Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 119 Micromechanical Cone

The aura of Sirsis dropped by at least 10%, but for White Plague, it was still overwhelming.

Because of things like attribute values, a gap of more than 30 points can lead to crushing. If the gap exceeds 50 points, he will be beaten to death with one punch. But now the attribute difference between him and Shen Dan's strength is only 200 points.

God is moving. Even if God is weakened, White Plague still cannot capture His movement.

A sense of crisis struck, and a giant column more than ten meters high suddenly appeared behind Bai Bian.

Didi didi.

Bai Bian detonated the flame-type intercontinental missiles without hesitation. He only brought five of them. The main reason was that it was difficult to modify the manual detonation missiles. Otherwise, he would not have minded bringing a missile with a space ring.

White light filled Bai Bian's entire back, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped his whole body.


The sharpness of the sickle struck, and the intercontinental missile behind him was cut off very smoothly. The light on the sickle struck Bai Bian's back, trying to cut him in half.

But although the main body of the activated intercontinental missile was destroyed, the structure of one of the blasting crystals had already been destroyed.

A strong fire suddenly rose between the god and the white plague, cutting off the sword light and engulfing both of them.

A small mushroom cloud rose.


At this time, the sound came belatedly, and the extremely powerful shock wave and flames dispersed crazily.

The shock wave formed a ring and continued to expand outwards. Houses in the distance were collapsed, and everything was eliminated in this big explosion. The high temperature melted the rocks on the ground, forming a special high-temperature crystal.

The diameter of the seven-kilometer explosion was terrifying. At the edge, the whole body was charred, and was blown away by the shock wave. The aura of disaster on Pu Sheng's body kept flickering, and he barely stopped himself while cursing.

Made, what are you doing? Didn't you shout out the moves before using them?

He looked inside despite the shock wave, but the white light in front of him had not dissipated. The shock wave caused the house next to him to collapse. Some big trees withered instantly due to the extreme heat, then spontaneously ignited and turned into sawdust in the shock wave.

Stop complaining. He used his trump card. If he doesn't succeed, we will all die.

An indifferent voice sounded, and a beam of black light rushed toward the center of the explosion against the shock wave. An extremely dark aura was gathering momentum. There seemed to be black flames flickering on his body, resisting the endless white light.

None of your business! Pu Sheng cursed. He was on the edge of the battlefield, mumbling words constantly. The aura of disaster on his body flashed crazily, and a gray aura began to spread.

The divine power given to him by the Lord of Disaster is more inclined to curse, and he himself does not like to fight with the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, so most of his abilities are curses or buffs, and the members of the buff

A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the gray field, and then, an eight-meter-tall black tiger with wings jumped out instantly, with a fierce aura, and rushed towards the flames with infinite gain.

Silks of gray crystals continued to fall, bringing some color to the dissipating white light.

At this time, in the center of the explosion, some cracks had appeared on the absolute protection scroll given by Eric. The gap between the two sides was really too big. Sirsis must be weakened, otherwise, the White Plague felt that it really had no chance of fighting.

At this time, Sirsis's body had been turned scarlet by the high temperature, and the extremely powerful shock wave did not make the two of them retreat.

The ancient god's scythe struck with scarlet brilliance, and Bai Bian's extremely evil aura flashed across his body. Dense tentacles sprouted from his exposed skin, and he hit with an absolute protective shield.


The flame was cut open, and the protective shield that was said to be unbreakable under the legend began to collapse at this time.

And White Blight had already taken advantage of the slight obstruction from the shield to arrive in front of the ancient god.

The extremely oppressive figure lowered his head and looked down at the white plague, his scarlet pupils filled with silence, as if he were watching an ant struggle.

His hand was retracting, and Bai Bian felt a chill coming from the back of his neck.

The flames had begun to burn his mental shield, but in his hand, a twisting white mask was wrapped by tentacles, extending towards Sirsis' face.

Sirsis' pupils narrowed and he raised his legs.


The agility gap of more than a hundred points allowed Sirsis to strike first and kicked Bai Blight in the chest.

