Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2677: Desolate and beautiful, love story (final ending 7 [below])

The stories of Liu Shiyun and Xiang Weilan are beautiful and desolate.

It was the summer of 2015. Liu Shiyun, who was driving home from the military area, passed a bar street near his home.

Originally in a hurry to rush home, passing by, he was attracted by a melodious singing voice.

People are emotional animals, and they will be tempted by things that can attract them.

Liu Shiyun stepped into the bar and saw the vicissitudes girl sitting at the bar's front desk.

The girl's eyelashes are very long, and under the light of the neon lights, the beauty of the slender figure is very beautiful.

Liu Shiyun felt that the moment she stepped into the bar, the girl's eyes lifted slightly and she looked back at him.

I did not know this, completely changed the fate of the two.

Since then, Liu Shiyun stepped into this bar involuntarily every day just to look at the girls.

Over time, a habit develops.

But the two never said a word.

Until one day, when Liu Shiyun sang the perfect and beautiful melody, she turned and left.

The girl put down the microphone, rushed out of the bar, took out a wallet from her pocket, and handed it to Liu Shiyun:

"Sir, this is the wallet that you accidentally dropped yesterday. You were gone when I picked it up. Give it back to you!"

The girl bowed her head all the way.

Liu Shiyun saw the young girl's looks up close.

Just like the girl's singing voice, the girl's face is as small as a slap.

Before Liu Shiyun took the wallet, before the time to thank him, the girl turned and ran away.

Since then, Liu Shiyun has seen girl singing every day, but the two have never known each other.

Until one day, Liu Shiyun listened to the girl's singing and turned to leave.

There was a crackling noise in the rear.

"Let me go! You let me go!" The girl's voice for help immediately sounded.

It was more than a dozen big men who rushed up and dragged the girl out.

One of the big men raised his hand, and the girl who threw a slap in the ears trembled with tinnitus, and a heavy bruise appeared on her face immediately.

"Smelly bitch, pretending to be so high! No matter how obedient, Lao Tzu stripped you of your clothes on the spot!"

The big man shouted, raised his hand, and threw a heavy slap again.

But this palm fell into the girl's hands and was caught by a big palm.

It's Liu Shiyun.

"Yo, the kid you brought here, don't you loose it for Lao Tzu? Beware I'm looking for someone ..." Kill you!

But the last three words haven't come out from the mouth of Dahan. Liu Shiyun didn't even look at Dahan, and raised his hand to put a document to this group of big Han:


After seeing the clear and clear handwriting on the document, the group of big men suddenly looked at each other.

"It's your luck!" When the big man saw this, he took a sip at the girl and took him away.

Liu Shiyun personally sent the girl back to her residence—a dilapidated slum that can no longer be dilapidated.

"That, thank you." Just when Liu Shiyun was about to leave, the silent girl all the way spoke.

After two seconds of silence, the girl suddenly turned around, and showed Liu Shiyun a smile that made Liu Shiyun's life sink to this point:

"My name is Xiang Weilan. My name is my own. My dream is that one day I will be as pure as the clouds flying in the blue sky.

"How about you?"

The girl's smile made Liu Shiyun blush.

From that day on, Liu Shiyun got to know the girls, understood each other, and attracted each other, but ultimately couldn't escape a love letter.

Xiang Weilan kept telling herself that she was just greedy for him. After a while, she would leave. He is a soldier. She should not delay him. A dirty girl like her is not worthy of him.

Xiang Weilan was sold into a brothel by his mother from an early age and forced to pick up customers.

She chose her name to be Xiang blue, and she wanted to one day be as white and flawless as clouds on a blue sky. She longed for a clean life.

After falling in love with Liu Shiyun, Xiang Weilan used the money that he had accumulated over the years to get a chance to redeem himself. Although he was beaten to death by his brothel's mother in the end, he was able to escape.

Liu Shiyun didn't know it. He introduced her to Yun Jian's party and the others. She also knew Yun Jian, who stood at the peak of everyone.

It was the happiest day in Xiang Lan's life.

Carefree, as if she had truly lived the life of her dreams.

But the good times didn't last long. In the winter of 2017, the head of the group of big men who had dragged her away at the bar, came to the door again.

Is an international figure, but Xiang Lan is not willing to pick up customers anymore, she is unwilling to betray Liu Shiyun.

But the other party threatened her. If she didn't go, Liu Shiyun's future, future, and future would be ruined.

Xiang Weilan agreed, but she didn't dare tell anyone, but she secretly found Yun Jian and only told Yun Jian that if one day she was going to die, she begged her not to save her.

Because an unclean person like her is not qualified to spend her life with Liu Shiyun.

Except for this, she said nothing.

Xiang Weilan Zhao Yunjian knelt down and scratched her head again, until she bleed her head, Yun Jian agreed to her.

Lost innocence will never come back, no one is willing to fall, and Xiang Lan's wish is very small, just hope that her body can be as white and flawless as a cloud, but she has not had this opportunity in her life.

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