Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 969: Want me, do something

Yun Jian remembered that he had put it in the cabinet at that time, but later he took out the underwear out of curiosity.

Although she wasn't wearing it, she couldn't help looking at it twice.

Later Qin Yirou called her for dinner, and she didn't hide her underwear in the cabinet.

Yun Jian was still wondering just now, how did Shi Yi pull her into her bedroom.

He used to take her directly to his bedroom.

But Yun Jian didn't know until just now, it turned out that Shi Yi was working on this idea.

Yun Jian had just thought of it, her black eyes were still staring at the sky, and Si Yi's voice came from above her head again:

"Small note, you're lost."

Speaking, Si Yi's breath had come to her neck.

With a breathless breath, he sprayed it straight across her neck. He slightly lifted an arc lip, and his words gradually lightened: "You are so beautiful like this."

It is so beautiful that he wants to rub his note into his bone marrow, so that she can only be his person in her life!

But behind this sentence, Si Yi did not say it.

After speaking, Si Yi put her head to his side, his thin lips pressed against Yun Jian's neck, and touched lightly.

Yun Jian was slightly shaken by the touch to the panic-stricken person. She reached out and pushed inferences, and her red lips froze slightly, but did not push him away.

"Speak well, I'm going to pick up the blue glaze at the train station, you hurry up." Yun Jian said, and then reached out and pushed Twitter.

Her eyes kept glancing to the side, and there was a glow of red glow on her cheeks, and she dared not stare at him.

She could clearly feel that he was pressing himself, and the hot spot was expanding somewhere.

Yun Jian pushed it lightly, and Si Yi stood up.

So she thought that Si Yi knew that she was going to pick up the glazed tonight, so she didn't plan to do anything to herself.

But the moment Yun Jian just got up, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Yun Jian's hand, pulled her to stick her back directly to the wall not far away, holding her head and biting wantonly.

As soon as a kiss was stopped, the moment Yun Jian was breathing heavily, she felt that her chest was cold.

I only felt that I had spread my clothes from her waist with a big palm, bypassing the underwear and rubbing directly.

Yun Jian's cheeks were flushed, and she had just been a little emotional, and Sidi had let go of her.

His note is still small, even if he can no longer control it, he can't do it now.

Si Yi surrounded Yun Jian around the corner. He slowly arranged Yun Jian's clothes. After finishing, he carried Yun Jian into his arms. His tall body was about one head higher than Yun Jian.

"Xiao Jian, you have to grow up quickly." Si Yi said with a deep breath to Yun Jian.

In this sentence, the hidden charm makes people imagine.

"Well." Although Yun Jian was so reconciled in his mouth, he actually flashed in his heart.

What did she grow up to do? !! She didn't want to.

"Small note, mom go out, take Xiaozhu back at night, they will go to your Uncle Ge's house for dinner, and the child will come together when you receive the blue glaze ..." Qin Yirou's voice suddenly sounded , And also accompanied by the sound of the door.

The door had just been opened, and Qin Yirou saw that the house was holding Yun Jian, the tall figure wrapped in Yun Jian's petite figure.

In this scene, even Qin Yirou watched his cheeks slightly red.

Qin Yirou stunned for a few seconds. She closed the door afterwards, and said embarrassing words in her mouth: "Uh, mom didn't see anything, you continue, don't worry about mom ..."

With that said, Qin Yirou quickly ran downstairs.

Yun Jian, who was standing in the room, was also stunned. She looked up at Sidi for two seconds and tried to push him away, but was tightly wrapped in his arms. Then she said angrily: "Do not lock the door next time. Do not enter my house! "

Sidi hooked his lips, and he lowered his head to put her lips against her ears: "Do you want me to do something to you?" The tone was ambiguous.

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