The azure mental shield on Bai Bian's body was instantly kicked to pieces, and his spirit, which was higher than that of a god, barely managed to resist the direct kick.

But the huge impact caused his body to fly into the air, and Bai Bian directly hugged his feet on his chest. The direct contact with the ancient god caused his health to drop rapidly.

But the two shields that were almost absolute protection gave him a chance, and this would be the only chance.

In Bai Bian's hands, A-031 quickly approached Sirsis, and tentacles appeared behind the mask, with the mask directly imprinted on the god's face.

At the same time, Bai Bian began to struggle to twist his body.


Severe pain flashed through, and the triple damage to the soul, spirit, and body made Bai Bian break into a cold sweat in an instant.

His right ear, right shoulder and right hand were all cut off, and his whole body fell to the ground filled with high temperatures.

His health dropped to 20% at this moment.

One blow, just one non-vital injury almost killed him. As the panel commented, even if he is a dead god, he is still a god.

The mask on God's face began to work. Tentacles of the soul kept piercing into God's flesh. The mask twisted crazily and seemed to be broken, but it continued to recover according to a certain rule.

God lowered his head and looked down at the white plague on the ground, raised one foot, and stepped down hard.



But at this moment, a dagger appeared from behind the god and plunged into the god's body. Sirsis felt a huge threat. He stood on the ground and exerted force on his feet. The whole god with the sickle spun around violently. .

An extremely sharp circular slash began to spread.


The roar of the giant beast suddenly stopped, blood dripped on the hot ground, and a blood-colored mist began to appear, spreading the blood to the entire place.

After turning around in a circle, Sirsis' raised foot suddenly fell down.


The crystals that appeared on the ground due to the high temperature, centered on the god's feet, collapsed directly, like cracks in a spider web, extending outward crazily.

The strong hurricane finally completely dispersed the flames of the missile, revealing the figure of the god.

There was no sign of White Plague on the ground, and Sirsis's foot was in vain.

The cracks in the earth continued, spreading to the center of the explosion almost instantly.


The Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body lifted Bai Bie up, and he thanked the darkness. His shoulders and arms that had disappeared at this time had been filled with tentacles, and his flesh and blood were rapidly expanding.

After a bottle of potion was taken down, his health value also increased rapidly.

Originally, Bai Bie thought that he would have to sacrifice his life this time in exchange for the weakening of the ancient god. Unexpectedly, the demon soul blood could be saved.

No, I didn't expect this god to be so strong.

There was a sense of relief in Charles' tone. If God had no solution originally, he now has the capital to defeat it.

White Blight also looked at Sirsis. The god also raised his head at this moment. The aura on his body was extremely weakened. The Embrace of Pain was sucking the soul of the god madly. Charles's dagger was still hanging on the god's body. It was terrifying. Darkness was contaminating His body.

In the distance, Pusheng was crying about the death of his summoned objects, and the breath of disaster continued to fall on the god from a very far distance.

The attacks from the three bosses still put pressure on this god.

Sirsis' eyes stayed on Charles for a while, then turned his eyes to White Plague again, and said extremely calmly: Ant.

He actually didn't bother to speak the language of mortals, but at this moment he felt threatened, so he was willing to speak to communicate with these mortals.

But that was all. He slowly raised his hand, grabbed the Embrace of Pain, and began to exert force.

In an instant, the Embrace of Pain twisted crazily, and it was still devouring the soul of the ancient god. It could feel that if it could devoure the soul of this god, it would gain great benefits, and even move forward to a greater level. High grade.

Kill him while he's sick.

Bai Bian glanced at the health value that had recovered to more than 50%, and whispered.


The hum of the machine sounded, and the more than seventy-meter-tall giant magnetic machine pressed down violently, and its fist hit the god with an extreme sense of oppression.

Thesis stopped tearing A031 apart, and with the hand holding the scythe, he suddenly lifted it up.


A strong sound of swords sounded, and the black sword light split the mechanical giant in two with its fist like cutting tofu.

But it is not a whole with the mechanical body. Although a large number of mechanical bodies were turned into nothingness in this sickle, the huge fist still fell.


