Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 991: His buddies, participate in the competition

Yun Jian is going out now, Qin Yirou is more at ease. Although it is dangerous to go abroad, Qin Yirou can still accept it. After all, Ge Xuan will accompany him.

Just leave, Ge Xuan went to book a flight the next morning, and then boarded the plane with Yun Jian at noon and went to Maryland, State M.

The three buddies who returned with Ge Xuan, in addition to Shen Jie, the other two buddies have already returned to the M country.

As for Shen Jie, he was directly rushed into the hospital by Yun Jian and Si Yi, but he has not slowed down yet, and it is definitely impossible to go to school in the near future.

Of course, when Shen Jie kicked Qin Yirou, Yun Jian had already given Ge Xuan a face without killing Shen Jie.

So on this trip, only Yun Jian and Ge Xuan were on the plane.

Because Si Yi returned to the Dark Soul organization, the three-day holiday of Labor Day, the classmates are estimated to stay at home to do their homework.

After all, the entrance exam is coming. In such a tense atmosphere, most people are struggling with piles of papers.

Except of course.

Instead of staying at home to do her homework, she also ran abroad. If the classmates knew about it, she had to spit out old blood.

Of course, Yunjian does not write homework, which is already a well-known thing in the school. Even a class teacher can't take her.

"Sister, you are thirsty. If you are thirsty, I will buy you a drink." Ge Xuan was afraid that Yun Jian had been thirsty for so long on the plane, so he said.

"Not thirsty." Yun Jian smiled back at him, then she pursed her lips.

"Okay." Ge Xuanyuan first said, then nodded.

Sailing from Longmen City to Maryland, M, Yunjian and Gexuan departed at noon and arrived at about three o'clock in the afternoon.

However, there is a time lag between country Z and country M. It should have been three in the afternoon in country Z, and Maryland in country M was almost eight in the evening.

The time difference between Longmen and Maryland is not very large, so Maryland is not farthest from Longmen.

Of course, it will be eight o'clock in the evening in Maryland, at which time the car is almost starting.

In Ge Xuan ’s school, racing is generally more popular, and the real racing time only starts at night.

It can be said that Yun Jian and Ge Xuan arrived just on time.

It's just that Ge Xuan didn't take Yun Jian to the International Circuit first, but took Yun Jian to their school first.

The university attended by Ge Xuan is a prestigious university, and it has been a long time since its establishment.

Today's international racing, Ge Xuan is not ready to participate, coupled with Ge Xuan's own car skills, it is not enough to participate in such a race.

However, Ge Xuan rushed back from Country Z to see today's match. In addition to his great interest in today's match, there was another reason. He had a buddy to participate.

It is a very glorious event for the top buddies in the world such as International Racing to be eligible to participate in the race.

And Ge Xuan's buddy did not follow Ge Xuan to go to country Z, but he was one of Ge Xuan's best buddies.

"Sister, I'll show you some of my buddies later." Ge Xuan turned and looked at Yun Jian.

Just now, they have arrived at the gate of Ge Xuan's school.

Ge Xuan's buddies are all from the Z country. Even if they are studying abroad, they are used to playing with people from their own country.

When Ge Xuan saw the group of people, he had already begged Yun Jian and walked over.

"Hi! My little Xuanxuan, are you back?" Among the people standing at the school gate, one of the burly men opened his arms and hugged Ge Xuan.

Just now, the man saw Yunjian, he stunned, and then whistled at Ge Xuan: "Ge Xuan, where is your younger sister from here? Don't tell me that you are new girlfriend!"

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