Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 860: Yunjian Anti-General, Face Begonia

Even the teachers who were sitting on the court as the referees were wrong and stunned and stood up.

Maybe some students have never heard these languages ​​spoken in Yunjian's mouth, but the teachers present have a wide range of contacts. They may not be able to hear the language of some countries, but they can also determine which language.

What I have to say is that these words spoken from Yunjian mouth are all real foreign languages!

And Yun Jian spoke a dozen languages!

Are you afraid to learn a foreign language from the beginning of your mother?

A female teacher sitting in front of the referee stood up at the supporting table in shock. She looked at Yun Jian, and her horrified eyes made everyone in the audience really look.

"Mr. Lin ... Mr. Lin Dan" A male teacher saw the referee and female teacher stand up, and he could not help shouting at the female teacher.

The female teacher, named Teacher Lin Dan, stood up and walked to Yun Jian. She glared with big eyes, and those eyes seemed to penetrate everything.

At this time, the teacher Lin Dan had come to Yunjian. She looked at Yunjian and looked at Yunjian with unbelievable eyes and asked, "Classmate, do you know the language of more than ten countries?"

The people present listened to Mr. Lin Dan's words, and now hesitated.

Who is this Teacher Lin Dan? She is the most senior foreign language teacher in a foreign language middle school. So far she has mastered five foreign languages. That is, in Zhejiang Province, she can temporarily occupy a place among teachers.

"Um." Yun Jian only responded to Teacher Lin Dan lightly, and then she turned her eyes to Ji Xuetang who was shaking and staggering to the point where she couldn't move.

It has always been her role in provoking others, and no one has challenged her.

Therefore, Yun Jian was not afraid of exposing herself, and she was not afraid of being suspicious. Instead, she lifted her eyes and looked directly at Ji Xuetang.

Yun Jian is also provocative, just as Ji Xuetang provoked her, and returned it to her in the same way: "Can it be better? You can choose any language in the world, and I will always be with you."

After Yun Jian said, she blinked and looked like an innocent and innocent person. She chuckled and smiled:

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that, in addition to the languages ​​I have in all parts of the country, I also have some local languages ​​in some countries. How about it? Would you like to come back again? I think we can fight a hundred rounds.

I want to ask why Yunjian has so many languages ​​in his country, because Yunjian traveled all over the country when he was an instant god.

The missions she took on were assassins from all over the country.

However, if you want to kill each other, you must sneak in, and if you want to sneak in, you must learn the local language.

Yun Jian learns quickly and accurately. She can basically master the simplest communication and dialogue in a country in the shortest time.

Of course, in addition to the more frequently used foreign languages ​​such as English and Chinese, many languages ​​in other countries will only communicate. If she is asked to write the languages ​​of these countries, she may only write a few at her level. That's it.

Yun Jian's slightly provocative words made the people present laugh loudly, and soon there was a lot of talk.

"Haha, it's so exciting. This girl can speak a dozen countries!"

"It's amazing. I used to think Ji Xuetang was a genius foreign language girl, and we were the most powerful student in Longmen City, but I didn't expect anyone outside of her. As soon as this girl came out, what **** genius foreign language girl Ji Xuetang, I showed her shoes. Not worth it! "

"That is, this season of Xue Tang and I from a school. When she was rated as a genius foreign language girl, she looked like she was invincible in the universe. Hum, now how can she be proud!"

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