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Chapter 111 The Black Death Pathogen

Nightmare world, Silver Moon City.

Eric slowly opened his cloudy eyes. He stared blankly at the dim roof. When he reacted, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

He sat up instantly, and the Demon Swordsman's perceptual position came through, clearly presenting this dim room in his mind.


The sound of bowls and chopsticks falling to the floor was heard, and someone seemed to be frightened in the darkness. A timid question rang out: Grandpa, are you okay?

Eric ignored it, and his sensing position poured out crazily, and the terrifying aura of the golden superiority vented unbridled. There was an anxious look in his eyes, because he could no longer sense the white plague.

That is the hope of the future of the Federation. It doesn't matter if something happens to him, he must not let anything happen to him!

The powerful magic power began to make the room tremble, and there seemed to be a dungeon outside. Because of his breath, many lights suddenly lit up.

In the distance, there was the sound of heavy armor clashing. People wearing silver armor, with tired eyes, looking like knights, quickly gathered here.

Waves of more powerful breath began to spurt out, colliding with Eric's breath.

gold! A lot of gold, more than three at the top!

Eric was shocked. He didn't know what was happening now, but this did not affect him from becoming more impatient. This place was too weird, and he had to find the White Plague first.


The long sword came out of the body, and the cold light flickered in the dim wooden house. The legendary giant sword filled the surrounding air with a sense of sharpness.


There was a slight sound of landing, and Eric looked, and in the dimness, a dirty little dim face appeared in front of him.

The little boy was very thin, and his eyes were full of fear. Because of the bowl falling just now, blood was already seeping out of his rough hands.

Eric's sharp eyes stared at the little boy. A force pulled him and put him on the bed. The space ring flashed and two bottles of potion appeared next to the little boy.

This is the reward. Drinking it will enhance your physique.

After speaking, many auras came nearby. Eric walked out with his sword. The terrifying fighting spirit condensed a looming shadow in the sky. Different from Mawson's shadow, the facial features and outline of this shadow were very different. Clear.

With his aged facial features and the fighting spirit in his cloudy eyes, it was obvious that he was the old city lord himself.

In the windless dungeon, murderous intent overflowed. Except for the different magic powers echoing each other, there was no sound at all.


There was a slight sound of landing, and a middle-aged man wearing heavy armor and a solemn face stared at Eric. He was also a gold medalist. He felt a sense of crushing. This old man was very strong. That sword, very dangerous!

He seemed to have thought of something and spoke slowly: A strong foreigner, do you know a man named Bai Bian?

After the words fell, the murderous intention became even higher. Eric looked at the person in front of him calmly. If it was the worst outcome, then there would be a price they could not bear.

Just as a communication device rang, the murderous intent in Eric's eyes suddenly disappeared. It was a communication from White Plague.


At the same time, Beacon City.

A layer of black mist enveloped the world. It was a full moon, but it could not illuminate the dilapidated city. A few coughs could be heard in each room.

They were infected with an incurable disease. They were abandoned and could only wait to die wailing here, waiting for a cure that the disease doctor might never come to.

There were figures in the black mist, as if someone was moving quickly in this terrifying air, not afraid of the black death curse that terrified the world.


The low curses disturbed the rats that came out to look for food, and they scurried directly into the sewers on the street.

Tap tap tap.

Behind this man, people wearing death robes and bird-beak masks followed closely, following unhurriedly, like the god of death coming to demand life, which made people shudder.

After this group of people passed by, the mouse carefully ran out of the sewer and secretly looked at the group of people who disappeared into the black mist.


Subtle footsteps sounded around the mouse. It was startled. Before it could react, a big foot wearing a leather boot stepped down.


The sharp and urgent voice stopped suddenly, and Charles stared at the backs of the epidemic doctors with gloomy eyes. Are these epidemic doctors crazy? Why are they clinging to him?

How are you doing there? Charles picked up something like a walkie-talkie and asked aloud.

Zizi~ Those mutants went crazy, and basically all the sacrifices they brought were caught.

There was some noisy current sound in the walkie-talkie, and it seemed that the signal was not very good.

The gloominess in Charles's eyes became even higher, and he said calmly: Then sacrifice those idiots, as long as it can weaken this world, the ancient god... ha...

Zizi~ I know, Zizi~ God had a premonition~ Zizi, they need an origin, Zizi~ Fake, those damn guys are here again.

