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Chapter 100 If you make a mistake, you will have to pay the price

Players who die will be resurrected at the nearest respawn point.

Bai Bian murmured, his eyes were a little solemn, he had changed, everything had changed.

The number of players has increased from 10 million to 18 million, and players are no longer limited to one city.

In other words, as long as players have perseverance, all six million players can even be gathered in one city.

And in the updated content, there are only thirty resurrection points in the entire federation, which means that all important cities will be the stage for players. Those cities where even the city lords are only silver will not be intruded by players.

Didi didi

The mechanical sound sounded, interrupting Bai Yi's thoughts. He had not developed anything in the past few days, mainly because the brain would be very cumbersome if it were just a computer or instrument.

He plans to make some changes, such as making contact lenses or micromachines, which will undoubtedly be much more convenient, but the change will take more time, and five days will definitely not be enough.

Walking out of the laboratory, Bai Bian immediately saw Sabo, who was a little worried, and Irene, who had accepted the inheritance.


There was surprise in Eileen's eyes, because it was time to pay wages again. During the one-month inheritance period, she worked for a few days at the beginning, then slept for half a month and got a salary increase. When she woke up again, it was time to pay wages again.

What kind of migrant worker is so lucky as her?

What happened? Bai Bian ignored Irene and asked Sabo directly, because he saw one thing from Sabo's expression. This guy got into trouble, and the trouble was not small.

Sabo looked at Irene, then took two steps forward and whispered: My friend, the city lord will find you later, let's talk while walking.

Wait a minute?

Bai Bian raised his eyebrows and walked out. Sabo quickly followed, looked around furtively, and then whispered: My friend, first of all, I want to congratulate you.

Bai Bian paused slightly, then continued walking, but his originally relaxed mood sank a little.

He asked calmly: How do you say it?

Um...hehehe, it's been thirteen days since I took office as financial officer, and during these thirteen days, the city's income has exceeded one billion gold coins. How about it, are you surprised? Sabo chuckled and said in a low voice.

Bai Bian's heart sank completely, his steps became slower, and he asked tentatively: Minerals?

Sabo was a little embarrassed: Business, business, a councilor family sold us fifty tons of mithril at a high price of 500 gold coins. Hey, they are the most generous family I have ever seen.

White plague:.

He stopped completely, turned around and walked back. This was a pit, a really big pit.

And don’t forget the price of mithril. Fifty tons is worth 500 million, while Saab said it was more than 1 billion.

Sabo's voice was somewhat resentful: My friend, I haven't finished speaking yet. Are you sure you don't want a penny?

Bai Bian paused and struggled a little, but finally turned around and walked slowly towards the city lord's mansion: What else is there? Let's talk about it together.

Sabo was a little embarrassed and was caught off guard: Hey. Well, it's still that family. They signed a friendly contract with Tobu City. Not only did they sell us mithril, they also planned to hire Tobu City's extremely professional resource collector Sabo. , to help them quickly collect mithril mines, and the hiring fee is 50% of that mine, and the newly discovered mine is estimated to contain a total of 150 tons of mithril.

Bai Bian gradually became numb: What else?

Well, you are so smart, my friend.

Sabo praised him sincerely, and then continued: It's still that generous family.

White plague:.

Bai Bian couldn't help but interrupt Sabo's speech: Um, Sabo, next time the target can be a little broader, you can easily form a deadly enemy.

Listen to me, my friend, you really don't blame me this time. Sabo spread his hands helplessly: Originally, things were over as they were. Everyone signed a friendly and notarized contract. They were the ones who failed to abide by the contract first. They wanted to fire me.

It's clearly written in the contract that you need to pay liquidated damages if you fire me, so I brought back one hundred and fifty tons of mithril this time.

Bai Bian's heart hit the bottom, and then rebounded. One hundred and fifty tons of mithril, ten gold coins per gram, which is 1.5 billion gold coins.

Moreover, mithril is an ultra-high-value metal. There will be no more than 500 kilograms of mithril circulating in the entire Tobu City. It is still very difficult to obtain that much mithril.

Thinking of this, he put down some things and put a smile on his face again: Mr. Saab, this is obviously the other party's breach of contract first. Don't worry, this matter will not affect you, but should you tell me now? Has the process been completed?”

The smile on Sabo's face completely bloomed. He knew that in future actions, he could move up a little on this scale.

It's nothing. Originally, I planned to find some city lords to cooperate, but on the way there I saw the emergence of a mithril mine, so I changed my partners and established diplomatic relations with the Reina family. I wanted to use the name of Dongwu City Come order some Mithril.”

