Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2637: Crossing the future, 2019 (The finale ⑥ [Partial])

"What!" The village chief listened to the villager's words, his face changed greatly, and even Yun Jian, Si Yi and Yuan Zhen could not take care of them, and turned and walked forward:

"Where did Ahui find them! Not leading the way yet!"

A group of villagers also followed the anxious pace of the village chief and left quickly.

Yun Jian and Si Yi only knew each other's thoughts at a glance, and both followed closely the direction in which the villagers left.

Yuan Zhen "snapped" and chased him.


When the villagers of Ahui and others were found leading the crowd to a stream outside the forest.

Suddenly, I saw another group of tribe residents standing in front of this tribe village chief and villagers, who looked obviously fierce.

As soon as Yun Jian arrived here, the leading villagers looked at the group of people standing in front of them, who were obviously not the villagers of this tribe, exclaimed to the village chief:

"Village chief, a member of the Harashu tribe!"

The village chief's tribe who only talked to the three of Yunjian was the Zhanshanling tribe.

This is a zone that does not belong to any country.

In such a place, it is very similar to the kingdom of primitive people.

The people here live in tribal communities.

And because of tribal conflicts, tribes and tribes are usually old and unrelated.

The relationship between the Harashu tribe and the Cham mountain tribes is very unfriendly.

At this moment, the people of the Harashu tribe took the lead of the village chief and others, and captured Ahui's people who occupied the mountain tribes.

"Zhanshanling Tribe, people of your tribe, dare to run to our place! It's almost death!"

At this moment, the minister of the Harash tribe grinned at the village head.

A Hui, who had disappeared into the deep forest, had entered the Harashu tribe by mistake.

Therefore, Ahui and others were grabbed by the Harasu tribe before the village chief and others.

"Minister Harashu, I have occupied the mountain tribes with your Harashu tribe for more than two years without committing river water. My people have no intention of entering the jurisdiction of your tribe.

"Moreover, they are just juniors, and they have nothing to do with the grudges we end up with. We ask you to let go of my tribe. I will send a gift to you in the future.

The village chief arched his hand towards the other patriarch and made further concessions.

Yun Jian's eyes were deep, but his vision fell on A Hui and others who were captured by the other tribe.

If she didn't guess wrong, A Hui and others would be scarred and left outside the forest because they crossed the space-time tunnel and went to the future world!

Moreover, they may also meet the hands of mysterious people!

I thought that the ministers of the other tribe would make things difficult, but how did you know that the ministers of the other tribe were willing to let them go by asking for only two points.

One of them is to ask Ahui and others to take the three young people of their tribe to the world they have been to—the future.

Ahui several people, to the other tribe's minister, will inadvertently go to the future, all recruited!

It was learned that the head of the village where Ahui and others had previously departed, and lingered for several minutes.

Suddenly the village chief reacted, and then turned to look at the three Yunjian who remained silent:

"Muff, are you asking about bizarre events just to travel to the future?"

The old village chief was very clever, and he was all right in one word.

Yun Jian heard this, his eyes blinked a little, but he nodded no hesitantly: "Yes."

After the parties negotiate, they plan to go with them.


February 4, 2019.

Fifteen years later, the future earth.

Compared with 2004, the earth in 2019 has changed dramatically.

If country Z in 2004 can still afford a phone at home, buy a mobile phone, or have a car at home, even if it is very rich, then in 2019 today, almost every household can afford it Phone and coupe.

On the side of the road, a group of boys and girls surround a coffee shop.

"Well, you heard that there wasn't. We had a girl dressed in a dress similar to that of 2000 in our school two days ago, and everyone called her Tu Balu in the back."

"Well, is there anyone with such good taste? Does that person look beautiful?"

"People are beautiful, but I think there are no natural beauties now, which plastic surgery is 80% plastic surgery!"

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