Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 988: Form a gang called Invincible Gang

Because Mr. Yu was a little unconvinced by Yun Jian just now, when Chu Xiangnan walked out of the classroom and started talking, he deliberately opened his throat and shouted loudly without going far.

The voice was afraid that the teacher standing in the classroom did not hear it.

Of course, these few words that Chu Xiangnan said were also true.

Several instructors in the military academy heard that the King's squad had a record of killing the gods, including that the gods will be transferred to the military academy next semester. Several instructors in the school have begun to grab people.

Not long ago, I fought a lot, and finally, fortunately, I was stopped by the chief instructor, which did not cause any trouble.

Of course, with Chu Xiangnan's big mouths, the voice can be clearly heard in the ear of the teacher Yu.

Teacher Yu's mistakes can hardly be described in words.

Of course, the students in the class are all in the same place, and they can't do it by themselves.

Yun Jian has n’t entered the military school yet. The military school ’s instructors have already begun to fight for her.

And before the teacher, he also said to Yun Jian with an accusatory tone, if you do n’t study well or exercise well, it ’s just a question of whether you ’re a girl with a high bar in a military school.

But what? Before this, Yunjian has become a sought-after presence of the instructors.

Isn't this obvious, is Yun Jian already the default candidate?

Teacher Yu knew that Yunjian was the killer of the King's Squad, but she felt that even if Yunjian was the killer of the King's Squad, she should follow the traditional selection method.

However, judging from the current situation, it is not a matter of nailing others to enter the military school!

No wonder, at the time, Yun Jian wrote a Min City Military Academy only when she filled in the volunteers. Even the target score was unwilling to write. It turned out that she was already the default candidate!

Teacher Yu stood in place, listening to the sound of several people going away from the classroom door, her face was ashamed.

In particular, what I said just now, compared with the words of several people from Chu Xiangnan, isn't this just hitting my own face?

"Hahaha, Yunjian, your teacher is too nasty, what did I say just now? Haha!" Chu Xiangnan began to laugh wildly as he walked out of the school gate.

"Don't say, I have to give you a thumbs up!" Fang Xiaoran also raised a thumb with a smile and gestured towards Chu to the south.

"Very strong." Yun Jian ticked the arc, and she gave these three words of evaluation.

A group of people walked to the restaurant with a smile.

A few people talked with Chu Ning about the military academy in the restaurant. Chu Ning's teeth were itchy.

"To say that the most traumatic event in the military academy is to meet the very arrogant group. What group also organized a gang called Shaolai, called Invincible Gang, and still dominates the school First or something.

"Then they often come to challenge us and say that our team of kings is a rookie! I am so angry.

"But one of them was particularly powerful. At one time, six of us beat him one by one. All but Wei were beaten down, and even Wei was almost injured!

"So we have to endure first!"

Chu Ning whispered, and after she reached out, she reached for a spoonful of rice, bit her mouth, and chewed it hard.

It looks like the rice in his mouth is the group of people, and he can't wait to tear the group off.

"Yeah!" Chu Xiangnan followed with a grudge.

But even so, Chu Ning and Chu Xiangnan didn't say anything about asking Yun Jian to beat them.

Yun Jian smiled slightly, and then she smiled, "So you have been training to fight with them, and you have tanned yourself one by one?"

The word Yun Jian is a direct way of breaking everyone's heart.

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