The intercom went silent, and murderous intent flashed in Charles's eyes. He exerted force on his feet, and a bit of blood spread. His figure gradually disappeared. When he reappeared, Charles was no longer there, replaced by an epidemic figure wearing a robe of death. medical.

His temperament was rapidly changing, becoming similar to those of the epidemic doctors around him, with a strange temperament of coexistence of numbness and hope.

He looked left and right and hurriedly walked to the left.


【S-001-The Black Death Pathogen.

Appearance: A black cup covered with mysterious engravings.

Origin: unknown.

Effect: Every six months, an intelligent being is required to drink the black death pathogen in the cup. The person who drinks it will randomly become a C-level to S-level dangerous object.

Once the liquid in the cup is not drunk, the water in it will overflow and cast the curse of Black Death in the air, and the Black Death pathogen will start to breed again, until the entire kingdom is shrouded in the Curse of Black Death.

The current air pollution index is 0.3 during the day and 0.8 at night.

Current containment location: Base 3 of the Epidemic Medical Containment Facility.

Note: Do not try to destroy S-001. Destroying it will increase the pollution concentration by 0.1, and it will regenerate randomly in any corner. 】


Appearance: Gray-skinned human race.

Origin: During his lifetime, he was the legendary mage ***·** of the Beacon Kingdom. After his death, his power was enhanced. Any existence that is looked at by it will be infected with the curse of black death and cannot be contained.

Before ***·** died, he took the initiative to enter the highest-level border shelter. After the disaster, the shelter could not restrict his activities, which has now led to the annihilation of millions of people in three cities.

Do not call its name. If any creature calls its true name, S-002 will appear next to it and destroy all creatures in sight.

Various methods have been tried, but currently no one can stop the spread of the S-002 Black Death Curse.

It cannot be destroyed, it cannot be contained, it cannot be restrained. 】

【S-003-Instant Death】

Bai Bian looked at the information on the dangerous objects in front of him with shock in his eyes. There were more than thirty S-class contained objects in total, all of which were dangerous objects with the power to destroy cities, and they were all immortal things.

It seems that the source of everything is S-001, but Bai Ying always feels that it is not that simple, because of the space restriction mentioned by the epidemic doctor.

In the travel notes of outside mages, there is no so-called space ban, and there are no historical records of space ban.

In that era of the ancient gods, no matter how powerful the ancient gods were, the people of the Beacon Kingdom would never fail to write records, right?

In other words, the real Beacon Kingdom has no so-called space confinement, but it is trapped in this land with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers, and no one is spared.

This is an absolute tragedy.

Bai Bian shook his head and didn't want to think about the ban anymore. This might be a supplementary rule for the nightmare world to justify itself, or it might be something else.

What he has to do now is to find the core of the world. Now he should first fill up the skills of creating the Black Death Curse. The spiritual creations may give him some inspiration.

Mr. White Epidemic, the number of people caught in Fenghuo City has reached 500. Do you want to go and have a look? An epidemic doctor walked into the study and asked respectfully.

Okay. Bai Bian stood up and put back the books he had just taken out to make the plague doctor's suit.

Those caught cannot enter the dungeon, and it is night now. Please wear protective clothing. This can greatly reduce the chance of being infected with the Black Death Curse. The epidemic doctor said, holding a set of death suits in both hands. and the beak mask were delivered to Bai Bian.

Bai Bian did not refuse. He put the Apocalypse Curtain into the space ring and quickly put on the Bide Doctor suit.


While wearing it, tentacles exploded on his body, but they were quickly pushed back by the white plague. He was still holding A-031 in his hand and could not change back to the light side.

This thing seemed to have some functions, and he wanted to study it, because he discovered that his dark side could actually use these dangerous objects at no cost.

However, maintaining the dark side for a long time made him feel a little irritable, but he could still suppress it and it did not affect his thinking.

Putting on the bird's beak mask, Bai Bian suddenly felt that his breathing was not so smooth and he needed to exert more effort than before. There was also a strange floral scent, which seemed to be blocking something.

My vision also became a little blurry, and I saw things with a yellow filter.

After sorting out his clothes, Bai Bian followed the doctor to a Colosseum-like building in the outside world.

Around the building, each of the epidemic doctors looked at the existence inside with leisurely eyes. The leader of the epidemic doctors was a golden middle-level epidemic doctor.

