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Chapter 102 Master Alchemy Technology

[You have created a growth-able artificial intelligence AI, with experience value +3000, skill point +1, attribute point +1, and additional experience value +3000. 】

[The network is connected, Mr. Baiyi, Zero says hello to you. I'm glad to be your assistant. 】

After fifteen days of research and development, a mechanical sound sounded in my mind, which represented the official development of this intelligent AI.

Its main body is a contact lens, which has a certain ability to protect the eyeballs, and is directly connected to the nervous system of the white plague. That is, the mechanical sound sounds in the mind, rather than being transmitted by sound.

Secondly, the operation of this AI mainly relies on the magic power in the alchemist's body, and it requires very little energy. Even if the intelligence attribute point is only ten, the natural recovery of magic power is enough to supply the operation of the AI, and there may even be some leftover.

The white plague's current intelligence is 359, and the AI's magic power consumption can be ignored because it has no impact at all.

Bai Yi is quite satisfied with this thing. It can also automatically connect to the magic network, learn knowledge and store various information on it.

Now that it has just been born, as long as you give it a certain amount of time, Baiyi can also become a 5G surfer. If you want to know anything, just think about it and it can answer it.

Bai Bian decisively gave the AI ​​the first order: [Absorb basic knowledge of the Internet, focusing on combat, tactics, attributes of each profession, combat data analysis, and magic power fluctuations. 】

Zero: [Long-term goals have been established. 】

He picked up the book and gave a second command in his mind: [Record the words I read and absorb the knowledge above. 】

Zero: [Long-term goals have been established. 】

White Epidemic: [Contact Saab to establish an emergency communication password. 】

Zero: [The emergency communication password has been sent to Saab. When the other party enters this password, the communication will be forcibly connected. 】

Bai Bian no longer paid attention to this AI. Its growth was similar to that of Baidu. It constantly accumulated knowledge and answered whatever questions it asked. The more knowledge it had, the more useful it would be.

For example, after it has watched and analyzed the various fighting skills of senior fighters, when Bai Bian is facing off against a fighter, as long as the opponent raises his hand, the AI ​​can analyze the situation and gain insight into the strength, speed, and strength of the opponent's punches in advance. As well as the impact point and the range of magic spread.

And give the best dodge route, cracking route, and countermeasure route.

In short, this thing is still very useful. Anyone who is an alchemy mechanic will develop his own AI assistant, but the form is different.

The next target is the gold-eating insect, which may be a longer retreat.

Three days later, White Blight's understanding of gold-eating insects reached a new level. The skills of gold-eating insects appeared on the panel, but the proficiency of this skill was as high as 4,000, which was even more outrageous than evil thoughts.

However, micron-level machinery should have such high proficiency, otherwise how to create micron-level creations?

After investing four skill points, Bai Yifei's understanding of micromachines deepened crazily, and this piece of knowledge seemed particularly outrageous, a breakthrough in alchemy technology.

[Your alchemy technology has reached the master level. 】

Bai Bian glanced at [Master Alchemy Technology (34/50000)]

If the proficiency level reaches full this time, you will be an alchemist master, and above the master you will be a sage. Once you reach a certain type of sage, it means that this person has become a pioneer in this discipline.

However, it is still very difficult to achieve a proficiency level of 50,000. After all, the masters who have learned advanced alchemy technology only have a proficiency level of 10,000.

Ignoring it, Bai Yi took out two other micro-mechanical blueprints and just took a look at them. Suddenly, [Mechanical Mosquito (300/2000)] and [Magnetic Mechanical Body (500/1000)] appeared on the panel.

Sure enough, after perfectly mastering the method of manufacturing micron-level gold-eating insects, millimeter- and centimeter-level machines were no longer difficult in his eyes.

There is no need to waste skill points at all. If you understand it for a while, you can fully use these two skills by analogy.

Bai Bian looked at the materials polished by the skeletons. Let's start with the simplest Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body. This only requires tens of thousands to form a certain combat effectiveness.

As the White Plague enters seclusion again, the Dawn Federation has also entered a peaceful stage. Due to legal reasons, players no longer go crazy and do things. They only do tasks to increase their levels, and they also run to the Adventurer's Guild to receive tasks. There are many players rushing outside the city and even heading to other cities.

After all, the steam train has set up a station near the South City Gate. You can go to any city by train. The only disadvantage is that there is no offline positioning in the internal test. In other words, players will not stay in the offline position when they go online again. Instead of returning to the original point, it will return to its resurrection point.

