Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 925: Beiguang boss, wrong person

Just now I saw this man with a caliper running in from outside the house, and the people present might still be a bit surprised.

Who is this person? Why would he run here?

And nobody knew him at the scene, otherwise someone would come out and call him as early as when he just entered the field.

But until this man with a caliper rushed in and knelt down at Chen Zhenchuan, shouting these words, the people present were suddenly remembered.

Not long ago, the model company of Beiguang was suddenly blocked.

As for why it was blocked, it is said that it was because Chen Zhenchuan's daughter Chen Xinyi was almost seduced to shoot naked by the scout of Beiguang Modeling Company.

Finally forced to helplessly, Chen Xinyi broke a vase to commit suicide in order to keep her innocence.

I heard that she cut the pulse on her hands with the pieces of a vase, and if it wasn't for her friend to rescue her, it is estimated that Chen Xinyi would already be a cold body.

How could Chen Zhenchuan, his father, be bullied like this?

Today's banquet was originally held because Chen Xinyi was just discharged.

Coupled with what the caliper man said now, it is not difficult for the people present to analyze the cause and effect of this matter.

This man with a caliper must be no surprise to be the boss of Beiguang Modeling Company, named Qi Zhenxing.

Bei Zhen Modeling Company founded by Qi Zhenxing, but the people present also heard a lot about Qi Zhenxing.

The Beiguang model company itself is not clean. As the head of the Beiguang model company, Qi Zhenxing is definitely not a minority of actresses and female models who have been sneaked by him in the company.

But Beiguang Modeling Company has been very successful in business. Not long ago, Beiguang Modeling Company was rated as the company with the most development platform.

As a result, as soon as Chen Xinyi came out, Beiguang Modeling Company was completely blocked!

Everyone had suspicions. Qi Zhenxing knelt before Chen Zhenchuan, and everyone's suspicions were even more recognized.

This Beiguang model company must have been blocked by Chen Zhenchuan!

"Hahaha, Zhenchuan, I said a long time ago. In addition to you in Longmen City, who can have the ability to block Beiguang model company! You are amazing!"

Zhang Guodong, who had been hitting Chen Zhenchuan's fart before, seized the opportunity. He stood out regardless of the fact that the head of Beiguang modeling company Qi Zhenxing was still there.

According to Zhang Guodong, those present were more willing to believe that Beiguang Modeling Company was blocked by Chen Zhenchuan.

A large company like Beiguang Modeling Company. In addition to Chen Zhenchuan's ability to block in Longmen City, it seems that he really can't find anyone who has the ability to block Beiguang.

So a group of people around gave pointers, but what the people around said was the kind that boasted Chen Zhenchuan to heaven.

The appearance of Qi Zhenxing actually shifted the attention of those who had been following Currenton just now.

However, when the people present thought so, Chen Zhenchuan's words came out, saying to Qi Zhenxing: "I really didn't block the model company of Beiguang, but your company deserves it!"

Talking about Chen Zhenchuan kicked Qi Zhenxing.

How could Chen Zhenchuan accept Qi Zhenxing's apology? Beiguang model company, Chen Zhenchuan can't wait to break it down and make it disappear forever in this world!

However, just at the moment when Chen Zhenchuan's words were finished, Yun Jian's words came over: "I said that the Beiguang Modeling Company will become history, and who made you provoke people who shouldn't.

Yun Jian's words let the people present turn her eyes on her instantly.

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