The top-ranked epidemic doctors are all studying the evil thoughts caused by the white epidemic. Now this is their most urgent matter.

Walking into the place, Bai Bian saw people who were tied up. Their eyes were generally fierce and alert, a bit like wild beasts.

Bai Bian glanced around and asked the gold middleman: Didn't you catch a gold-level one?

The plague doctor took half a step back without leaving a trace. The white plague felt too much like a dangerous object to him. They were a little uncomfortable after fighting with dangerous objects for a long time.

However, after thinking about the words of the epidemic doctor leaders, he responded respectfully: There are five golden outsiders in Fenghuo City, and three of them have been identified and are being arrested.

Bai Bian looked at this group of members of Disaster City, thought for a moment, and raised his hand.

A bottle of potion was spinning and falling in the center of the Colosseum, hit~

The glass bottle shattered, and the dark green mist sank to the bottom and spread quickly.

Bai Bian turned around: Let's go, don't stay here, just execute the people from the other two cities directly. I believe the people who should study it have also studied it. The ancient gods don't have any good things.

[You use alchemical poison to kill a level 21 orc, the experience value is +80, and the additional experience value is +80.]

[You use alchemical poison]

The prime-level epidemic doctor paused, then waved his hand, and the dozens of epidemic doctors present quickly evacuated the place.

In this country of disease, all epidemic doctors are doctors, and they can tell what the green liquid is.

And just as Bai Bing said, no matter whether it is the plague doctor, the Knights of Light, or the disaster shelter, it is impossible for them to only listen to Bai Bing's side of the story.

They did ask for information about the ancient gods from these people and from their mouths, and then they notified Bai Bing to come over.

But now the trust of official organizations in the White Epidemic has reached a higher level, and their attitudes have become more respectful.

Bai Bing returned to the dungeon, groping for A-031 with one hand, and looking at the book in his hand with the other hand.

He is still wearing the epidemic doctor suit, because this book is very cleverly designed. Only when wearing the epidemic doctor suit can you see the content after the second page.

Otherwise, he could only see how to make the plague doctor suit. This was the federation's vigilance against the Black Death Curse. This curse was definitely a god-level thing, but it did not require god-level technology to create it.

This is dangerous.

As time went by, the expression under the white plague beak mask gradually became serious.

The manufacturing method of the Black Death Curse appeared in the New God Era, and the manufacturing method revealed always very important information.

He closed the book, stood up and walked outside.

Mr. Bai Yin, where are you going? The epidemic doctor at the door saw him and asked quickly.

Tell Mr. Zai that I need to see S-001. Bai Bian ordered directly.

Because if some of the information on the method of creating the Black Death Curse really coincides with the speculation, then this disaster that destroyed the country does seem to be the handiwork of the ancient gods, but it is not a disaster created subjectively by the ancient gods.

It seems that the role played by the ancient god is not as evil as imagined.

The space ban has been explained, and even with some background stories of 2.0, maybe White Plague can discover some real secrets of the world.

The epidemic doctor was stunned and nodded: Wait a moment, I need to ask.

He said, and walked quickly to the left passage, and within a few seconds of him walking, another epidemic doctor appeared next to Bai Bian, and moved to the side with some fear.

After all, -5's charm is not something that ordinary people can withstand, not to mention that he has a faceless mask in his hand.

About five minutes later, Zai came over and asked calmly: Mr. Bai Ying, you want to see S-001. What's the matter?

I have a guess, maybe I can know where the Black Death Curse comes from. Bai Bing said calmly: And this guess requires me to see the pathogen.

Zai looked at him calmly for a long time, then he nodded: I want to believe you, come with me.

Both of them walked a little hastily, and soon they reached the innermost part of the building.

There is a steel door here, and behind the door is a passage going down. The yellowish light illuminates the stairs, leading to an unknown place.

Stepping onto the street, Bai Bing's expression was a little solemn under his beak mask. This information was important and dangerous. He hoped it was true but also hoped it was false.

All the way down, after walking about two hundred meters, a wooden door appeared. This door was very strange, with blood pouring out continuously, but the blood did not accumulate on the ground, but disappeared out of thin air.

Bai Bian was a little surprised. They were actually using dangerous objects to guard the door?

Sorry, it's a little slow, and there's another chapter that's a little delayed, so I'll see it tomorrow morning.

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