A strong buzzing sound sounded, and the ground that was originally full of cracks suddenly sank, and a shock wave comparable to that of a missile explosion spread crazily.

The huge force shook the mechanical giant apart, and a large number of magnetic machines fell into the high-temperature place. The remaining machines reunited in the sky.

The infinitely weakened Sirsis stood up again. His body had some damage, but it was not enough to cause him serious injury.

He looked towards Bai Bian, but could not find Bai Bian's figure. What greeted him was a huge mechanical cone.

Ding ding ding ding.

The sound of metal collision, which represented death, made the god's eyes shrink sharply.

The falling kinetic energy of a cone composed of Wanmagnetic mechanical bodies comes from the collision of the mechanical bodies. Initially, several mechanical bodies collide with one. The impacted Wanmagnetic mechanical body will hit the next one with stronger force and speed. one.

This combination is the one that can cause the most damage to Wanmagnetic Machinery. The speed and power increase step by step. With only a few hundred meters away, the machine behind the cone composed of this machine can no longer keep up with the machine in front. Body.

The mechanical body in front has turned red, and the high temperature has distorted the air.

Even if the cone stops at this time, the two hundred thousand magnetic mechanical bodies at the front end of the cone will be scrapped.

In other words, they are now crashing crazily, and they are already abandoned waste products.

Although this combination consumes a lot of energy, its power is terrifying.

The huge power brought about absolute speed, leaving Sirsis with no time to react.

He just held the sickle in front of him.


The first cone-shaped mechanical body was already in a semi-melted state at this time. A slight collision caused it to explode instantly, but it brought absolute kinetic energy and high temperature.


An explosion like thunder squeezed the air, hundreds of thousands of magnetic machines swallowed the god, and the ruined earth was riddled with holes in an instant.

Violent smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the terrifying power made the ground begin to tremble.

The white plague in the sky raised its hand without hesitation, and at a more microscopic level, the gold-eating insects began to arrange themselves.

This kind of technology that gives up all usability and pursues the most extreme destruction is what White Plague is best at.

If it were not for the limitation of materials, in his expectation, whether it was a magnetic machine or a gold-eating insect, as long as there were enough, it would be able to destroy all enemies on the physical level.

Hundreds of one-centimeter illusory cones appeared in mid-air. This tiny volume was dozens of times more powerful than before. The reason is very simple.

There are more than three million gold-eating bugs in a one-centimetre cone, and the hardness of the gold-eating bugs is even higher, and unlike the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body, the gold-eating bugs do not cause pure physical damage, but It's magic.

Although this kind of local tyrant strategy is expensive, it is something that even gods cannot ignore, at least this weakened god cannot ignore this kind of power.


A roar that sounded like a wild beast erupted in the smoke. Bai Bian's eyes turned slightly, and the darkness around him disappeared at some point.

Among them, Sirsis blended crazily with another strange breath.

The ancient god's power continued to expand, causing Bai Bing to quickly retreat with the metal cone.

He scanned it and looked at Sirsis.

After a series of comparisons, Bai Bian saw the blood bar.

[Sersis, HP: 67%. 】

The white plague's pupils shrank, and an attack that consumed hundreds of thousands of magnetic mechanical bodies couldn't even cause serious injury?

In just a moment, the panel of Sirsis in front of Bai Bian jumped several times.

[Sersis, HP: 58%. 】

[Sersis, HP: 43%. 】

[Health: 30%. 】

Bai Bian's eyes were full of solemnity. Charles was really strong, but in order not to distract him, Bai Bian did not check his health.

He glanced outside the battle circle, where Pu Sheng had stopped releasing the curse. He sat on the broken earth, looking tiredly at the smoke-filled battle center ahead.

After just a slight look, Bai Bian no longer paid attention to him. With so many layers of abyss contracts, even if he could block the contract, he would have to pay a heavy price.

Moreover, Bai Bian still has one life left and is not afraid of backstabbing.

The smoke and dust below dissipated in the collision, revealing a dark and scarlet energy field.

This energy field blocked the attack route of the White Plague Gold-Eating Insects. He was not sure whether Charles or Sirsis would be severely injured when more than 300 million Gold-Eating Insects smashed down.