After that, I accidentally sprinkled the curse of the evil god on the mithril mine. Of course, they didn't know this. Then it was their own carelessness and not checking the contract carefully, and that's what happened in the end.

Sabo smiled and said: My friend, let me tell you, the situation at that time was very dangerous, and those guys were planning to attack me. Fortunately, I wrote a few more layers of contracts, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back.

The corner of Bai Bian's mouth twitched, and he immediately comforted him: Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Sabo, so go ahead and do your work first. You don't need to step in for the rest.

Sabo rubbed his hands and asked with a smile: Well, my friend, there is one more thing.

Say it. Bai Bian stopped. He was almost reaching the official street, so he had better finish here, otherwise he was afraid that the people in the Kerry family would lose their minds.

Federal Law.

Oh, I only know some basics about that, and the research is not too deep. I will probably only learn about the laws of Dongwu City in the future. Bai Bian thought for a while and said: Also, I will give you some information in a while. As long as you dial the emergency contact number, you will be able to contact me within three seconds.

Really? Then I'll be relieved. Sabo said, turning around decisively and walking into the crowd happily.

Bai Bian exhaled and just turned around and walked a few steps when a soldier's eyes suddenly lit up and he trotted over: Mr. Bai Bian, the city lord is looking for you.

I know, thank you for your hard work. Bai Bian said and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

The journey was smooth, and Bai Bian entered the lobby of the city lord's mansion for the first time.

There are three people here now, the old city lord sitting in the main seat, a polite blond young man opposite the old city lord, and a trembling, thin middle-aged man standing next to the young man.

The three people noticed the arrival of the white plague and turned their heads at the same time, with different expressions.

Eric looked at Bai Bian with the same kind eyes as before. He took a sip of coffee and said softly: Let me introduce to you. This person is from the Kena family. His name is Xiaoti. He said that he had some misunderstandings with Tobu City. I want to resolve this issue with you in person.

Hello, Mr. Xiaoti. Bai Bian greeted with a smile, sat next to the city lord, and asked sincerely: What misunderstanding are you talking about? I don't think I have heard of it.

Xiaoti said very politely: Hello, Mr. Bai Bian, you are even more handsome than the rumors say.

Xiaoti first sincerely praised, and then said with great regret: That's it, your financial officer went to seek our cooperation, and then took away 150 tons of mithril from us at the price of 500 gold coins.

I think the price of Mithril should be transparent, so I want to see if I can return it, or go through the transaction process again at a 40% discount on the market. What do you think?

The city lord paused while drinking tea and looked at Bai Bian with helpless eyes. Five hundred gold coins and one hundred and fifty tons of mithril seemed to be the right thing not to let the cunning dwarf be the financial officer before.

But now that young people are in power, he won't interfere too much. He just hopes that those old guys can hold on and don't get angry.

Bai Bian spread his hands and said, I'm sorry, I have left all the matters of the Ministry of Finance to the Financial Officer. This matter is not something I can decide.

Xiaoti still said politely: I know, but Mr. White Blight also knows the importance of mithril to a family. You see, if this transaction is returned, the Kainer family will give the financial officer some compensation. You see, how?

Bai Bian smiled and said: Sorry, I still need to verify this matter, so I can't give you an answer for the time being.

Don't worry, don't worry. According to Mr. Bai Yie, how long will it take for the verification to be completed? Because I was sent by the family mainly for the mithril mine, and there is no other assignment. I can temporarily live in Dongwu City and wait for you. The verification is complete. Xiaoti said seriously, with a polite and neat demeanor.

Bai Bian smiled and said: Of course Mr. Xiaoti wants to stay in Dongwu City, but I have heard about this matter. You seem to have signed the contract, right? It is said that you broke the contract first.

As soon as he heard the word contract, Xiao Ti couldn't suppress the calmness on his face, and there was a bit of gloom in his eyes.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the contract, the man named Sabo wouldn't be able to leave the mining area. How could he be allowed to take away the mithril?

It was obvious that the person signing the contract with the other party was this trash next to him, but God knows why that contract was transferred to those Mithril. If he dared to take action, Mithril would not only fall into the abyss, but even everyone in the Mithril mine would be implicated.

He said somewhat depressedly: Mr. Bai Yie, we also spent a lot of money to purchase that mining area. I think we can still discuss this matter. After all, it is 1.5 billion! It is considered worthy for the Kaina family. That’s a lot of money.”

He was emphasizing the number 1.5 billion and the words Kaina Family, as if he was preparing to use his power to overwhelm others.

I know, but it's true that you tried to violate the contract regulations. It seems that we don't need to pay for your mistakes. What do you think? Bai Ying asked calmly.


