Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 105 Resurrection Armor

[Your dark side is fused with some of the flesh and blood of the Abyss demigod, Frederick Stewart. Your dark side has been greatly improved. 】

[You have successfully promoted your evil thoughts to a complete form, and your alchemical transformation has reached an advanced level. 】

[Advanced Alchemical Transformation (2300/10000). 】

[You have eaten the soul crystal core (small) x 3, your soul will be slightly improved, and your mental power will be +30. 】


Bai Bian gasped for breath, the scarlet color in his eyes was fading. He pushed away the remaining flesh and blood, feeling a little exhausted.

After drinking a bottle of mental recovery potion, Bai Bian leaned in front of a silver mechanical instrument and slowly restored the restlessness of desire in his body.

Almost, just almost. He knew that touching the things belonging to God was dangerous, but he didn't expect that the little flesh and blood the demigod put into this world through the world would almost let the dark side bite him back.

Fortunately, there is a soul crystal core, otherwise it may be dangerous this time.

The transformation of evil thoughts is a semi-finished product, and the alchemist who developed it did not have the ability to perfect it. In other words, the alchemist was killed by the evil thoughts it transformed before he could perfect it.

This semi-finished product not only gives evil thoughts extremely powerful growth potential, but also allows its side effects to increase infinitely.

If it weren't for Bai Blight's expertise in light and darkness, he wouldn't have touched this transformation. At most, he would have created it and then thrown it into the enemy's territory.

The dark side under control is powerful. After only two transformations, the dark side has entered the gold level in all aspects.

[Host: Alchemy Demon.

Race: evil thoughts

Template: Absolutely evil creature.

Occupation: None.

Level: Modified creatures have no levels.

Rank: Gold lower level.

Personal attributes: Strength 455, Agility 510, Endurance 430, Intelligence 130, Spirit 675, Charm -5, Luck 1.

Free attribute points: None.

Legend: 3

Title: Hunter: ★★★★★ (Can be worn.)

Skill: Alchemy

Expertise: High., Evil Thought Collection: Devouring malice, blood, filth, and other people's extreme emotions, all attributes can be increased except soul and luck.

Evaluation: The evil thoughts of the complete body have appeared. I can't believe that it still has reason. What a terrible disaster this will be. 】

Bai Bian ignored the -5 charm value, looked at the other luxurious attributes, and smiled. The dark side reached gold first, and now he can finally settle down in this world.

Bai Bian looked at the boss template expertise. Since it was now fully improved, he would simply upgrade it all at once.

[You have enabled optional boss expertise x1. 】

[Please choose one of the three specialties. 】

When the first boss specialty appeared, Bai Ying's somewhat pale face suddenly turned rosy, which seemed a bit awesome.

[Demon Soul Blood: When your health drops to 1%, the Demon Blood hidden in your soul will be passively triggered, restoring your health to full. Cooling time: 30 natural days. 】

Resurrection Armor!

It’s actually the Resurrection Armor!

I have seen this specialty before. Although the description is different, the effect is the same. The first is the angel's sacred protection, which also restores the health of the protected person when the life is about to return to zero.

There are also some bosses that will enter a violent state when they are about to be killed. While various attributes are improved, their health points will also be restored.

This greatly improves his survivability and makes him more like a real boss.

After continuing to look at the remaining two specialties and discovering that there was no unique specialty, Bai Bian decisively chose Resurrection Armor.

No amount of life-saving things is too much.

After choosing his specialty, Bai Bian still did not complete the task. He walked out of the laboratory and immediately caught Irene's attention.

She looked at Bai Bie with some resentment in her eyes: Boss, when will my medical clinic open? I have learned how to restrain and gain energy, and the situation like last time will never happen again.

Bai Bian paused for a moment, thought for a moment and said, I'll ask Al to change the sign so that no one will die.

As he spoke, he hurriedly walked into Orr's workshop and got the solar energy that had been stored for two months from Orr.

Bai Bing hurriedly walked back to the laboratory. He still needed some means of mass destruction, and Praise of the Sun was obviously a good choice.

