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Chapter 124 Sabo goes to jail

Oh~ my dear friend, you are finally back, I need your help.

Sabo's high-pitched voice came, but there was not much tension in it, but his irritability could be heard.

Law enforcement officer? Bai Bian also had a headache. After looking around, he found that Sabo had joined other important cities and received support from all the border cities. The things he did were not a big problem, but he actually had an affair with the Abyss Lord. Diplomatic relations were established.

This has always been a big taboo for the Federation, and this time the law enforcement officer can only say that the attacker is evil.

You know it all, my friend. I'm in prison now. Please come and catch me. Sabo was a little helpless: I obviously followed the law. Before that, they didn't say they couldn't have sex with the Abyss Lord. Doing business.

White plague:.

It’s not that there is no legislation, it’s just that no one can do business with the guys from the abyss.

After all, before Sabo, who would have thought that anyone could do business with those abyss lords who only know how to kill and kill?

I understand, I will solve this matter, and you can get 10% from the resources you earn in the future. Bai Bian thought for a while and said.

My friend, you are truly my most generous leader. Sabo's tone was full of excitement, and all those worries disappeared.

Okay, you can enjoy your rare prison sentence. You may not be able to enjoy it in the future. Bai Bian said, cutting off the communication, stood up, glanced at the window, and walked out.

He needs to help this guy deal with the aftermath, he can cause more trouble than him.

But now that Tobu City has sufficient resources, some development plans can begin.

When we walked to the city lord's mansion, Eric hadn't come back yet. In one month, the inner city had undergone great changes.

The city lord should still be admiring the prosperity that already belongs to Tobu City.

Mr. Plague.

Mr. Plague.

At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, there were still two Tianqi members on duty. Bai Bian asked: Are the law enforcement officers from the capital inside?

No, Lady Ogna went to the financial officer's house to ask questions, but Lady Ogna said that you should inform her when you come back. Do you think we need to inform her? the elf soldier asked cautiously.

Ogeana is also an elf, and she is a golden official in the official department. She has a good relationship with the other five elf councilors, and is a force that cannot be ignored in the federation.

It was this elf swordsman who left the message to Evil Thought.

Go ahead, I'll wait for her at the City Lord's Mansion. Bai Bian nodded and walked into the City Lord's Mansion.

All the way to the backyard, Bai Bian sat down in a pavilion, his eyes thoughtful.

The abyss is full of killing and madness, and the lord's territory is full of property belonging to the lord. The same is true for the ancient gods. Most of the ancient gods regard their dependents as property.

However, there are a small number of ancient gods who can still give some respect to their relatives, such as the Dark Lord, and some ancient gods who are not so arrogant.

But that's just a little bit.

Therefore, apart from the threat to Sabo's life, there is actually no need to worry about his betrayal. However, this is something that Bai Bian and Sabo can only understand after they have cooperated many times.

People in the council don't know that in their eyes, any existence that has dealings with evil planes such as the Abyss can be labeled as heretics.

If it weren't for the special situation of the border city, the council might arrest people directly instead of locking them in jail and waiting for the return of Bai Plague and Eric.

Of course, there was also Heidinger's manipulation. He stayed in the city to guard the city. Although he was not doing anything, there would not be much change here until Bai Plague and Eric came back.

As he was thinking about it, an extremely sharp feeling came over him. Bai Bian turned around and immediately saw a silver-haired elf walking into the city lord's mansion, walking straight towards Bai Bian.

Her eyes were sharp. Although she was a member of the Moonlight Tribe like Irene, her temperament was completely different.

Bai Bie, my name is Ogeana and I am the captain of the Law Enforcement Palace. Let's talk about how to deal with Financial Officer Sabo. Ogeana said calmly.

Deal with it? Did he violate any laws? Bai Bian asked curiously.

What is the concept of establishing diplomatic relations with the Abyss? I believe you also know that although he has caused no actual harm, he still needs to be imprisoned for fifteen years. He will not be released until there are no abnormalities after fifteen years. Ogeana said coldly. said.

Master Law Enforcer, you are not particular about this. Since there is no legislation, there can be no trial, and the newly enacted law cannot judge previous crimes. Bai Yi said with a smile.

