A rare video conference in the nightmare world started.

There are seven high-level gold plague doctors in Beacon City plus White Plague, ten high-level gold knights of light plus Eric in Silver Moon City, and finally there are five high-level gold demon hunters in Stone Mist City.

Counting Eric, there are a total of twenty-three golds, which has almost caught up with the strength of the Federation.

This power is also the whole of this world. In the description of the epidemic doctor and Bai Bian's supplement, the superiors of the other two cities also showed obvious hesitation.

But no one can break the space blockade at the edge of the nightmare world, and no one can be sure that it will be broken one day in the future.

In the S series, the top three dangerous objects are all in the epidemic doctor, and the dangerous object of the Black Death represents it. The current Beacon Kingdom is just hanging on, and one day it will go extinct due to the constant emergence of S series dangerous objects.

Solving the Black Death Curse will only allow the Kingdom of Beacon to survive longer.

Bai Bian looked at these silent people and said calmly: According to the current news, the ancient god is currently injured. The longer time passes, the greater the variables will be. When the god's injury recovers, then No one can survive”

Where did you get the news?

A sharp, hoarse, and uncomfortable voice sounded. It was the golden leader of Shiwu City. His extremely cold eyes were staring at Bai Bian across the screen.

Bai Bian looked at the golden man and didn't reply. His handsome face became a little weird at this moment, as if it were fake, and then the face began to gradually become distorted.

His teeth gradually protruded from his lips, and his eyes became pitch black. Scarlet vertical lines spread all over his face. An aura that looked down on all living beings emerged. The terrifying power made the seven top-level golden epidemic doctors suddenly stand up, and the energy on their bodies showed vigilance. state.


As all the stripes on Bai Bie's face opened up, scarlet eyeballs full of silence and greed stared at everything around them. Anyone stared at by such eyeballs would feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The epidemic doctors were no longer calm, and the auras on their bodies suddenly erupted. Various forces continued to intertwine in the air, making the council chamber crumbling.

Even the figures in the communication kept flickering, and the information was about to be submerged by the terrifying energy tide.

Bai Bian stretched out his hand, and a hideous and terrifying face slowly fell off, gradually turning back into the look of A-031's Embrace of Pain that even the top leaders of the nightmare world were very familiar with.

The extremely tense atmosphere in the field suddenly froze at this moment, and more than 20 top gold medalists from the Epidemic Doctors, Knights of Light, and Demon Hunters all showed shocked eyes.

What did they see? Someone is wearing something dangerous! It’s still a Class A dangerous object!

How could this be worn safely?

If A-031 attaches the golden upper position to the face, it will die and there is no possibility of struggle, but now

The scene was extremely silent. Only the old city lord Eric slowly put the sword back into the space ring. He looked at Bai Bie with some admiration. His eyes seemed to say: Look, this is our genius at Daybreak. Are you shocked? ? Country bumpkin!

Do you have any questions? Bai Bian played with the Embrace of Pain and asked calmly.

He read a lot of information on dangerous materials, but why did he hold on to 031? Is it just because it caught it on its own?

Of course not, there are indeed many dangerous objects in this world, but among the many dangerous objects that White Plague can see at present, only this thing is a higher-level disaster object.

The disaster object represents that its body still exists, that is to say, this thing is just a projection, but its effect is ridiculously strong, and it can perfectly disguise itself as any existence.

From breath to energy attributes, from appearance to genes, it is a perfect disguise and has no restrictions.

As long as the Embrace of Pain comes into contact with any existence, it can imitate and disguise it at will.

Now, 031, who had no chance of coming into contact with the ancient god, has imitated the appearance of the ancient god. This can actually prove that Bai Bing's speculation is correct.

In this imitation, the state of the ancient god is not as strong as imagined. Of course, it may also be that sub-time and space cannot simulate the real god.

The most likely thing is the state. First of all, the ancient god was chased here by the existence from the dimensional turbulence in the original timeline, and the state will definitely not be much better.

Secondly, according to the nightmare world, the characteristics of a true god will not appear.

The dead ancient god will be imitated, and his fear will build his body in life, but it will not have the strength of the true god.

