Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 967: Leave it to Morson.

I saw the background of this photo is dense groves, but it is not difficult to see that this background is the grove where a few people just rested.

The protagonist of the photo is undoubtedly Shan Zihao and Wan Siyao.

Against the backdrop of a grove, the man and woman in the photo are carrying cameras.

But from the camera side, it can be clearly seen that this man and a woman, both of them barely exposed their hips, are tightly connected in a private place.

In addition, one of them directly shot the heads of the hungry men and women. The camera's shooting function is very clear, so if you look at the photos, it is not difficult to see that the protagonists are Shan Zihao and Wan Siyao. people.

And more importantly, Shan Zihao and Wan Siyao who went to the toilet just now went to the toilet, but they didn't return.

I didn't care much at that time.

But now I think back

The few people present turned pale.

Especially Shan Zihao and Wan Siyao as the main characters.

"No!" Wan Siyao saw the photos, and she was so frightened that she rushed towards them, her face's makeup seemed to be changed.

Wan Siyao tremblingly reached out and grabbed all these photos in his hands, tearing them one after another.

"I still have it here." Moson saw this, and he took a large stack out of his trousers pocket, throwing his hand out.

It is conceivable that Shan Zihao and Wan Siyao's expressions at this moment seem uglier than eating shit.

Shan Zihao was also scared and pale, but his first reaction was to turn his head to look at Yun Jian. I didn't know he really thought he had anything to do with Yun Jian.

"Yunjian, it's not like that, no! It's the **** Wan Siyao who seduce me, I'm a normal man, so we ..."

"Oh." Shan Zihao's explanation was exchanged for Yun Jian's cold lips.

"You don't have to explain to me, because we don't have a half dime relationship." Yun Jian sighed softly, then reached out and held Sidi back.

Shan Zihao's life and death had nothing to do with her.

"That is, these are just your own wishful thinking!" Ning Lanlan also helped Yun Jian to make a knife for Shan Zihao.

Compared to Ning Lanlan and Yun Jian, Xiao Zhiming and others did not know the unclear relationship between Shan Zihao and Wan Siyao.

See you now, I haven't been back for a long time.

"Zihao, you ..." Xiao Zhiming also looked at Shan Zihao with disbelief. At this moment, Xiao Zhiming was no less shocked than anyone.

Xiao Zhiming and Shan Zihao have been buddies for a few years. At first, they were buddies with Shan Zihao because Shan Shanhao was good.

But at this moment, he found that he was wrong.

"Mosen, dispose of it." Si Yi glanced at Shan Zihao, and he wouldn't bother with Shan Zihao anymore, but would just hand over the matter to Mosen.

He has actually given Shan Zihao a chance, it is Shan Zihao himself.

"Yes, head less." Mosen nodded.

Then Sidi took Yun Jian's hand and walked outside the zoo.

Provoked Si Yi, Shan Zihao's future was ruined.

Moson ended up resolute.

In the end, at the request of Xiao Zhiming, Mo Sen did not kill Shan Zihao.

Of course, one of the biggest reasons why Moson did not kill Shan Zihao is because in country Z, country Z is a country ruled by law, and it is not convenient to kill people here.

But Mo Sen handled things, and can guarantee that Shan Zihao would not dare to think of Yun Jian in his life.

Seeing Si Yi pulling Yun Jian away, several people from Ning Lanlan quickly followed.

However, Ning Lanlan bid farewell to Si Yi and Yun Jian at the entrance of the zoo.

Then Ning Lanlan watched the Si Lai Kai Lamborghini sports car leaving Yunjian.

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