There is no upper limit to the power of this kind of explosive. The power is mainly determined by the volume and the amount of solar energy.

Therefore, if the solar energy of these two months is compressed into an explosive, it should be quite powerful.

Erin looked at Bai Bian's back and sighed. The boss was busy all day long, and he was a SSS-level genius. No wonder he was the boss.

Tap tap tap.

The sound of rapid footsteps was heard, and Eileen turned her head, and immediately saw Luo Ning's uneasy eyes.

What's wrong? Irene was a little confused. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she was immediately hugged by the little Lolita.

Luo Ning's voice was very uneasy: I just saw a scary guy with tentacles all over his body approaching me. I have never felt such powerful malice!

Erin was stunned and looked around: Malicious? Where?

Luo Ning's body was shaking a little: I don't know, but I feel it is very dangerous, very dangerous. Can we inform the boss?

Irene touched the little Loli's head helplessly and said softly: Goodbye, look outside, it's still so prosperous, and the Lord of the City is here, don't be afraid.

Yes. Luo Ning gradually calmed down while being comforted, and she whispered a little embarrassedly: Well, sister Eileen, can you accompany me to the room to get a book? I don't dare to go by myself.

Let's go, let's go, don't be afraid, we are in the inner city here, what kind of bad intentions dare to come in? Isn't that asking for death? Irene led Luo Ning and walked towards their room.

White Plague did not stay in the laboratory for long this time, because the production process of Praise of the Sun was relatively complete, and only one skill point was filled up.

And with full proficiency, making explosives will basically not fail, so when it got dark, White Plague finally ended this three-month retreat.

Looking at the panel again, Bai Bian walked out with great satisfaction, doing things and doing things. It was the early days of the establishment of the Kingdom of the Ancient Gods, and there were not many legends.

He was considering whether to go it alone or bring an army with him.

But he planned to discuss this with Eric. After all, the city lord was now his guardian, and it was always right to discuss things more.

Boss, do you want to go out? Luo Ning, who was huddled next to Irene, his eyes lit up when he saw Bai Bian. He put down the divination book in his hand and asked immediately.

Yes, what's wrong? Bai Bian turned around and asked softly.

That person was approaching me with malicious intent just now. He is very powerful. You should not go out recently, right? It is very dangerous. Luo Ning looked at the darkening sky outside and said with some fear.

It's okay, don't worry, that malice came from me while I was doing the experiment. Bai Ying explained.

Take a good look at the store. If something happens, we will be there. Just practice hard. Bai Bian said and walked out.

When I went to get the solar energy just now, the fluctuations on the dark side had not completely dissipated, but most people should not be able to detect it if there was light and darkness blocking it.

Bai Bian couldn't help but sigh in his heart at the terrifying talent of Luo Ning, and walked into the increasingly prosperous street.

In more than two months, Tobu City has undergone great changes. The first thing you can see at a glance is that this street seems to have been equipped with a lot of street lights. Even though it is night, it is still as bright as daylight.

Looking up, the sky above other streets was also slightly lit. This must be because a lot of lights have been installed throughout the inner city.

Neon lights flash between the shops, and pedestrians rush under the lights. There is no trace of the dark era at all.

Elves, orcs, humans, cats, goblins, goblins and other races can be seen, and it is very lively.

Secondly, only shops could buy and sell goods on Shengwu Street, but now there are some street stalls.

Coupled with the popularity of motorcycles, mobile phones, and helicopters, the city is closer to a cyberpunk feel.

This is Saab's ability. Just looking at this street, Bai Bian can be sure that Tobu City's finances are definitely taking off.

With some emotion, Bai Bing quickly came to the official street in the awe and admiration eyes of the people around him.

There are not many changes here. There are no more street lights on the street. Except for the lively Adventurer's Guild at the entrance of the street, all the buildings inside maintain a serious style, giving people a solemn feeling.

Walking into it, pairs of eyes looked over. When Bai Bian was still weak, he was famous. At that time, neighbors or people who knew him would come up to chat.

But now it's different. The gap between identity and strength is too big. On the contrary, those passions have disappeared, and they can only watch from a distance.