And his power will continue to weaken as the plot continues, until he dies and moves towards a new reincarnation.

It is obviously very late now. The less than three million people of Fenghuo have gone through at least eight-tenths of this reincarnation.

In other words, the current gods may still be the top beings in this nightmare world, but they are no longer invincible and can be hunted.

Many high-ranking gold officials were silent. The demon hunter who had just asked stood up and said calmly: What do you want us to do?

The strong men of the Knights of Light also looked over, their tired eyes truly filled with hope. They knew very well what the mask could mean by imitating the face of a trance.

The characteristic of 031 is contact, which means that this mask has been in contact with the real God. It was God who made Fenghuo what it is now, and it was God who banned them!

The weird aura on Doctor Bian gradually disappeared, and they all looked at Bai Bian and responded: Everything depends on Mr. Bai Bian's orders.

Under the horrified and shocked eyes of the strong men around him, Bai Bian smiled and put the faceless mask in his hand back on his face.

As the mask fits, the restlessness brought by the dark side to Bai Bian gradually disappears. The mask is afraid of evil thoughts, and after the evil thoughts are restrained by the mask, the evil thoughts become particularly obedient.

Bai Bian's face slowly returned to his own. He looked at Eric, whose eyes were full of relief, and then decisively strengthened the group of ancient gods' favored ones: Since God doesn't want us to live, then we should also let them live. He felt the wrath of mortals.

Except for the members of the organization who maintain order, all personnel will be dispatched to kill all the God's Favored Persons below the gold level.

Catch those who are above gold if you can, and kill those who resist.


Stone Mist City.

The rays of the setting sun shone on this deathly city, making its ruins even more desolate.


The sound of heavy breathing came, and a young human race man with fierce eyes ran into a room in embarrassment.

He quickly closed the door and leaned against the wooden door, holding the sword wound on his abdomen as it slowly fell to the ground, panting heavily.


The sound of electricity passed by, and the young man weakly picked up a walkie-talkie with his other hand and said with a wry smile: Mader, what a shame. Are these demon hunters crazy? I haven't offended them, have I?


The current sound of the walkie-talkie became louder, and Charles said solemnly: You may not believe it, but do you still remember the two Dawnbreakers who came in with us?

Pu Sheng took out a potion from his pocket and poured it directly into his mouth. The injuries to his internal organs could be seen in his abdomen slowly healing.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief and replied: Huh~ What? Huh~ Don't tell me that the two of them did it? We came in together.

Charles: Guess.

Pu Sheng: Fuck, this is unfair, why? This is only the third day!

Charles, who was in Beacon City, looked at his fellow epidemic doctors and quickly trotted to keep up with the temporary team leader, chasing a gold-level believer of the ancient god.

He said helplessly: Bless yourself. Counting you and me, there are at most eight people left who are still on the run. The few brainless ones have been caught.

Pu Sheng rubbed his abdomen and found that his injuries were almost healed, so he asked helplessly: What should I do? The weapons of those demon hunters smell of dangerous substances. I don't have much medicine left. Keep going. I can’t stand it anymore.”

Charles: Currently I only know that the white plague's target is also an ancient god. I don't know the rest. It's up to you to decide. Please don't contact me in the future.


Pu Sheng looked at the useless communication device in his hand and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: Xie Te! Is this how you play?

Tap tap tap.

Rapid footsteps came, and the extremely terrifying Qi machine locked onto his position again.

Pu Sheng stood up and estimated the time. In less than a minute, the group of people came after him.

He slowly accumulated strength, and when the aura approached, he crashed directly into the stone wall on the left side of the house.


The wall collapsed, and Pu Sheng's figure rushed towards the distance crazily. The aura of the demon hunter behind him followed him like a shadow, biting him tightly and not letting go.

A ferocious look flashed across Pu Sheng's eyes, and the next moment, an extremely terrifying aura of disaster flashed out, and ominous things gathered in the sky.

Yeah~ Yeah~

A crow seemed to be disturbed by this breath and made a shrill sound. A disaster seemed to be brewing.

The favored ones of the Lord of Disaster possess part of the power of Disaster, which is the power from the true God.

The demon hunter chasing behind him hesitated a little, and this aura gave him a strong sense of uneasiness.

