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Chapter 12 No one can touch my people


A scroll automatically protected the owner, and the bullet with a powerful electric arc was suddenly blocked by a thin shield.

How dare you? Are you serious about openly provoking the Will family? Alchemist?

Seth's tone was filled with anger. They passed through many cities all the way east from the capital. The people in those cities, including the city lords, were very respectful to the Will family. How could they have ever been treated like this before?


He was answered by another gunshot, and the second bullet with a powerful electric light passed through the ear hole of the orc Magath again. Magath, who was just about to regain his mobility, stiffened again.


The bullet of the second shot hit the same position as the first shot, and was much more powerful than the previous shot. A crack appeared in the shield during the violent collision and the spread of the arc.

Just as Seth was about to threaten, he took out his staff in an instant, and the magic power in his body surged wildly. When the third shot was fired, a six-pointed star circle instantly protected him.



The bullet with the arc paralyzed the orc again for a moment, and then shattered the shield and instantly shattered the six-pointed star formation.

Ding bell bell. Touch~

With the sound of bullets falling to the ground, the gunfire that frightened Seth rang out again.

It was too late to swing the staff in his hand. In a short period of time, he was unable to release more magic. Moreover, the gun in the alchemist's hand was extremely strange, and each shot was more powerful than the last. The fourth shot, he blocked Can't stop!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and Garrit, who had been motionless, stood in front of the two men with a giant ax in his hand.

As soon as the rhythm was interrupted, Magath, who had been paralyzed, instantly dodged, pulled out a long sword from his waist, and looked at Bai Bie warily: Mr. Bai Bide, people from the Will family cannot die in the city. This is the city lord. The command.

Bai Bian held up the demon hunting revolver and said in a calm tone: I have the right to kill any gangster who tries to commit murder in my store, and you are law enforcers, but now you are helping criminals. Do you want to be removed from your posts?

There wasn't much toughness in Bai Bian's voice, but it made the two Silvers hesitate.

The reason why they respect White Plague is because they respect scholars and are also afraid of creating powerful weapons.

Because as long as an alchemist can create powerful weapons, its own strength cannot be calculated by level.

Coupled with White Epidemic's contribution to the Federation in the past six months, Tobu City is also honored.

Also, for the wealthy areas, this place is a treasure house, the best medical center, and even their arms dealer.

The most famous alchemy genius in Tobu City, his huge influence and powerful weapons are the reasons why Bai Bian does not take the city lord's personal guards seriously.

The city's tax revenue and economy come from this wealthy area, so Bai Bing's dismissal is not impossible.

Even if the city lord is a powerful being of gold rank, he cannot ignore the energy of White Plague.

You will regret it. Provoking the Will family will be the stupidest decision you have ever made in your life.

At this time, Seth came back to his senses, he said angrily, and the magic power in his hand began to surge.

The two orc warriors looked at each other, with a trace of hesitation in their eyes. Why did the mage feel like he couldn't see the situation clearly.

Bai Bian's eyes turned cold, and he had no intention of letting the two Bai Yins get out of the way, and was about to pull the trigger directly towards them.

But at this time, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded.

Oh, my dear friend, what is it that makes you so angry?

Bai Bian paused his fingers slightly, turned his head, and immediately saw a very inconsistent-looking figure standing at the door.

He was about 1.2 meters tall, with his arms hanging naturally and touching the ground. His legs were very short, and his head, which was about the same size as his shoulders, looked very weird.

His somewhat ugly face revealed two rows of burnt-yellow teeth, and he looked ugly and treacherous. This was the dwarf of this world. He was originally an underground race, but now he has become a member of the Federation because of the crisis.

When Bai Bian saw the city's quartermaster, he slightly adjusted the muzzle of the demon-hunting revolver in his hand downwards, and his tone became warmer: It's nothing, it's just that this mage tried to do something bad to my employees, you You know, the laws of Tobu City allow me to kill him.

Sabo still had that disgusting smile. He turned around and said helplessly: I'm sorry, my friend. This is our friend from Tobu City. You shouldn't hurt him.


A wave of magic power erupted violently at this moment, a trace of killing intent flashed in Seth's eyes, and a curse suddenly began to spread.

Oh, my friend, what are you doing? Sabo stretched out his long arm, and the power of the curse attached to his body, and then it disappeared.

White Plague was a little surprised that Sabo had grown in resistance to this curse again.

There was also some fear in Seth's eyes. This city seemed to be a little different from other cities.

He calmed down the anger of almost being killed and said calmly: The elf saw the Scarlet Sect committing murder. You know what this means.

Sabo's face changed slightly, he looked at Bai Bing, shrugged and stepped aside. With their relationship, this step was already the limit.

At this time, an indifferent young man's voice sounded: Then what are you waiting for?

Along with the sound came an almost terrifying pressure, and the surrounding magic concentration increased crazily. A young man wearing a black robe and an indifferent face walked in.

Sabo frowned, then put a smile on his face: Mr. Ernaldo, why are you here? I can just hand over the goods.

Master. There was a hint of surprise in Seth's eyes, and an aura of humility and arrogance appeared on him. It seemed that he couldn't look down on anyone except the young man in front of him.

Seth said respectfully and humbly: My subordinate really wanted to check the memory of that elf, but I was stopped by the alchemist.

Ernaldo's cold eyes turned to Bai Bing, and even more terrifying pressure suddenly came: No one can stop the Will family from doing things.

At this time, this person's information also appeared on the big screen behind Irene.

[Name: Ernaldo Will.

Race: human.

Occupation: Mage.

Level: 46.

Rank: Silver high.

Danger value: 60%】

Yes, Master. Seth responded respectfully and walked to the counter without hesitation.


But at this moment, a gunshot froze everyone, and a powerful electric arc went straight into Seth's eyebrows. The powerful superimposed power of the fifth bullet made Seth's whole body stiffen.


A terrifying wave of magic power flickered, and the bullet suddenly stopped in mid-air.

There was some surprise in Ernaldo's green pupils. His expression was not angry, but rather filled with questions: Do you know what you are doing?

Bai Bian shrugged and stood in front of Irene: I know, kill the gangsters who try to commit murder in my shop.

Very brave. Ernaldo didn't have much emotion. He could feel that this alchemist had only broken through Silver not long ago, and the gap of fourteen levels was enough to create a crushing force.

Sabo silently backed away and had already reached the door, fearing that a fight would cause him to get blood all over his body.


Suddenly, a buzzing sound sounded, everything around was changing, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped all the creatures in the store.

A worker bee flew back from the left wall at some point and landed quietly on Bai Bie's shoulder.

Ernaldo's expression changed slightly, and a magic shield was instantly activated, covering his whole body. He turned his head and looked around.

Some of the patterns on the walls of the shop were dented at some point, and energy guns appeared in these grooves, aiming at Ernaldo.

At the same time, the door to the left of the counter also opened, and a cold, manic aura loomed, and the fluctuations it exuded were no weaker than his, and even slightly stronger.

The arrogance in Ernaldo's eyes diminished, and his brows furrowed.

If there is no misperception, the cold aura is the aura of Peak Silver, but I don't know what happened, and it is a little weak.

Bai Bian said calmly: In this Dongwu City, no one can touch my people.

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