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Chapter 189 Precognition: The Legendary Black Dragon

What are you looking for? Bai Bian's tone became solemn.

Diane also heard this solemnity, but she thought of Luo Ning's ability in the intelligence, so there was no surprise.

This is a top genius who can predict gods at the bronze level.

If Tobu City will be destroyed one day, Luoning's priority will be even higher than that of White Plague.

Prediction is an extremely rare profession.

Eh, a stone? Luo Ning gave up after thinking for a few seconds, turned around and said, Come with me, I can realize what that thing looks like, but it's hard for me to describe it.

Bai Bian and Diane looked at each other, and they followed Luo Ning to her room.

This room is only two buildings away from Bai Ying's bedroom, and the layout is very simple.

Basically, the quaint decoration from before was continued. The only thing Luo Ning changed was the pink supplies on the bed and some cute dolls.

The three of them entered the room, Luo Ning waved his hand, and his spiritual power surged.

Suddenly, a crystal ball with a diameter of thirty centimeters flew out of her space ring and hovered in the air.

Buzz buzz.

Waves of humming appeared, and moonlight shone in from every corner of the room with great precision.

Under Luo Ning's control, these rays of light finally hit the top of the crystal ball.


There was a roar that seemed to come from another dimension, and Bronze ascended. This was a very weak level, but at this time, the stars were summoned to come.

As Luo Ning waved his hand, the stars obediently arranged around the crystal ball, eventually forming a special star pattern. The crystal ball was like the bright moon among the stars, more eye-catching than the magical scenes around it.

Luo Ning came closer and placed his palms, which were slightly red from playing in the snow, on the crystal ball.


A sound like wind chimes sounded, the surrounding stars gathered, and a blurry picture gradually appeared on the transparent crystal ball.

Luo Ning also started to explain: When my boss brother was in retreat recently, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I followed this divination, and then I found this flower approaching this thing.

As she spoke, the picture on the crystal ball gradually became clearer.

It was a black rose, but it was different from the mysterious rose that Luo Ning predicted at the beginning. This rose was about to wither.

The black rose is approaching a mass of darkness in the picture. This darkness is completely invisible, just like a black rock, without any information.

Bai Bian frowned, why does this outline feel familiar?

Before he could ask anything, Zero gave the answer.

Zero: [Based on the shape and posture analysis, there is a 76% probability that the black shadow in front of me is a sleeping black dragon, a 20% probability that it is the legendary giant rock tribe, and a 4% probability that it is a Coiling Dragon Stone. 】

Zero: [Based on the comparison of other units in the screen, if this is a sleeping black dragon, then this black dragon will reach the kilometer level. 】

Zero: [And the dragon's body exceeds one thousand meters, which means that it is a legendary dragon. 】

Bai Yi paused for a moment, his eyes thoughtful, what about the black dragon?

The black dragon in this world is a dragon that represents death and destruction. This kind of dragon is a symbol of fear. It has an extremely cruel and sinister temperament and is not very friendly to all living creatures. They like to live in lifeless mountains and overlook the earth.

And there seems to be a black dragon among the members of Sin City. No, black dragons are extremely rare in this world now. It is impossible for two to appear in a land of less than 50,000 kilometers.

[Help me ask Michus, the black dragon councilor of Sin City, is he a black dragon or a dragonborn? 】

Zero: [Asking, please wait.]

Zero: [Congressman Michus answered: There is a level 74 black dragonborn in Vice City. 】

It was clear in Bai Bie's eyes that the black dragon's habits would not allow a second black dragon to appear in the place where it slumbers, because they knew very well what would happen if they encountered the same kind.

That's it. If you predict further, everyone will be noticed. Luo Ning was a little confused.

She likes passive precognition, but active precognition is quite easy to detect, especially for those who are fifty or sixty levels above her.

Let me think about it. White Blight has a headache. He remembers that there is a black dragon in a game in Blue Star, but the one that spits out stomach acid and the black dragon that spits out magic flames are not the same strength.

If this legendary black dragon really comes to cause trouble, then the city protection mecha will not be able to fight even if it is full of mana, because the dragons are all existences that can jump to fight.

Especially the black dragon, which is the most powerful among the five colored dragons.

The legendary dragon can suppress other races by at least three to four levels, which is quite abnormal.