Ogna looked at her calmly, feeling something, and she frowned: What if I insist on taking him away?

Bai Bian's expression gradually disappeared and he looked at her calmly: Master Law Enforcement Officer, you have to rely on evidence when doing things. This is Tobu City, not your capital. I have the final say on the current Tobu City.

Ogeana looked at him, the sharp aura on her body was looming. After a long time, the aura on her body collapsed, and she turned around calmly: I will convey your intention to the parliament. I hope you can still be so tough in the court.

Bai Bian did not reply and watched Ogeana leave calmly. He rubbed his brows helplessly: Send a message to the Law Enforcement Hall and ask them to release her.

Zero: [Message has been sent. 】

He looked at the crescent moon in the sky and waited quietly.

About ten minutes later, Saab's familiar figure appeared outside the pavilion: My friend, your efficiency is still so high. Do you want to hear what I have gained in the past six months?

A smile appeared on Bai Bian's face: Tell me about it.

Ten billions of working capital, twenty rare minerals, and material resources have filled the treasure house. I am now asking people to build a new treasure house. If all are converted into gold coins, my friend, the available assets of Tobu City have reached It’s already reached 20 billion.”

Sabo smiled evilly and pointed to the outside world:

And look outside, this is the commercial city in my heart. I even built many medical clinics for civilians. My friends, starting from Tobu City two months ago, diseases will no longer be able to kill our talent pool.

No one will die because of a minor illness. For example, the little girl in your store who had precognition died because her mother suffered from cold and disease, and there are no doctors in the outer city. This is not good.

Sabo looked forward to it: My friend, let's reform. We need a new system. There is no point in continuing to oppress this group of civilians. We should overturn those damn laws and establish our own system. With the two of us joining forces, Tobu City will become a new indicator.”

He raised his hands excitedly and said somewhat generously: The federations in the future will imitate us, but they will not be able to surpass us. We will eventually become the epic of reform!

Bai Bian said helplessly: The population of Tobu City has indeed reached saturation, but your idea is not suitable. Laziness is the original sin, and comfort cannot bring progress. I will consider the reform you mentioned, but not this.

Sabo's generous expression froze and he was speechless: My friend, you are so boring.

You have done a good job Sabo. Although the federal laws are not perfect yet, they are the most appropriate laws. I understand your concerns. You will get the answer you want tomorrow. He looked at the sky and said, Go and rest first.

Okay, okay, my friend, I feel that there is no point in squeezing those civilians, especially those who have been determined to have no talent. In addition to reproduction, they should be pulled into the production line. Sabo muttered and walked out. Extraordinarily relaxed.

White plague:.

He knew that Sabo didn't have any good intentions, and he almost thought that he was also penetrated.

But is this what Luo Ning said was bad luck? It’s not even a conflict, right?


Just as I was thinking about it, a trace of scarlet appeared in the sky, but it quickly disappeared in a wave of regularity.

At the same time, the prompt on the panel lights up.

[Because of you, the projection of the Embrace of Pain entered the abyss. Under a series of coincidences, the Embrace of Pain came to the abyss. You were marked by the abyss, and the abyss' favorability towards you was -10. If you violate the abyss contract, you will be punished. It will be aggravated, and abyssal creatures will instinctively hate you when they encounter you. 】

White plague:.

Okay, here comes the real bad luck, can you blame him for this?

It was the disaster brought in by Abyss himself, and he was blamed

How long have you been waiting?

Eric's voice sounded, and two footsteps approached.

Bai Bian turned around and immediately saw the two old men Eric and Heidinger approaching kindly.

Lord City Lord, Mr. Congressman. Bai Bian stood up and greeted respectfully.

Heidinger looked at Bai Bing carefully and praised: Old guy, the feng shui of Dongwu City should be better, you actually have two talented people.

I don't deny the white epidemic. The other one... forget it, if there are no restrictions, he can turn my place into an isolated city. Eric said helplessly.

Haha, that's also a skill. With him here, the lifeless Federation has become energetic. The Federation has been peaceful for many years. Some city lords have almost forgotten that they are also civilians. It is a good thing to fight and give them a sense of crisis. Hei Dinger said appreciatively, very satisfied with Sabo.

