Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2695: First encounter 095, the two sides confronted each other (Panwai: Agent Growth History

Eating meat is definitely a very attractive thing for kids.

Even if children don't understand what death is, as a person, they still know a little about death.

"If I strangle her, won't she play with me and sleep with me." 001 clutched the unstable dagger in his hand, looked at 002 in front of him tremblingly, and asked Celadon.

"Playing with you, how boring you are with sleeping, as long as you suffocate her, you will have meat to eat, and you can also see your parents." Czech pulled out a lip, he smiled coldly, and slightly back move.

"But ... but ..." 001 was still hesitating.

With a bang, I saw that 002 had stabbed into 001's body, and there was a trembling chirp in his mouth:

"I want to eat meat, I want mom and dad, I want to eat meat ..." 002 drew the knife into 001's body, and he was so scared that he sat on the ground, repeating this sentence in his mouth.

"Papapa!" Celadon clapped his hands, squinting out his eyes and saying, "Awesome! Good job!"

Immediately after Celadon's words fell, someone 001's body was pulled out of the cage.

002 was brought out.

The next opponents did not come in the order of the number plates.

But the next children either cried or screamed, but eventually they were coerced to kill their opponents.

When 006 stepped into this big iron cage, Czechia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

When this group of children first entered the island, he didn't forget that this little girl was not crying and noisy among a group of children, and was very quiet.

Czech narrowed his eyes, and as soon as he wanted to speak, he saw that 006 turned around. Before he announced the start, he slashed into the little girl who followed her into the cage.

Seeing this, Czech pulled his body upright.

The previous group of children were forced to helplessly, and cried into the opponent's body.

But this child ...

"Before I shouted, you started the game." Czechia said, squinting at 006, and then continued to say, "Are you not afraid to violate the rules of our game?"

"Will you die if you violate it?" 006 kept silent, and then suddenly spoke out, asking such a sentence.

"It won't die." Celadon was asked back by a five-year-old child, suddenly surprised, somewhat surprised by the child's IQ.

006 just glanced at Czech and pulled out of the iron cage.

"Hahaha!" Czechola sat in place and laughed twice.

Fifty children, in a one-on-one lore, were instantly reduced by half and became twenty-five.

006 is still taciturn among a group of people.

Three months later, a new batch of children was sent to the Dark Soul organization.

This batch of children newly sent to the Dark Soul organization repeated the training method of this batch of children.

Life passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye this group of half-old children grew up one year old.

Nothing happened during this time.

The iron cage fight a year ago was just organized by this group of demented people in order to eliminate the useless weak.

The fittest survive, the weak are eliminated, and those children who did not dare to raise a dagger from the beginning should be eliminated at the beginning, for no reason.

One year later at 006, he just turned six.

This day 006 sat in his bed with his eyes closed.

With a bang, I heard that my bunk was stomped with a foot.

She opened her eyes and looked down.

I saw an eight or nine-year-old girl with her hands on her waist and looking at Yunjian with a murderous eye, "You get me down! This bed, I fancy it, it's mine!"

006 With a movement of her eyes, she looked at the little girl ’s chest number plate, but saw the little girl ’s chest number plate, which read a number that she could only forget once in a lifetime—


[PS: Fanwai will write all the supporting characters CP, etc. You can add me QQ to tell me what other foreign plots I want to watch, I will write them, you can also watch your favorite foreign plots, the title has stated that I love you What, my QQ: 2625702229]

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