had no intention of checking it for them.

After sending the paper into the devil's dimension, he smiled and asked, Thank you for your help. Do you have any business with me this time?

He took out a small bag of gold coins and handed them to Wei Brigade: These are considered as the thank you fees for this time.

Wei Brig took it in the envious eyes of the other two people and said politely: It should be.

He turned to look at Demacia and gestured.

Demacia immediately stepped forward and said: Sir, City Lord, when I was out doing battle last night, I discovered the abandoned base of Rose of the Night and discovered some secrets in it.

And helping the Federation can make our wonders grow, so my intuition tells me that I come to you with something, and you should be able to understand it as long as you see this thing.

Demacia said and looked at the Guard Brigade with some anxiety, because he didn't know how to explain the mission to the NPC, and there were three prompts for this hell-level mission.

The first prompt only asked him to bring a shield to find White Plague, and said nothing else. He racked his brains to come up with this somewhat vague statement.

Wei Brigade stretched out his hand, and the power of the Space-Time Assassin exploded. A pitch-black shield about one meter appeared. The frosted material looked a bit noble.

Bai Bian raised his eyebrows. This so-called shield was actually the scales of the black dragon!

However, judging from the material and size, it should not reach the legendary level.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian nodded: These are the scales of the black dragon. There is indeed some news recently. Night Rose plans to find the legendary black dragon to attack Dongwu City, but this dragon is very dangerous, and we may soon... die.

Xiahou Fuxing decisively patted his chest and promised: The wonders are never afraid of death!

Okay, in that case, I will send you there. Bai Bian thought of something and looked at the Wei brigade: Are you going too?

Yes, we are a team. Wei Brigade nodded in response.

Bai Bian thought for a while and then said: I would like to ask you to stay and do me a favor first, and I will send you there after you are done. How about that?

The Guard Brigade did not hesitate and agreed decisively: Of course, your orders always come first.

[White plague favorability +1. 】

Bai Bian asked with some satisfaction: If I guessed correctly, the Federation of Stars also has wonders, right?

Wei Brigade nodded: Yes, not only the Federation of Stars, but also the Federation of the Sun.

Bai Bian said directly: I have some knowledge here that I want to pass on to the alchemist sages over there. I wonder if you can do anything about it?

The Wei Brigade paused, and a mission appeared on the panel. The mission was only of difficulty level, and the players on the panel knew very well how to deliver messages.

But there was some hesitation in Wei Lv's eyes. The Star Federation's server was from Europe, and he didn't seem to have many friends there.

And there are only 6 million players. Even if friends enter the game, the probability of meeting the Alchemist Sage is somewhat low.

As he was thinking, his eyes suddenly lit up: No problem, but you need to give me some time.

Bai Bian smiled: I saw you right. It will take me about five hours to send them there. Is this enough time?

The Wei brigade made some calculations, nodded and said, That's enough. I'll go make some preparations first, Mr. Bai Bie.

He said and decided to log off. He needed to contact some of Mao Xiong's friends.

Bai Bian breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the two people from Demacia: Then I'll send you there first.

He looked at the extremely evil person, thought about it, and decided to lock him up first and release him later if he wanted to ask anything.

As the instructions were conveyed, an L-shaped modified man grabbed the extremely evil man who remained silent the whole time with one hand, turned around and left.

Bai Bian and the two excited people waited quietly in the snow for a few seconds. When the dragon's voice sounded, Bai Bian led them into the sky and quickly moved away from the east of the city.

Twenty thousand kilometers is far away, and even if the dragon flies at a speed of Mach 7, it will take nearly two hours to fly.

During these times, Bai Bian used mental control in the demon dimension to translate the incomprehensible knowledge of the colossus.

Other players may be unreliable at times, but not Wei Lu. After entering the game, this person no longer regards the game as a game.

However, in order to prevent Colossus' knowledge from being exposed, White Plague also had a headache for a while.

In the end, White Blight plans to disrupt the order of some paragraphs and write them in different characters. A large amount of text will also be replaced with alchemical inscriptions.

This is very troublesome, but players as a group do not have any sense of confidentiality. If this top-level knowledge is known by people from the three major federations, it will be nothing.

But if an evil god or demigod masters this forbidden knowledge, then there will be real trouble.

Even in the face of death, none of the great alchemist sages in ancient times gave the methods of making the colossus to those gods.

This is enough to show that there is a probability that God can create a colossus.

So, it’s better to be careful.

As for whether the alchemist sage will be unable to crack it, that's too much to worry about.

Never underestimate the knowledge reserve of an alchemist.

There are many texts that Bai Bian has mastered, such as the texts of humans, elves, devils, and gods in this world, but the alchemist sage only has more.

The sorting of the alchemy array was very troublesome, but the two players were chatting happily. When Bai Bian was less than 3,000 kilometers away from the mountain peak that broke through the clouds, he decisively stopped the bone dragon's flight.

Instead, start setting up a teleportation array, which is three thousand kilometers away. Level 24 players should be able to withstand it.

After sending two bottles of healing potion to the two of them, Bai Bie told them the location of the dragon, and then decisively activated the teleportation array.

As the players disappeared, Bai Bian watched the live broadcast on the forum. At a distance of 20,000 kilometers, there was no risk of being robbed.

Therefore, both Demacia and Xiahou Fuxing started live broadcasting, which also made it easier for Bai Biao to observe the dragon, which allowed him to prepare in advance.

If not, the problem for the extremely evil person will be to parse the paper that just fell from the window of God.

Bai Bian rode on the giant dragon and headed towards Dongwu City quickly against the wind and snow.

Areas of abnormality passed by under his feet. Bai Bian's eyes were a little solemn, and the occasional appearance of an ancient god's kingdom gave him a sense of threat.

The world is becoming more and more dangerous, and he has begun to feel the aura of high-level legends in the mutation zone.

This represents an increasing threat to the Federation from the outside world.

When the time turned from early morning to noon, he also returned to Tobu City.

At the same time, the Wei Brigade was online again. Bai Bian went over and took out the colossus manufacturing method that he had written in these five hours. Bai Bian began to transfer knowledge.

However, Bai Bian temporarily added some information, including knowledge about intercontinental missiles and the alchemy magic network, as well as a special ripple. If the alchemy sages over there can connect the networks between the two places.

Then the technology over there can definitely lead Daybreak's technology into the take-off stage.

There will really be more alchemists in Daybreak.

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