Do you know what that thing is? Diane asked curiously.

A legendary black dragon. Bai Bian said with his eyes lost in thought. He had to find a way to find this black dragon before Rose of the Night.

Black Dragon.

Diane thought of something as she said: Is Tina useful? They are both dragons.

Tina is the red dragon that the player provoked when they stole the treasure. She was forcibly subdued by Diane using the power of the scroll, and now she has become the guardian dragon of the Tifeng family.

Bai Bian shook his head: The black dragon looks down on other five-color dragons, unless it reaches the breeding period, then there will be dragons of the opposite sex who can survive.

Bai Bian said with thoughtful eyes. He thought of something and looked at Luo Ning: Can you find the exact location of the black dragon?

Okay. The power of the stars in Luo Ning's hand surged again.

For her, he can check anyone's fate. No matter how powerful they are, as long as they are not specifically targeted, she will not be hurt.

This can be seen from the fate of the dark side of the White Plague. Not everyone can peep into the divine evil, even if it is only a semi-divine evil.

Luoning's master almost got beaten when he took a peek, but Luoning was able to run away every time.

A new picture gradually appeared in the crystal ball. It was a huge mountain peak that passed through the clouds. The extremely high terrain and a special kind of fluctuation prevented the heavy snow from reaching the top of the mountain.

On top of this mountain peak, the black dragon was curled up motionless.

From this perspective, you can clearly see the outline of the dragon, and you can also see the occasional hint of golden color on the top of the mountain without any vegetation.

As if it was aware of the prying eyes, the dragon's wings moved slightly, and a ferocious dragon head slowly raised, opening a pair of extremely scarlet eyes, looking in one direction with extremely sharp eyes, and the scene suddenly disappeared.

Luo Ning breathed a sigh of relief: I was almost discovered.

She said that her mental power fluctuated the power of destiny, and stars appeared to guide her, and a map appeared, marking the location of the divination just now.

Bai Bian looked at the terrain and saw that it was probably more than 20,000 kilometers away from Dongwu City. It was far away that he had never been before.

I understand. How long will it take for them to come? Bai Bian asked thoughtfully.

I don't know, maybe within a month. Luo Ning shook her head. She could always see the rose in the night, but she couldn't see it too accurately. There was always a force there that prevented her from peeking into the future.

Thank you for your hard work. Bai Bian reached out and touched Luo Ning's head, thought for a moment and said, It's late, you should rest first.

Bai Bian said, turning around and walking out, thinking about the current situation.

First of all, no matter what, it is always right to restore the city protection mecha first. As for the black dragon, it is definitely right to ask the God's Showcase first.

Although this window is very strange, it can provide a solution.

As for what he has to pay.

Players don't know if they can ask, but they can give it a try, and extremely evil people may have some value to God's Window.

He can ask other city lords.

As long as extremely evil people appear, they will usually be locked up, and the only thing waiting for them is death.

Walking out of the room, it was late at night. Even if Luo Ning was a transcendent person now, he would still get enough sleep every day.

For her, sleeping is also a kind of practice, because in dreams she can obtain more accurate predictions, and even see the deeper fate of some fate entanglements.

Diane looked at the night sky, seeming to think of something, and his eyes were a little wandering.

Do you want to rest now, or do you want to go do something with me? Bai Bian asked softly.

There are not many things to do now, including the repair of the city protection mecha, copying the manufacturing method of the colossus and finding a way to send it to the sages of the Star Federation, the deployment, enhancement and adjustment of the legion, and the black dragon and ancient gods. The crisis of the country, and finally the development of new expertise.

Among these, Black Dragon's sense of crisis is more urgent. Tobu City is not afraid of the army pressing down on the border, or in other words, there are players who don't care about the consumption of the army.

What is relatively weak in Dongwu City is the raid by the strong.

But tonight we can finish the legion's affairs and repair the city first.

Diane breathed a small sigh of relief and said somewhat relaxedly: Of course I'm following you, I'm not sleepy yet.

Okay. Bai Bian walked out with Diane.

While talking, the city lord of Chaoyang City had already replied to the message. That city is the closest city to Tobu City. It has developed rapidly with Sabo and now has a large population.

His prison also held extremely evil people, the kind who had been there for thirty years.