An extremely special wave rose, and the ultimate sense of crisis continued to spread. During the white plague scan, Sirsis' health value jumped crazily.

[Health: 20%. 】

[Health: 12%. 】

The gold-eating bugs around White Blight began to beat unnaturally. The lower the blood volume of the boss, the more dangerous it was. God was the same, and Sirsis had dozens of question mark specialties. White Blight didn't know what would happen if the blood volume dropped to a limit.

So he planned to end the battle forcefully.

Ding ding ding.

The metallic rhythm of death began to charge, and the five gold-eating insect cones locked onto the breath of Sirsis and began to accelerate.

Ding ding ding.

The rhythm of death overwhelmed one god and one person in physical combat.

Without saying any hello, the five gold-eating insects disappeared in an instant, leaving five scarlet burn marks in the air.


[Sersis, HP: 0%]

Bai Bian raised his eyebrows, hit?

[Sersis, HP: 100%. 】

White plague:.

It seems that the real battle has just begun.


The scarlet sky turned dark red at this moment.

[The ancient god Sirsis enters the second stage,? ? ? , the realm of the ancient gods has been enhanced, you will lose 8% of your health and 8% of your sanity every second, and the collection of evil thoughts has been exempted from the sanity deduction. 】

The prompt on the panel just lit up.

The ultimate burst of breath.


In the center of the battlefield, the darkness was instantly ejected, and Charles turned into a stream of light and slammed into the earth.

There was a roar across the earth, and with him as the center, the area with a radius of one kilometer suddenly began to sink.

The muscles on the ancient god Sirsis are shrinking, like an old scavenger, and the shape of his ribs can be clearly seen.

The huge sickle with a length of three meters and a blade of 1.5 meters suddenly grew in size. At this moment, the handle of the sickle exceeded five meters and the blade exceeded three meters.

Small scratches appeared in the space near the blade, as if the extreme sharpness had cut through the space at this time, giving people a terrifying feeling.

The mask on Sirsis' face had disappeared at some point, and the dark lines slowly cracked open at this moment, turning into pairs of scarlet eyes, exuding bloodthirsty light.

But the next moment, under another more terrifying force, these eyes slowly closed and turned back into patterns.

He looked at Charles expressionlessly, and in an extremely hoarse voice said the second sentence after the war started: An ant, with the help of God's power, is still an ant.

As soon as the words fell, He had already appeared in front of Charles. The huge scythe was like the reaper of the God of Death, intending to cut Charles into two.

Ding ding ding.

The metallic rhythm of death appeared, and Sirsis's eyes darkened. He turned around, and the huge scarlet sickle stood in front of him.

Ding, boom!

God's feet were rooted in the earth, but at this moment he was pushed back continuously by this force, plowing two long ravines on the ground.

Ding ding ding.

The metallic rhythm of death struck again, and Sirsis was still in a state of parrying. On his scythe, the corpses of the gold-eating insects still had kinetic energy.

But he couldn't care so much at this moment. The terrifying power of the ancient god exploded instantly, forcing him to move out.

A miniature cone passed by him, like a hot knife cutting into butter, and sank directly into the ground, leaving behind dense and deep holes.


On Sirsis' body, those gold-eating insects that had lost most of their kinetic energy sank directly into his body, knocking him away again.

Charles stood up, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and said calmly: He still has another stage, and that time is the danger. Continue.

Then without thinking, a dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed directly into his chest.


The aura on his body suddenly weakened, but the next moment, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted, and the power of darkness began to spread, seeming to strengthen his power in all directions.

Two bottles of thick black liquid appeared, and Charles drank it directly. The darkness around him became darker and darker. He pulled out the dagger on his chest and turned towards the direction where the ancient god disappeared.

With a slight exertion on his feet, he disappeared in an instant.

These days, which boss doesn’t have a second stage?

Um, I still can’t finish the second chapter, so I’ll simply increase the word count. This one has a word count of 5,020, and the next chapter will be the same, so I’ll add up to 10,000 words per day!

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