This mechanism prevents players from traveling too far away from their respective cities. However, after the public beta, there will be a fixed point offline, that is, where you offline, you will appear in the same place after going online. Only after death, you will be resurrected at the nearest spawn point. .

This guy from Demacia is now on the steam train. After teaming up with the Guard Brigade for several days, he felt particularly bored and got on the train by himself, planning to walk around.

Amidst the clanging noise of the train, Demacia seemed very lifeless. He said to the hundreds of thousands of people in his live broadcast room: The service will be stopped soon. I didn't expect that the first time I rode a steam train would be like this. Yes, this is just a VIP box? My family, I feel that I have been deceived, this is simply torture!

【I want to see Xiao Mo! 】×n

【I want to see you become Kojiro! 】×n

[Quickly, release that timid piranha that only eats shit. This is my source of happiness. 】

[Xiao Mo, I want Xiao Mo]

Seeing the barrage, Demacia became even more desperate. The magic power in his body flickered, and he suddenly stood 1.5 meters tall. His main body was purple, with black patterns on his body. He looked similar to the big-mouthed flower in Plants vs. Zombies. Human flowers appear.

Amidst the extremely chaotic noise of the steam train, it looked very flustered. It looked around with a pair of dark eyes. When it saw Demacia, its eyes lit up. It moved its roots and its leaf-like legs quickly ran to Demacia. Marcia bit him on the shoulder from behind, and the roots wrapped around his waist motionless.

[You are attacked by your summons and are slightly poisoned, with 0.03% of your health deducted every second. 】

A percentage health bar appeared above Demacia's head, and began to fall slowly.

Demacia slapped her face and said, Mard, choosing to summon a permanent contract at that time was the decision I regret most in my life. If I could do it all over again, I would never choose a summoner!

Suck it~

The piranha stuck out its tongue and licked Demacia's shoulder.

[The toxins in your body are neutralized, and your poisoning effect is lifted. 】

Barrage: [Hahahahaha]×n

Demacia glanced away and looked out the car window silently. He checked the description of this kind of magic piranha. Before they grow to adulthood, they are extremely timid and will hide when they encounter any noise. Play dead.

Because its teeth have not yet fully developed, the piranha's only means of attack are harmless, and its toxins have not yet evolved. It is a relatively common but very low-end plant life in an interface called the [Wood Spirit Realm].

For players, this is even more tasteless to the extreme. After all, who doesn't know that the lifespan of plant life is measured in thousands of years. As for the Nocturne Piranha in its juvenile stage, you have to wait until it matures, at least It takes about a hundred years to enter adolescence, and another hundred years to enter adulthood.

He didn't even know how dark he could be before he could extract such a thing from the described world.

Not to mention powerful planes like the undead, the abyss, and hell, any of the simple elemental planes are many times better than this thing.

Laugh, who can laugh more than you, a bunch of people. Demacia complained, her tone gradually became smaller, and her eyes became serious.

He asked in a low voice: Brothers, there seems to be something going on. What do you think it is?

As Demacia was debugging, the live broadcast used his line of sight as a perspective, showing the scene outside the steam train.

It was a wasteland, and in a pit at the edge, there was a slight distortion, like a frame drop.

【bug? 】

【No way? Can this game still have bugs? 】

[Why can’t there be? Wasn't the mission of the last white plague just a bug? 】

[Anchor, go take a look. It may be that the map is too far away and has not been loaded, or it may be some triggering event. Anyway, the server will be stopped. At most, you will lose a life. Don't panic, show off the momentum of a natural disaster! 】

【Plus one】×n

Seeing the barrage that suddenly started to flood the screen, Demacia stood up decisively, then pulled the Piranha Flower off her body, released the summons, and walked out of the private room.

As soon as he stepped out of the box, the noise of the steam train became louder. The people on it were all civilians, and they all showed fear when they saw him.

Because Demacia is now at level 12, a low-level bronze transcendent. To civilians, this is no different from nobles, and they are both existences that can bully them.

Demacia walked to the junction of the carriages. The steam train was generally lagging behind. As soon as it came over, a strong wind came, making Demacia's clothes rustle.

He swallowed, looked at the popularity that was slowly starting to soar, and then looked at his attribute values. He stepped hard on the steel floor of the train and jumped out amidst some exclamations.