Fluctuations of mental power flashed through, and Bolton, who was lying in the corner of the city lord's palace, flapped his wings, caught Bai Blight and threw the Dawn Emblem, and then the mechanical dragon flew out and flew towards Chaoyang City.

Things that can be solved with money are no longer a problem.

Tobu City is really not short of money.

This place seems to be almost as good as the capital city. Diane couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the increasingly futuristic streets around her.

The two of them strolled down this official street. Bai Bian stretched out his hand to hold Diane, and at the same time, orders were issued one after another.

Diane looked around and blushed a little, but didn't struggle.

Although she can suppress a little shyness now, Bai Bian is now very famous. Even on the official street, there are still many eyes looking over here, which makes her a little uncomfortable.

Bai Bian didn't care that much. Ever since he planned to show his talent, he never cared about other people's eyes.

As the news continued to come out, some of the worry in his eyes disappeared.

At the same time, Tobu City was completely moved.

[The Ministry of Munitions has opened the Miracle Military Merit System, issuing officially compiled military merit badges, and entering Miracle identity through fingerprints and biological samples. 】

[The Ministry of Mines and the Department of Armaments integrated the extraordinary resources in the city and sent energy equipment and materials to the east city gate. 】

[The wonders of the legion stations will be opened tonight, and they will be established on the edges of the four districts of the outer city. 】

[The Whispering Army starts a screening, and the ten members with the highest military merit will begin stronger transformation tomorrow. 】

[The combat readiness of the Apocalypse Legion is adjusted, the guard mission is cancelled, and the legion’s station is moved to the east gate of the inner city. 】

[The Apocalypse Army's station was changed to the Whispering Legion's station, and the security in the city was taken care of by the Whispering Legion. 】

[The law enforcement team in the outer city has been expanded to 80,000 people to eliminate non-extraordinary people. 】

Boom boom boom.

About three minutes later, extremely neat footsteps appeared. There were 10,000 Apocalypse Army members. Except for the 2,000 people guarding the four city gates, the other Apocalypse Army came out of the station one after another.

Although there were some doubts and complaints in their eyes, no one said anything to refute.

The Apocalypse Legion passed by the two of them in an orderly manner and quickly ran towards the east gate of the inner city.

The adventurers and extraordinary people on the road gave way to both sides of the road one after another, pointing at the legions, guessing whether there would be another war.

Diane looked at the Apocalypse Legion with some curiosity. This legion was already the most elite group, and the bronze level per capita was also very oppressive.

In the future, they no longer need to take turns, so the time and progress of training will be accelerated. Maybe Tobu City will also have its own Silver Legion in the future?

The west gate of the inner city was also opened at this moment, and tall figures and mechanical warriors entered the city one after another. The neat and deafening footsteps gave the evening a more chilling atmosphere.

The four city gates quickly changed their guards. L-shaped modified warriors with an average height of three meters stood under the ten-meter-high city wall, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

The mechanically transformed warriors stood on the city wall, maxing out the defense value of the inner city.

The patrols of M-type modified warriors made some guys who were trying to cause trouble stop their thoughts.

Bai Bian didn't look much. After sending a message to Garrit and asking him to guard the launch silo, a large number of magnetic mechanical bodies appeared around Bai Bian, leading the two of them to fly quickly to the outer city.

When the two of them arrived at the east gate of the outer city, the people from the Construction Department had not yet started pouring earth treasures on the mecha.

They sat on the city wall and waited quietly. The people from the Wucheng Army were still stationed on this extremely wide city wall. Sometimes their eyes would turn towards them curiously, but they did not dare to look blatantly.

After waiting for about ten minutes, steam trucks came quickly. The Director of Arms directed people to unload the trucks quickly. The alchemists used machinery to move down some magic conversion devices.

At the same time, there are also many energy materials, such as flame stones and other resources.

Bai Bian stood up and began to pour extraordinary resources into the core of the mecha and use the magic energy converter to charge the mecha.

Following the investment, Bai Bian looked at the materials invested by the mecha and roughly calculated them. The magic energy conversion device was okay. These are converted into extraordinary energy through various energy sources and the magic power in the air. These basically cost nothing. money.

Converting other resources into gold coins would cost about 100 million gold coins.

