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Chapter 18 The future fortune teller

Bai Bian stopped and thought carefully. He had traveled through time for two years. A lot of things had happened during this time. Although the whole situation was stable, it was impossible to completely remember every character in the game.

And if you feel familiar, then this person must be famous in the game.

Female, Luoning, civilian, Tobu City.

Bai Bian was thinking, and suddenly he was startled. He remembered that this was a fortune teller in the capital city. It was said that he came from the broken Tobu City.

What she is famous for is that she can actually calculate the location of the Black Rose members. It is obvious that thirty years later she is only a silver and her talent is not that good, but she can do something that even the gold fortune teller cannot do.

The reason why Bai Bian didn't think of it immediately was that this person at the headquarters of the federal organization that specifically targeted Rose of the Night died inexplicably.

At that time, large-scale tasks were released to the players. Unfortunately, as a newcomer at the time, Bai Bian was obsessed with moving bricks and didn't pay much attention. At most, he only watched the videos posted by the masters.

Thinking of this, Bai Bian stopped walking, walked back, casually leaned against a street lamp, and waited silently.

The fortune teller profession is relatively rare and requires strong soul and spiritual talents.

Moreover, diviners are only good at seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortunes, and basically have no combat effectiveness in the early stage. Therefore, few civilians will choose this profession.

The federal policy only requires strong combat power, and diviners are generally only found in big families.

Therefore, Bai Bian had no reason to give up when he met a fortune teller who was bound to achieve infinite success in the future. In Tobu City, there should be no civilians who would refuse the alchemist's recruitment.

Bai Bian didn't have to wait for a long time. Following a wave of space fluctuations, a dirty girl appeared at the door of the Palace of Knowledge.

She glanced at Bai Bie cautiously, then quickly lowered her head and left in a hurry. Judging from the fact that she subconsciously protected her chest, she must have purchased some knowledge.


The sudden sound made Luo Ning pause in her steps. Her eyes were a little frightened, and she subconsciously quickened her steps and turned into the alley.

Bai Bian was a little helpless. How could the fortune teller whose reputation spread throughout the federation in the future be like a rabbit before?

Buzz buzz.

A subtle sound of flapping wings sounded. In the alley not far away, the girl kept retreating with frightened eyes. Several mechanical balls that she could not afford at first glance kept approaching. A sense of danger made her heart go crazy. .

Tap tap tap.

The sound of leather shoes hitting the ground sounded, and the wind and snow suddenly got louder again. The clear sound of footsteps made the girl's hair stand on end. Her innate sense of danger made her make the most correct choice.

She turned around and fell to her knees with a plop, her little body shaking constantly. She carefully pulled out a thin book from her arms, lowered her head, and handed it out respectfully with both hands.

Sir, sir, this...this is the book I just bought. I don't have any money on me anymore. You can search me.

Luo Ning's trembling voice was hoarse and somewhat deliberate. He looked very weak and pitiful. With the dirty stains on his body, he looked like the most inconspicuous beggar in a civilian area.

Bai Yi paused for a moment and looked at the words [Astrological Observation] on the cover of the book, his eyes thoughtful.

Why do you want to buy this book? Bai Bian did not ask her to get up immediately, but asked with great interest.

This is the introductory book for diviners. In the general trend of the Federation, the first choice of civilians must be warriors or assassins, because these two are the easiest to produce combat effectiveness and do not require much money to assist in the early stage.

Among the most popular professions, at least for Aboriginal people.

And civilians who are fortune tellers may not necessarily know this profession.

Back to my lord, this is cheap. It can help me know the direction of the night. Luo Ning's voice was still trembling, and there was a hint of pain in the extremely hoarse voice.

Bai Bian nodded. Some books without magic inscriptions are very cheap, and they can even be paid with copper coins. However, simple observation of the stars, and simple boxing skills are all semi-open, but no one will choose this. It's just a book that doesn't have much fighting power at first glance.

Raise your head. Bai Bian's voice was soft, with a slightly commanding tone.

Luo Ning trembled, and there was despair in her eyes, but she knew that she could not resist in the face of a strong man, so she raised her head carefully, with tears accumulating in her eyes.

Bai Bian was stunned. Her dirty face had an Asian appearance, black hair, and black eyes. And if you could ignore the stains, you could tell that this little girl was actually pretty good-looking, and was only twelve or thirteen years old. look like.

The human race in this world is a bit complicated, of course because there are many people who combine with other races, such as half-elves, half-orcs, etc.

After being diluted by the human race from generation to generation, these people eventually transformed into people with different skin colors and hair colors, and their surnames and first names were also very changeable.

And Bai Bian himself is of Asian descent, so of course he won't be surprised by this face.

He looked at the girl who wanted to lower her head but didn't dare. He seemed to see a familiar feeling in her big watery eyes, and he was sure that the Luo Ning in front of him was really the Luo Ning in the future capital!

There was a softness in Bai Yian's eyes: Let me introduce myself. My name is Bai Yian. I am the owner of Liming Pharmacy. Are you interested in working in my store? It will be paid.

Luo Ning paused, and there was a hint of disbelief in her eyes. She had heard of this name. This man created a powerful energy gun half a year ago, and the entire inner city was talking about it.

Of course, this was not the reason for her shock, but the uneasiness in her heart dissipated when the young man in front of her said these words!

I do. Luo Ning's voice subconsciously became crisper, a little immature, but nice to hear.

Bai Bian was stunned. Are the stains on this girl's body and the unpleasant voice all disguises?

Get up and come with me. Bai Bian nodded, without showing his happiness, and walked into the wind and snow.

He also has to buy materials, and this is where the bulk of the cost is.

Bai Bian subconsciously touched his pocket. There was only a huge sum of 330,000 yuan left in it. He didn't know how long it would last.

Luo Ning's eyes were excited, and she followed Bai Bian step by step. She escaped many crises with her intuition, and her intuition and dreams also saved her many times.

In her eyes, this seemed to be the beginning of a new life, and she finally no longer had to go back to that cold, dilapidated 'home'!

Who else is there in your family? Bai Bian, who was walking in front, suddenly asked, his tone a little curious.

No, it was too cold the past few days. My mother didn't hold on, and my father died a long time ago. The light in Luo Ning's eyes dissipated a little, and there was a little sadness on his dirty face.

My condolences. Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, then asked no more questions and walked a little faster.

Behind her, the sadness in Luoning's eyes disappeared very quickly. She looked at Bai Bian's back with some hesitation. The deceased was gone, and the only way for the living to live a better life was to comfort the deceased.

This was her mother's last wish.

She hesitated for a long time. The streets around her were changing and gradually becoming more crowded. She was preparing to go to the commercial street.

Looking at the various people hurriedly walking in front of her, she asked softly: Are you really Mr. Bai Ying?

Yeah. Bai Bian responded softly, already thinking about what materials to buy.

There was definitely a look of struggle in Luo Ning's eyes. She believed in her intuition, so she said in a very soft voice: Mr. Bai Bing, I had a dream. Half of Tobu City will turn red.

Bai Bian paused in his steps and suddenly turned around: Scarlet?

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