Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2642: Once I wo n’t hurt you (The finale 11 [on])

Regarding the question why Shen Ji did not die in 2019.

Have you heard of time machine?

Some people can open the door of time and space and travel through many years ago to change history.

Shen Ji was not dead in 2019, but in the age of Yun Jian in 2004, Shen Ji was dead. Does this mean that after Shen Ji died in 2004, she can be resurrected?

Of course, all this is still unknown.

Yunjian came to the Z country in 2019 from 2004 to change the future.

The future can be changed.

After all, at the beginning, the beginning of everything was the starting point of the mysterious man returning to Lord God and changed everything.

If the mysterious person does not inadvertently go to the gods' continent from 2019, then Yunjian, as a witch god, will not be attacked, and he will not need to pay his life to save her as a god.

They will not both fall on the earth.

Overall, that's it.

It was the mysterious man who inadvertently went to the gods' continent and attacked Yun Jian, and then Sidi and Yun Jian fell to the earth.

What happened afterwards, except for the three artifacts: wooden sandalwood box, wooden fan, and wooden crotch, were all the same as Yun Jian's experience.

The only difference is that Yun Jian and Si Yi gave birth to Si Yuan, and after Si Yuan grew up, Yun Jian and Si Yi, because they were all together with the mysterious people, only survived Si Yuan and Yuan Zhen.

Occasionally, it happened to Stie that the mysterious man actually reborn to the **** continent from the age of his existence.

And when the mysterious man was at ease in Yunjian's era, he who has not yet become a mysterious man also exists in the world.

It is just because the mysterious man always exposed only a pair of dark eyes, and the whole body was covered with black robes. Therefore, it was not possible to kill him in 2004 when the mysterious man had not found a way to the continent of the gods.

After going through a lifetime, when the mysterious man just became a mysterious man and found the passage of the **** mainland, he went to the **** mainland with the future mysterious man.

In general, Yun Jian has been repeating his life twice.

She had no impression of the first repeated life.

Everything is complicated to say, but you just need to keep in mind.

Yun Jian from 2004, working with Si Yi to travel through time and space to 2019, is to find the mysterious person, kill it, change himself and Si Yi, and the future of everyone and mysterious people together!

Even the death of her and Si Yi in the future has become a foregone conclusion.

But the future can be changed!

My life is up to me!

She Yunjian must be against the sky, and control her luck in her own hands!

Inside the cafe.

Yunjian put on his black mask again.

Shen Ji also wore a hat.

A group of Zhang Xiaosan and Fang Lingli stood like guards beside Yun Jian and Shen Ji's cafe seat, a dozen meters away.

"So, I was dead in 2004?" Shen Ji didn't know about it. She raised an eyebrow and said to Yun Jian.

"Um." Yun Jian said lightly.

Shen Ji raised an eyebrow, looked at Yun Jian, and joked halfway:

"In my current world, you 006 are also dead.

"Do you know how shocked I was when I heard you were dead?

"You 006, there will be a day of death, haha!"

Although Shen Ji's words were overdone, Yun Jian knew that she was joking.

After a red arc, Yun Jian hooked his lips and asked, "So it is you who explained, why did you mix with mysterious people in 2004?"

This question, Shen Ji smiled, and told Yun Jian without concealment: "Because I owe him a favor, but I want to know my temperament, I should not have hurt you, right?"

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