The resource white plague can still accept it, but I can't help but sigh. Sure enough, the alchemist is attacking resources.

In the eyes of the alchemist sage, the extraordinary energy of a standard unit of this mecha is the resource of one million gold coins. The sum of these resources is comparable to the entire power level of a gold median.

In other words, in the battle to kill the ghost just now, 186-A invested 1,000 gold medians in power before launching a fifth-level legendary trial.

This conversion of power also illustrates the gap between the legendary level and the gold level.

Moreover, repairing mechas is a huge sum of money. If it were Tobu City before Sabo came to power, it would not be able to withstand the consumption of city-protecting mechas.

With the arrival of truckloads of energy resources, when the mecha's energy recovered to 90%, White Plague stopped the further investment in minerals.

Instead, he pulled out a hundred extraordinary energy conversion devices, which were charged only with the magic power in the air.

He needs to know the charging speed here.

Letting an excited alchemist record the energy replenishment, Bai Bian took Diane and turned around and walked towards the inner city.

He is the city lord. If he doesn't need data, this place is actually the same as the legion and the law enforcement team. He only needs to issue orders.

Only high-end things require his own hands, such as synthesizing arm alloys for mechas.

There is also the X-shaped transformation of the legion. There is no alchemist master in Tobu City now, and he is the strongest alchemist.

Back in the inner city, it is still very lively here, and tonight is basically a sleepless night.

In the outer city, the selection of the law enforcement team will not start until daytime.

The player's legion station has already chosen a location, and it has begun to become very lively.

You can join the legion by paying money. The high fee of ten gold coins made some players hesitate, but as the NPC leader of their legion released the rules.

The eyes of these hesitant players lit up. Those who had money paid on the spot, while those who had no money turned around and left to prepare for monster spawning or tasks, and some even directly recharged their money.

After all, you can accumulate points with that badge, and the two ML transformations have become a must-have for players after they reach full level.

However, this kind of badge is not uncommon, almost every soldier will have it.

It was specially used to count military achievements. After all, when they were killing enemies outside, they would remember how many they killed.

But we can't just rely on the soldiers' oral opinions. The quality of the people in Shia continent is not as high as imagined.

A long time ago, the Dawn Federation had these badges, which would record enemy kills and also serve as a location function.

With Bolton's speed of Mach 7, the round trip to the border town can basically be completed within a few minutes.

Bai Bian first searched on the forum, but none of the anchors had started broadcasting.

I looked at the time and found that it was basically the peak period for players to go offline.

Most players basically only play after work, and only those who play games full-time will play for a longer time.

But it is not always online. After all, this game cannot replace sleep. High mental activity will make people tired.

Even the white plague in the previous life only played for fourteen hours a day.

After looking at the sky and letting Bolton continue to catch the extremely evil person, Bai Bian led Diane back to the city lord's mansion.

As soon as she entered the mansion, a nice blush began to appear on Diane's face. She lowered her head and followed Bai Bian and unconsciously grabbed the legendary robe with one hand.

Her pace became slower and slower, even slowing down Bai Bian's pace.

Bai Bian turned his head and immediately noticed Diane, who had his head lowered and mist began to appear in his eyes.

He was happy. During yesterday's interactions, Diane was very proactive. Why was he so shy at this point like last time?

Bai Bian came closer and asked softly: What are you thinking about? Go to bed, there are still many things to be busy with tomorrow.

Diane's face turned even redder. Can a kiss and a hug be the same?

She lowered her head and hesitated: It doesn't matter if you don't sleep for a month if you are a gold level person. I. I will sleep tomorrow.

Bai Bian thought for a moment and threatened, That won't work. Sleeping too much will make you age slower.

Diane's head lowered, a little flustered: It doesn't matter, I...I have beauty tea, which can guarantee that it will look like this before entering old age.

Bai Bian reached out and touched her head and comforted her: Don't worry, I just want to hold you and nothing else.

Diane breathed a sigh of relief and felt relaxed. He raised his head and asked, Really?

Of course, when have I ever lied to you?

Then let's go.

five minutes later.

What are you doing?

How can anyone wear so many clothes to bed?

I'll do it myself.

ten minutes later.

What are you going to do again?

Just touch, nothing else.

Fifteen minutes later.

Well, White Plague! You're lying!

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