White Plague actually had no impression of this dwarf.

In other words, his impression of Tobu City was just a destroyed city, something similar to a background story.

All surrounding players will enter the war mission at the beginning to help Tobu City expel the monsters in the mutated area, but in the end there will be nothing left in Tobu City.

At that time, all the gold-level old city lords were missing, and this greedy but weak guy might have died long ago.

However, with such a keen insight, he might not be able to survive the monster siege when the players arrive, right?

Tell me about your findings. Bai Bian's tone gave people a mysterious feeling.

Sabo swallowed, his ugly appearance seemed a little uneasy: My friend, what did you find?

Don't ask too much, just tell me what you know. Bai Bian said calmly, and his seriousness could be heard.

Sabo thought for a while and nodded solemnly: Okay, I didn't find anything. It's just that after I became the quartermaster, I always felt a little restricted, which gave me a very uncomfortable feeling.

And I found that feeling not only in the City Lord's Mansion, but also in Tobu City. It seemed like I was being stared at all the time.

So I went to investigate. Didn't you find out? My friend, Tobu City is really too stable. Even in the outer city, there are no large underground gangs. You know, those rats in the gutter can't It’s impossible, but I saw the legendary prosperous age in this city.”

Sabo was full of amazement: Now is the age of godlessness. The city of faith of the God of Light was not so stable, right? Not to mention that we are on the border.

And since the Will family chased the Scarlet Sect into the city, this peace has been broken suddenly. Some gangs have risen rapidly and competed with the former small gangs for territory.

I was curious and went to investigate. My friend, you would never have guessed that the rise of those small gangs can be traced. The original homeless people quickly united together, as if they were always preparing.

This is really incredible. Even if I deliberately observe, I can't find any abnormalities. Their identities are all true, and their rise is not a flaw.

The only exception is that these small gangs accidentally discovered two members of the Scarlet Sect in the past few days. For example, in the killing outside just now, most of the people who died were members of those small gangs.

The wonder in Sabo's eyes became more and more obvious. He was slightly excited and his ugly facial features were slightly distorted: And...


Bai Bian tapped the instrument next to him, interrupted Sabo's words, and abruptly changed the subject. He raised three fingers: I want three hundred thousand for these energy guns.

Sabo was stunned by the sudden offer of one hundred thousand gold coins.

He felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar. After thinking about it carefully, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

This is the feeling of controlling some kind of life and death, just like he controls some officials.

Deal. Sabo agreed without hesitation. He always paid great attention to his own safety.

Bai Bian smiled. It was easy to deal with people with sharp minds. There was no need for threats or other unnecessary words.

Moreover, he already knew the reason why there was no news about Sabo's terrifying talent for making money. Considering that Sabo had just started, stupidly investigating Rose of the Night was no different from giving away someone's life.

Given his temperament, if nothing unexpected happens, Rose of the Night will try to tamper with the invitation when she comes to visit, and death will become inevitable.

Bai Bian lowered his voice and said: Let your men fail to detect that power, and pretend it is better, maybe you will be fine.

You know something.

Sabo subconsciously wanted to ask, but then shut up. If that force was really an organization, maybe he had already entered the hunting range of that terrorist organization.

Such a secretive organization, if it weren't for his sixth sense, it would be impossible to detect any abnormalities.

This level of organization.

I know. Sabo replied with his head lowered, his eyes full of thinking. Now he seemed to have entered an absolute killing situation. The degree of danger was hard to imagine.

And now.

He raised his head, looked at Bai Bian who was also thinking, and suddenly smiled: My dear friend, are you interested in getting the things that the Will family is tracking down?

No. Bai Bian shook his head and said decisively.

Sabo's face was still full of smiles. He took out a Dawn Badge from his arms and placed it on the instrument next to White Plague: What now?

Bai Bian picked up the badge and took a look at it. His pupils shrank slightly. The series of zeros on it were the most wealth Bai Bian had ever seen.

A full half a million!

This price is enough for Bai Bian to buy all the silver-level alchemy knowledge. Although it is only the public version, it is enough for him to not have to worry about knowledge before gold.

But there was no change in his face, and his tone softened slightly: Is this all the energy guns in this batch?

You are so smart, my friend. Sabo said flatteringly.

Bai Bian twitched the corner of his mouth and asked for a thousand gold coins and a bronze-level energy gun. This thing is really dark. Is it sold as a silver weapon?

No wonder he offered himself 170,000 yuan, and readily agreed to 200,000 yuan, while this guy still had 300,000 yuan in hand.

I'm not interested in taking the things belonging to the Senator's family, but I'm a little dissatisfied with the Scarlet Sect, but Bai Bian put away the badge.

The supernatural world is a place where the jungle prevails, and anything traded with contribution points uses this kind of badge. Its function is the same as a bank card. It has a legendary atmosphere and no one can imitate or modify it.

And Legend is a protector of the Federation, so he doesn't need any contribution points.

My friend, what is it? Sabo wondered.

However, I need 80% of any profit from the Scarlet Sect incident. After all, this is a very risky matter for me. Bai Bing said without hesitation.

If you don't kill this guy while he's asking for something, you'll be sorry for this God-given opportunity.

No problem, my friend, then I will go back and prepare. Sabo breathed a sigh of relief.

He first walked to the corner, and an extremely filthy power surged out from around him. He instantly collected the five hundred Barrett energy guns piled in the corner, and then walked out quickly.

In Sabo's view, his curiosity has brought about a fatal crisis, and now except for saving his own life, nothing else matters.

And Bai Bian could know a few things about the terrorist organization, which was enough for him to win over at any cost.

After living, you will naturally have many opportunities to earn money.

By the way, my friend, there is a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion tonight. Our old City Lord may invite you. Also, the news that you broke through Silver will spread throughout Tobu City at night. Sabo walked to the door. When he paused, his face put on a sinister smile again.

Bai Bian thought for a moment and nodded: I understand.

The smile on Sabo's face deepened, and he walked out quickly and disappeared from Bai Bie's sight.

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