After all, they worship the strong, and the strong have the ability to kill them easily, so no one dares to disturb them.

Bai Bian arrived at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, and immediately, a series of eyes with a strong sense of presence came over.

Bai Bian frowned and turned around to look. Immediately, seven or eight extraordinary people of various races surrounded him.

The soldiers at the door of the city lord's mansion took two steps forward and blocked them three meters away.

These people did not dare to force their way in. An old silver swordsman in the center said: Mr. Bai Bian, we are envoys from some cities and we have something to discuss with you.

The people around him all echoed, the expressions in their eyes were mixture of fear and anger, very complicated.

Bai Bian looked at them calmly and asked, What's going on?

The old swordsman quickly said: It's like this. When your city's financial officer established diplomatic relations with us, he poached a large number of our merchants by illegal means, and spread rumors to smear our city, resulting in a large number of civilians.


Means of violation? What kind of violation? Did he force those merchants and civilians? Bai Bian interrupted their narrative and asked the AI ​​to start searching for related matters.

The old swordsman choked and looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Sabo did use illegal methods at the beginning, such as signing a strange contract with some city lords, and then began to plunder the mineral resources of their cities, and even moved wealthy businessmen openly.

It was just that time that Sabo was sued by the city lord to the capital's parliament. In the end, during the mediation, Sabo was sentenced to terminate the contract and return the finances.

But since that incident, Sabo seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and began to jump repeatedly on the edge of the law. He no longer used contracts to deal with things directly and crudely.

I also understand where the federation’s bottom line is. As long as the healthy development of each city is ensured, there is a lot of tolerance.

Therefore, Saab began to focus on the population of each city. He did not want all the mineral resources, but wanted a 5%-20% dividend.

Dig some wealthy businessmen here, poach some civilians there, and then create some trouble to share the mineral shares.

In the end, within two months, Tobu City developed into a giant city with a permanent population of 3.3 million.

Some cities that had suffered relatively large losses but had no place to complain finally came over and tried to get the city lord to give an explanation. However, the city lord did not see the guests and ended up squatting outside.

Bai Bian looked at the reaction of this group of people, and AI Zero also listed Sabo's bad reputation in the Federation.

To be honest, the methods are indeed a bit dirty, especially the public opinion war. Although Saab did not distort the facts, how can there be anything clean in this dark era?

Once public opinion arises, it can destabilize a city as long as it is properly guided.

Especially now that steam trains are basically popular, and various cities have been actively helping to build these railways, now they have become more choices for civilians and wealthy businessmen.

Bai Bian looked a little stunned: If you have nothing to do, go back. If you have any problems, you can file a lawsuit with the capital court or go directly to the financial officer.

As he spoke, he turned around, ignored the commotion of the group, and walked into the city lord's mansion.

He didn't need to worry about the development of the city. Although Sabo was very greedy, he obviously had a sense of proportion.

For example, these are the ones closest to the capital. Those who are relatively close, such as Chaoyang City, which is at risk of war, have normal trade between the two sides, and the main thing is to make steady money.

As long as the capital doesn't intervene, this is normal business.

With some emotion, Bai Bing walked to the old city lord's lounge. Eric had long sensed Bai Bing's arrival, and he also knew what Sabo had done.

For example, in two months, in Tobu City's finances, in addition to the large amount of additional mineral resources, the cash flow reached a terrifying more than 4 billion. This is money on the books, not fixed assets.

The population increased by nearly one-third, the number of large schools reached sixteen, the city's fixed income doubled, and a series of other changes.

When he saw Bai Bing, the complicated look in his eyes disappeared, and he was replaced by shock. In half a year, he reached the peak of silver from bronze?

How can this be?

Then his cloudy eyes lit up. Bai Bian's growth rate is currently the fastest in the entire federation. Although the other four geniuses except Diane are also growing very fast.

But they all grew up relatively evenly, and none of them had such explosive growth. It seemed like he could already see the emergence of a forbidden legend.

Shia's upper limit of magic power is recovering. Perhaps, there is real hope for order.

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