Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 826: Prepare tools, go picnic

Upon hearing Yun Jian's promise to come to dinner at home next Saturday, Chen Zhenchuan grinned. He was very happy with Yun Jian, his daughter's best friend.

"That's the decision! And you guys will come here next Saturday, so many people are haha!" Chen Zhenchuan said, also noticed Si Yi standing next to Yun Jian, who was also a symbolic invitation Road.

It was just that Si Yi had not spoken yet, and had been replaced by Yun Jian: "He shouldn't be able to go next Saturday."

Upon hearing Yun Jian's rejection instead of Si Yi, Chen Zhenchuan also answered smoothly: "Ha, that's a pity!"

In fact, Chen Zhenchuan invited Si Yi, but he just felt that Si Yi followed Yun Jian to see Chen Xinyi. Out of politeness, he naturally could not invite Yun Jian alone.

It would be quite embarrassing for Si Yi to go like this invitation.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Yun Jian simply replaced Sidi's rejection to avoid embarrassment.

Before Yun Jian left, he put down the fruit basket, which made He Shiya and Chen Zhenchuan thank each other for a while.

After Yun Jian learned that Chen Xinyi was OK, he left the hospital with Si Yi.

After responding to Chen Xinyi's words, Zhang Shaofeng took Yunjian directly from the hospital ward to go downstairs and exit the Longmen People's Hospital.

"Master, you can rest assured, Xinyi will look after us, it will be all right! And I plan to take a day off this week, and stay with Chen Xinyi in the hospital, she will not be bored, hey, master Say thank you to the kid Zhang Jian for me. Thanks to his strength, he took Xinyi back to the car and went straight to the hospital. "

Zhang Shaofeng said a lot to Yun Jian in one breath.

Yun Jian just nodded his head.

"I'll tell him when I go to school at night." Yun Jian reassured Zhang Shaofeng, and after she said goodbye to Zhang Shaofeng, she turned and left side by side with Si Yi.

Longmen City People's Hospital is near the downtown area. Soon after Yun Jian and Si Yi stepped out of People's Hospital, Yun Jian suddenly remembered.

"I'm going to buy a cell phone for my mother and my brother for easy contact." Yun Jian stood on the side of the street and said to Si Yi.

Because of Qin Yirou's recent events, Yun Jian must buy a mobile phone for Qin Yirou and Yunyi, which can be easily contacted at any time.

Even if it happened before, she can use the program to lock the address of her phone and find someone the first time.

"Okay." Shi Yirou said, then he stretched out his palm and took Yun Jian's small hand, and walked across the road on the right.

It's a downtown area.

Now mobile phones have begun to become popular among rich people.

In 1999, Nokia Corporation took the lead in launching Nokia 7110, the first WAP phone in Country Z.

Yun Jian also considered a trend, and bought two Nokia 7110 phones for Qin Yirou and Yunyi.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Yun Jian and Si Yi had just returned home when they saw Qin Yimou Rongge and Jun Jun building their barbecue appliances.

It's spring, because the weather is getting warmer, and the bitter cold winter weather has passed. At this time, it is the season for everything to recover.

This also means that spring has come.

In spring, people always think of spring outings.

Not only will spring trips be organized in the school, today Ge Junjian asked the army for a day off, and he also prepared tools for grilling and took three Yunzhu children to picnic.

It happens that Yunjian doesn't have to go to school this afternoon. Ge Junjian made a temporary decision to take the children to picnic.

"Xiao Jian and A Yi are back? Quickly pack up what you are bringing, we are going to go!" Qin Yirou shouted happily.

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