The middle-aged human race slammed the table, and his whole face turned red with anger: You just don't want to pay it back, do you? Is this what you do when you go out to do business in the name of the city? You are committing a crime by doing this. ! Do you still look like the lord of a big city?

Xiao Ti moved his fingers, but in the end he did not stop his subordinates from questioning him. There were some things that were not easy for the heirs to talk about. If they were just subordinates, the conflict would be minimized.

He pretended to be displeased and scolded: Leta! Don't be rude!

Who is this? Bai Bian turned his head with some doubts and looked at the middle-aged man, Bronze Master. How dare he talk to him like this?

This is the manager of the mining area. He is the one who signed the contract with the financial officer. If you want, you can take a look at the power of his contract.

He finished the introduction first, and then said apologetically: No one will pay for anyone's wrong behavior, but Mr. Bai Ying, is five hundred gold coins a bit too rare?

Bai Bian looked at his phone, and then said with an apologetic look on his face: I'm really sorry, you came at the wrong time, because Tobu City needs development now, so Mithril has already been reserved, and someone else has given a deposit. of.

Sell? That's our thing! Why are you selling it? Leta couldn't hold it back again and shouted angrily: Five hundred gold coins buy a mithril mine. Are you crazy poor? Why don't you go and rob it?

Xiao Ti stopped scolding his men, the gentleness in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he looked at Bai Bie calmly.

Excuse me, is your surname also Kaina? Bai Bian asked with a smile.

No surname, but that's what I'm taking care of. How can you take other people's things at will?


There was a buzzing sound, and a worker bee landed on Leta's shoulder at some point.

His words also stopped abruptly when the worker bees appeared. The next moment, white foam suddenly appeared in his mouth, and his exposed skin instantly turned black and purple.

The whole person fell straight back and fell heavily to the ground.

What are you doing? Xiao Ti stood up abruptly, the calmness and politeness in his eyes completely disappeared, and he looked at Bai Bian in shock.

The city lord was also a little surprised. He took a sip of coffee and simply took out his tablet to watch the federal news. Through these news, watching the dawn get better little by little was his favorite thing to do.

As for the fact that this is obviously forced buying and selling, cheating and abduction, it is too common in this world. Even if the amount is huge, in the eyes of the city lord who is more than 450 years old, this is just a child's play.

Don't be nervous, Mr. Xiaoti, this man can't die. Bai Bian said with a smile: I just feel that he is a little rude, and I want to give him some gifts. For example, he will not be able to speak in the future.

Seeing the shock in Xiao Ti's eyes gradually turning into anger, Bai Bian analyzed it seriously: However, it is not all rude. If you look at the whole incident, our financial officer has always acted in accordance with the signed contract. , which is certainly true, so he gets what he deserves.”

And since he is right, and you have such a big loss, there is only one situation, he is wrong. Bai Bian pointed at the thin middle-aged man who was still pulling out.

If he had checked the contract carefully and read the contents clearly, he wouldn't have happened. So his punishment is deserved, right?

Xiao Ti stared at Bai Bie with suppressed eyes: Is this the final answer you gave?

Bai Bian stood up, yawned, and walked out: What's wrong with this? In a life-and-death struggle, one mistake will lead to death, which means that anyone's mistake will pay the price. You don't understand this truth. What? You just took the surname of Kaina.

Lord City Lord, I'm going back first. It's better not to receive this kind of thing in the future, so as not to hurt the harmony.

As the worker bees flew away from Laita's shoulders, the originally upright middle-aged man slowly softened.

He opened his eyes and was about to say something angrily: Abba, Abba.

He was stunned, and then became more frightened. He looked at his young master and gestured wildly with his hands.

Xiaoti looked at Bai Bian's back, his eyes full of depression. Why did he feel that he came here unreasonably?

He subconsciously looked at the old city lord.

Eric felt the gaze, put down his coffee, stood up with a smile, and walked out with his hands behind his back: Old man, old man, you young people's affairs should be resolved by yourselves.

Eric's voice carried a little magic: Please inform me that I am going to take a rest recently. If you have anything to do, please go to the acting city lord. Except for the attack of foreign enemies, you don't need to report anything else to me in the future.


Some soldiers responded with loud voices, which were sonorous, powerful, and full of momentum, making Xiaoti's eyes filled with anger.

Aba Aba.

Leta was still gesticulating, with a look of horror on her face, but the next moment, an extremely sinister aura erupted, and the person in front of her instantly fell into the shadows and disappeared screaming.

Leta stood for a long time. Although she didn't want to admit it, it seemed that Bai Bian's words made more sense the more she thought about it.

There is a price to pay for mistakes, it seems... is it true?

But he always felt that something was wrong.

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