Eric didn't object to this statement. He looked at Bai Bing and joked: Can't wait?

No, I just came here to see the law enforcement captain. Now the matter has been resolved. Bai Bian looked at Heidinger: But I have a question that I would like to ask Mr. Heidinger.

Say. Heidinger and the city lord sat down in the pavilion and looked at Bai Bian kindly.

If there are more geniuses in Dongwu City, will there be any controversy? Bai Bian asked tentatively.

No. Heidinger said decisively. He thought of something and asked, Why do you have this idea? It's not too late for the Federation to be happy.

Really? Bai Bian asked doubtfully, Wouldn't the capital strongly demand that all geniuses have to lie down in the cradle?

Of course not. Aren't you just an example? Heidinger was a little helpless: Young people, don't think of us old guys as being so rigid. At least this old guy and I are still very open-minded.

That's good. Bai Bian smiled and said, Two adults, can I convene a parliament? I have something I want to say.

Heidinger and the city lord looked at each other, with some surprise in their eyes.

However, none of them refused. The handover of the border city lords did need to be reported to the parliament. They had not started yet, but now was the time.

The extremely powerful magic power in Heidinger's body began to flow, and a projection suddenly appeared in front of the three of them. It was a conference hall, and no one was there at this time.

Heidinger took out an old communicator from his arms and pressed it.

In the picture, the location in the middle of the conference room began to flicker. It was Heidinger's location originally. Now that he is no longer in the capital, it still belongs to him.

It's already being convened. Anyone who can come will come. Those who can't come will be notified afterwards. Do you have anything to say in the meeting? Heidinger couldn't hide his curiosity and couldn't help but ask.

Bai Bian thought for a while and then said: There is a golden fortune teller in the Lott family, and I want her to come to Dongbu City to develop.

This is difficult. Heidinger shook his head: Elsa has been supplied by the Lott family since she was a child. She has deep feelings for the Lott family and may not be moved by benefits.

Bai Bian smiled and said: Keep it secret for now, but I'm sure that if her divination skills are good enough, she should come to participate in the parliament this time.

Heidinger was a little surprised and responded with a smile: Then I'll wait and see.

As time went by, about half an hour later, a total of fifteen people came. After all, the congressmen usually have things to do and cannot be here at any time.

However, as long as more than half of the members are present, the meeting can be opened at any time, because in addition to Legend's absolute power, any proposal made by the members will be passed as long as more than half of them agree.

These people were looking at Bai Ying curiously. There were currently five SSS-level potential beings in the capital, and they were very interested in Bai Ying, who was living outside.

It's just that four or five of them looked at Bai Bie in a very strange way. Their families had been tricked by Sabo to some extent. The most obvious one was the head of the Kenner family. His family was the worst tricked.

A mithril mine was directly lost, which was worth 1.5 billion.

Heidinger ignored the various looks and glanced at Bai Bian, as if to say: You miscalculated, the Lott family did not come directly.

He turned to look at the screen and said with a smile: Okay, I came to see you this time because of the incident in Tobu City. I believe you can also guess that the White Epidemic has officially broken through to gold, and Eric has officially resigned. I will serve as the city lord of Tobu City and let the new city lord give a few words.

Heidinger looked at Bai Bing, and the other council members also looked at Bai Bing, with interest, complexity, and indifference in their eyes, but no one would object to Bai Bing becoming the city lord.

Heidinger came to Tobu City with an attitude.

Bai Bian didn't have any stage fright. He turned his gaze to the corner, where there was a green-haired male elf. He was looking at Bai Bian with great interest.

Just as he was about to say something, the door of the parliament was kicked open. A human old man walked into the parliament with an old human woman: Wait, there are only a few people, why are you in such a hurry?

Heidinger and Eric were surprised. They looked at White Plague with great interest. Unexpectedly, the Lott family actually came and brought the fortune teller Aisha!

The smile on Bai Bian's face became more sincere. As expected, diviners are very sensitive to fluctuations in their own destiny.

This fortune teller is from Tobu City!

There is another chapter to be read during the day. Please vote or something.

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