Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 907: Three beeps, call my ancestors

Zhang Chengrui said this with a tone of confidence, as if he was really invincible.

"Oh ~" A group of people around heard Zhang Chengrui's confession, and all of a sudden hesitated "Hey yo".

Young people like to cheat, and of course Ji Sasha's friends are the same.

What's more, the favorite thing some students do in school is to get it right.

I was paired together, and I also like to pull the red thread and help others pair up.

"Zhang Chengrui, don't tell me that you fell in love with girls when you saw them at first glance! You have been hitting others' attention just now!" After a boy followed the ‘oh’ hooting, he began to tease Zhang Chengrui.

Boys and boys like to cheat, especially when a guy confesses to a girl, if there are friends standing around, then his friends will definitely exaggerate.

Although Zhang Chengrui only knew Yunjian just now, and it was considered a gamble at the moment, but everyone is a discerning person. You can tell at a glance that Zhang Chengrui is looking at Yunjian.

"I want to say, Zhang Chengrui is such a good person that he looks good and his family is good, beautiful girl, I think you promise him directly! You promise him that we can come out and play together in the future, how good is it, haha? ! "

Another boy helped Zhang Chengrui to say that Yun Jian, who was called a 'beauty', was uncomfortable.

I don't know why, she just doesn't like this atmosphere, not only she doesn't like it, she is quite disgusted with this atmosphere and atmosphere.

Hearing his brother speak for himself, Zhang Chengrui also forgot about the gambling contract he had planned before, and he looked at Yunjian with affectionate eyes.

Yun Jian is indeed outstanding, and she is the most outstanding among all the people in the scene, both in appearance and temperament.

The face without any gouache was as smooth and delicate as the new born baby, which made people feel very itchy from a distance.

If such a beauty, if she got her

"Yeah, you really want to eat swan meat! Just you? Deserve it, my master? It's dawn, don't dream!" Zhang Shaofeng was sickened by Zhang Chengrui's words. He looked at Zhang Chengrui, right now I didn't get angry.

Zhang Shaofeng heard Zhang Chengrui's words. Zhang Chengrui wanted to strangle Zhang Shaofeng's heart.

If he didn't want to set up a good image in front of Yunjian, with Zhang Chengrui's previous character, he would have rushed to fight with Zhang Shaofeng.

"Well! What toad wants to eat swan meat, please give respect to Lao Tzu! Otherwise, I want you to cry and leave!" Although Zhang Chengrui didn't do it, he didn't talk much.

Just when Zhang Shaofeng was preparing to roll up his sleeves and fight with Zhang Chengrui, Yun Jian's voice was so cold that there was no temperature, and then came.

"I promise to gamble with you." Yun Jian's cold voice didn't mix with any temperature.

The apex of everyone in the audience tightened slightly.

Yun Jian agreed to Zhang Chengrui's gambling contract, but according to the current situation, Yun Jian is estimated to be undoubtedly lost?

After all, Zhang Chengrui is really capable, but what about Yunjian? She was just lucky last time.

Everyone present automatically considered Yun Jian as luck, and won the big doll.

So after listening to Yun Jian's agreement with Zhang Chengrui, can it be understood as

Did she promise Zhang Chengrui's girlfriend indirectly?

Everyone just thought of it, even when Zhang Chengrui thought so, they heard Yun Jian's words ring again, and the words were to Zhang Chengrui:

"But if you lose, you have to make three noises at me and call me ancestor!"

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