He held his head with both hands in the air, and with the help of the powerful airflow and magic power of the train, he fell to the ground and rolled several times.

[You are injured by falling, and your health is -30%. 】

bang bang bang bang

The train pulled away rapidly, at a speed of ninety kilometers, taking away the annoying noise in an instant.

Demacia shook her head and stood up: Huh, luckily it can reduce the pain, otherwise it would definitely be very painful this time.

Xiao Mo, come out!

He shouted, and suddenly the piranha that had just disappeared reappeared in the void, looking around in horror, and opened its mouth to bite his shoulder.

Demacia saw the right moment and thrust the staff behind her back into the piranha's mouth. She quickly took off her necklace and rings and stuffed them in. She said in a serious tone:

Old rule, take these things with you. If they are there next time I summon you, then I will buy you meat to eat! Cancel the summons!


The piranha that just pounced on disappeared instantly and entered a special dimension.

Demacia breathed a sigh of relief, and said humbly in the barrage [666]: Trash has its uses. You see, when everyone has no storage space, I have it. That's what I'm saying. It’s not a loss for me, right? At least I don’t have to worry about having my equipment exploded.”

After looking at the barrage, Demacia gradually became excited: Okay, be quiet, let's watch the expert show off the operation, the next wave will be very cool!

Demacia said, and ran quickly in the twisted direction. The visual distance should be ten kilometers. With his current agility of 10, it only takes fifteen minutes to get there.

As it gets closer, the twisted place becomes increasingly blurry, as if it will disappear at any time.

Demacia frowned and sped up. His breathing was a little disordered at the extreme speed. When the fluctuation was about to stop, he didn't care about anything else and jumped directly.

The moment his fingertips touched the twisted space, his figure disappeared instantly, and the perspective in front of him instantly became extremely dark.

[You have entered the Kingdom of Darkness. 】

[You were beheaded by a level 35 berserker, you are dead! 】

The moment the panel prompts lit up, Demacia's body suddenly collapsed, and his dark perspective rolled twice and turned black.

Demacia: [? ? ? 】

Barrage: [Hahahahaha, show off your skills with skill, swoop in and kill someone, hahahaha]

[Hahaha, laugh to death, good news, you entered the hidden kingdom, bad news, you lost your head. 】

[Mard laughed to death, as expected of you, Demacia. When you are resurrected, go find White Plague and cry, maybe you can earn another staff? 】

[My agile running, my extremely handsome leap forward, my head rolling on the ground, I am dead, hahahaha.]

Demacia looked at the barrage expressionlessly and typed speechlessly: [Just tell me whether I made any preparations in advance? I just lost experience, but I also clicked a camera. Shhh, someone spoke. 】

What's wrong with Kege?

A somewhat indifferent voice sounded. In the direction where Demacia flew in, a mage stood up and looked at an orc coldly.

I don't know, a ten-level mage suddenly jumped in, and I chopped him down. The orc said with a fierce light in his eyes: Also, you bronze trash, don't talk to me with this attitude, or I will I don’t mind killing you.”

The mage's eyes became even colder and mocking: So what if I order you? Your magic power is not suitable for stabilizing the space teleportation array. If you dare to take action, you will die first.

The fierce light in Kege's eyes grew stronger, he held the ax and said nothing in the end.

The mage withdrew his cold gaze and injected his own magic power into an inscription: Describe what just happened so that I can decide whether to report it.

Kege was too lazy to pay attention and leaned against the wall, standing silently and looking ahead indifferently.

I'm asking you, idiot. This is the second war zone. If something goes wrong, you will be the one at the front when we attack Dongwu City. The mage scolded coldly, with the magic power in his hand looming, like He looks like he wants to take action if he disagrees.


An ax blade flashed, and the sharp air flow passed around the cold mage and took away some of his hair.

Just like that, he disappeared, a mage as weak as you! Kege suppressed his anger and stopped talking to the mage.

God knows, it feels like the younger brother he once oppressed has now become his immediate boss. If it weren't for the power that appeared in his body, he would have killed this younger brother long ago.

The mage was also sweating a little behind his back, but thinking of the previous oppression and the fact that he couldn't really hurt himself, the mage's eyes showed sarcasm again and continued to stimulate the big man.

But Demacia, who was watching the death scene, was excited: Brothers, what did I hear just now? Attacking Tobu City? I'm going to do something extraordinary again!!

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