Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 1406: General Jiang's good shot

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"I have a very strange feeling for you. I have no education, I haven't read a book, I can't describe that feeling." Azu even raised his hand and scratched the back of his head as if he was thinking hard about what he couldn't say. What kind of feeling that kind of feeling, half loud, still can't find words to describe it.

"What's even more strange is that you are lying to me from start to finish, but I am still willing to kill you in this part." Azu's laughter accompanied by the frogs and frogs of the field edge, the cool wind around, the moonlight At the entrance of the empty village, shine on him and stretch his shadow on the ground.

The wind blew his words into the ears of the person opposite.

"I am reluctant to kill you, but I don't want to die in your hands, let alone in the hands of soldiers, so I thought it would be better to die in my own hands!"

The words didn't come down, but Azu's gun suddenly turned in a direction directly at his own head and pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots sounded almost simultaneously.

Jiang Yao shot dangerously before Azu committed suicide, and Azu was shot in the wrist, so the bullet ran across his nose and into the air on his side, not knowing where to shoot.

Jiang Yao quickly approached and sprayed the remaining neurotoxin on Azu before Azu picked up the ground grab again.

After Azu fell to the ground like a zombie, Jiang Yao was relieved.

"Jiang always has good marksmanship." Da Ke Dian Dian Dian ran over and praised Jiang Yao, then kicked Azu who fell to the ground inexplicably, looked back at Jiang Yao, and said nothing directly. Tied up, and by the way unloaded all other weapons on Azu.

After unloading, Dake looked at the pile of knives and guns. Dake looked at Jiang Yao. "Mr. Jiang, this man didn't want to run at all, otherwise he had so many weapons that he had a chance to run."

Jiang Yao was also ashamed. She thought of a body search, but did not expect Azu to leave in a hurry and remember to bring so many weapons.

She touched the gun in Azu's coat and didn't expect anything else, but she knew that Azu had many means, so the road was always on high alert, and with the presence of Mo, Azu had no chance of using it. run.

It wasn't until Da Ke and they came that she slacked off for just a second that Azu had a chance.

Although there are no dangers, Jiang Yao really wants to review it.

She is not a professional soldier, and she is still inferior to stopping her in action.

If it is Lu Xingzhi, these people will definitely not make her slightly lower-level mistakes.

Jiang Yao also sighed with a few sighs after looking at the **** and sternly thrown in the back seat. Azu now estimates that she regretted not shooting her.

She always thought Azu's reaction was too abnormal when she said that, and the anomaly didn't seem to be a little bit ready to run away, because Ah Lu said that when he gave the car to him, he didn't look at the car. At a glance.

But under normal circumstances, if you want to escape, the first thing you need is the car.

The driver was still on the road. Dake looked at Azu in the back seat. As soon as his phone rang, he gave Jiang Yao a glance and said, "Luo Shao's phone, he knows you were taken by Azu Worried all night after leaving."

Jiang Yao picked it up quickly, and heard Lu Xingzhi's cold voice before he spoke.

"Have you caught up?"

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