He thought for a while, then burst out the power in his body, speeding up suddenly, and pursued Pu Sheng.

Pu Sheng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he was about to take action, but suddenly he noticed something. His knees bent and he fell to the ground.

The extreme speed caused his knees to plow two deep ravines on the ground, and he continued to slide forward.

Finally, he stopped in front of the middle-aged man thousands of meters away.

He raised his hands high and shouted decisively: Master Demon Hunter, don't kill me! I will cooperate with you in everything!

In front, a golden demon hunter slowly inserted his sword into the scabbard and uttered one word: Speak!

The demon hunter behind him quickly approached. Seeing the guy who had been entangled with him for at least three hours slipping to his knees, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Mud, what is this?

Pu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that he's not dead. His eyes flickered and he said firmly: I'm reporting that one of our members has infiltrated the epidemic doctor organization!


Silvermoon City, the headquarters of the Knights of Light.

Eric blew on the tea in his hand, took a sip, and his eyes suddenly brightened: What kind of tea is this?

Blood cherry tea, the leaves of the dangerous C-413 blood cherry tree, has the effect of improving body functions and purifying magic power. A waiter answered carefully.

Eric nodded: Are there any side effects?

The waiter lowered his head and said with a slight hesitation: Every time it kills an intelligent creature, it will condense a leaf.


He looked at the pot of tea and suddenly felt that it was not so fragrant. What was the difference between this and eating people directly?

He calmly put down the tea cup and waved his hand. The waiter immediately understood and withdrew.

He felt the magic power in his body that had been adjusted to its optimal state. After thinking about it, he drank the blood cherry tea in one gulp, and then silently began to absorb the magic power around him.

The concentration of magic power here is a hundred times that of Daybreak, and is even more effective than using the spirit gathering array at Daybreak. White Blight allows it to preserve its strength, so he can try it now.

It might be difficult to break through to Legend, but on the basis of level 77, he felt that he could go further.

As the magic power gathered, a terrifying fighting spirit rose from the building and gradually enveloped the dungeon.

Many residents raised their heads and looked at the headquarters of the Knights of Light with awe in their eyes.

Eric's aura gradually reached its peak. After warriors and assassins reached gold, they all needed to understand their own rules. This was the basis for them to compete with mages.

Eric felt that his rules were loosening. The timeline intercepted by the nightmare world was the timeline of the ancient gods. At that time, there were many legends and the breakthrough of living beings was countless times easier than in the Federation period.

In addition to the issue of magic power concentration, it is also an issue of the rules of heaven and earth. God's divinity is the authority of certain rules.

God has been exiled. Although these rules have not collapsed, they are still in an abnormal state. These abnormalities make it extremely difficult for living beings to understand the rules of the world.

Although the nightmare world cannot compare with Shia's world rules, it is still perfect. Eric feels that his own rules and the world's rules are constantly confirmed.

His magic power, which had not been touched for more than a hundred years, slowly grew upward at this moment.


The roar of magic sounded, and Eric suddenly opened his eyes. The extremely powerful aura on his body rose crazily, but then slowly declined.

The breakthrough failed.

Eric felt the magic in his body, a little disappointed, but more relieved.

In the end, after the energy and blood reach the limit, there is no possibility of breakthrough.

Because warriors and assassins are different from mages and alchemists.

Alchemists and mages mainly rely on three aspects: knowledge, magic, and spirit to continuously advance. As experience and strength increase, the spirit, knowledge, and magic of creatures will only become stronger and stronger.

Warriors and assassins, on the other hand, rely on the body as their foundation. The more energy and blood the body has, the further they can go.

The understanding of one's own rules is also based on the condition of the body. For people like them who are stuck in gold due to the limitations of the times, unless there is something that can return the fundamentals of their body to a youthful state, this will be the case for the rest of their lives. .

He looked at the dim city outside, his eyes becoming even more cloudy and deep.

A hundred times the concentration of magic power and more complete rules will not work. After this attempt, he will not try a second time. It is time for the legendary dream to be completely shattered.

From now on, Eric will do everything for the Federation.

Um, wait a moment for Chapter 2, it will be finished by one o'clock.

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