Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2675: I don't deserve it, excellent you (Final End 5 [Next])

The dust of the sky rolled across the sky, and the dust gradually dissipated before everyone's eyes.

everything is over.

Under the hands of the mysterious man, the group of black robes were also subdued by Yun Jian's men and killed the scene.

The corpses were scattered inside and outside the enchantment.

The thousands of people at the scene flashed strange things in their hearts.

Everyone was completely silent at this moment.

The enchantment began to break at this moment and gradually disintegrated.

In the end, everything went as if it never happened.

At the moment when everyone's hearts were completely quiet, a ridicule that seemed to tear the throat was heard in the dust that was gradually dissipating:

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Why! Why didn't I even understand my pain now! Why! Why did I encounter such a thing! What did I do wrong! Hahaha!"

The wind blew the wind and sky dance, and the dust in front could not be seen clearly. A phantom in the crowd gradually appeared again in front of everyone.

Liu Shiyun was already in a self-detonation, with no bones left.

This phantom is a mysterious person!

"He, he and Liu Shiyun are dead. As a future him, why haven't he died yet!" Someone saw this, and the person in front of him was scared, his face suddenly changed dramatically.

Once Liu Shiyun died, it means that everything should change in the future! Why are mysterious people alive!

Everyone's heart is tightly lined up at this moment.

Under Yun Jian's men, everyone in the ancient killing mercenary regiment, when they saw the mysterious people who had not disappeared with Liu Shiyun after Liu Shiyun's self-explosion, renewed 100% vigilance.

"He is just a phantom. The person is dead, but he is too obsessed. The resentment in his heart cannot be dissipated, and his heart is unsolved, so it can't be dissipated for a long time." When Yun Jian renewed his 100% vigilance, he suddenly spoke. .

The words came down, and sure enough, the phantom of the mysterious man seemed to have seen Yun Jian and his party, and he walked two steps to a corner, jolting and trembling, muttering the sad words for a long time:

"Why ... why did I encounter such a thing ... I could have lived well, huh, huh, I ca n’t turn back, I ca n’t turn back ... Am I wrong? Why? Even the once I had to betray myself ...

"Isn't I supposed to live ... why! Why treat me this way !!!"

The roar of rumblings is like trying to ask for injustice, with hopelessness and pain.

No one wants to be a bad person.

Unfortunately, this is a cruel and realistic world.

It's like no one is willing to commit suicide, but unfortunately he has encountered too many facts that he cannot bear and face.

You can never imagine and never criticize anyone from a moral perspective, because you do n’t know about the lives of others.

Yun Jian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and his vision followed the shaking of the mysterious person, chasing away.

Just as the mysterious man walked two steps forward, near the open area, next to the forest, a crisp voice like the sound of a magpie was heard.

The song is filled with despair and desolation, and the voice is so clear that I can't help but want to explore what kind of past I have encountered, only to make such a girl with a crisp voice as if it can wake up the earth. Such a cold voice.

The sound of this quiet voice made Ben walk forward staggering, hesitating a mysterious man who went forward without expression, without expression, stopped.

The sound is beautiful, very crisp, pure and clean, like an angel from heaven.

But this phantom of the mysterious man heard these bursts of sound, listening and listening, he suddenly covered his face, squatted down, hugged his head, and wept loudly:

"Why ... why betray me ... why !!! why do you leave me when I need you most! Why ..."

The hostess of the whispering singer finally appeared before the crowd.

The girl who can make such a beautiful voice really has a pure and clean face.

She smiled slightly and slowly came this way.

Until the person came to the mysterious person, she lowered her head gently, and placed her hand gently on the top of the mysterious person, but did not touch the mysterious person's head.

She is also a phantom!

She, like the mystery, died long ago.

The two phantoms never touch each other.

The girl suddenly smiled at the mysterious person in front of the crowd, and the smile was desolate:

"Sorry, I asked sister Yunjian to refuse you to save me when you asked her for help, because I didn't deserve it, so good for you."

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