Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2438: Complete the mission before midnight

Just before Yun Jian took two steps forward, there was a voice again.

Captain Zhu Xi is the best team.

At this time, Zhu Xi was looking at Yun Jian with a look of doubt and certainty that Yun Jian was destroying everyone's performance of the task.

The members of the most cattle team all have an extremely disbelieving meaning to Yun Jian.

Yun Jian listened to this, paused, hooked, and continued to move forward, ignoring the few people in the best team.

"Kill God, before we returned to Country Z, we knew your record. If you have the strength, you just expose yourself to the target person, and let the target person doubt us before the task is started .

"So you are not as good as the other six members of the King's squad. Why can you be called the strongest person in the King's squad!

"Is your previous record, like what we heard, it's all because of the former leader of your king team, your father's reason !?

"Not only did your record come from your father, but did your father's record come from your father's exaggeration?

"You king squad, really let me down!"

Seeing Yun Jian leaving, Zhu Xi looked at Yun Jian with his eyes, and spread the words word by word with a very serious voice.

At the end of the sentence, Yun Jian's footsteps stopped suddenly at this moment. She suddenly picked up the red arc, leaned over her side, and spoke no less than Zhu Xi to Zhu Xi and the members of the best team. The voice of the field spoke, its words, cold like winter ice:


"What?" Suddenly I heard Yun Jian say these two cold words, and the words were incomprehensible but could feel the chill. The members of the most cattle team were all surprised, then asked.

"Before 0:00 tonight, I will get all the evidence of the big investor's drug trafficking. If you can complete the task before I succeed, let me say it." Yun Jian said.

After that, she paused, and then drew a fascinating smile: "If you can't, please close that annoying mouth!"

Yun Jian's words fell, and the faces of the members of the most cattle team suddenly changed.

Complete the task by zero tonight?

She was joking about killing gods! ?

You know the identity of that big investor!

People are big men at the international level!

Generally, as a spy, you need to be close to such a big man. Some spies even take several years and decades of incubation period. Only after gaining the full trust of the other party can they succeed and successfully complete the task!

If such a task can be completed within three years, it is already a blessing! Because the task is finally completed.

At their level, even if they are found, the mission fails, it is not impossible!

And Yun Jian said that he would complete the task before early tonight! ?

The crowd of the most cattle team was shocked, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Someone is here, hurry up!" At this moment, the member of the most cattle team nearby guard came over.

Listening to this, Zhu Xi and Dong Lijie quickly dispersed.

Seeing this, Yun Jian blinked his eyes and walked in different directions.


Yeats was saved by Yun Jian.

At this point, Yeats had returned to his humble room and had given medicine to his back.

That medicine was given by Yunjian.

Thinking of Yun Jian being so good to himself, Ye Zhi couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Just as Yeats laughed, a cold male voice sounded.

Ye Zhi swallowed his throat and saw Yuan Zhen appear silently in front of himself.

"You, are you here to bring me a letter?" Ye Zhi was used to the sudden appearance of Yuan Zhen, she asked.

"No," Yuan Zhen said.

"Is there anything I need to do?" Yeats asked again.

"No." Yuan Zhen frowned slightly.

"Oh." Yeats answered.

After thinking about it, Yeats said to Yuan Zhen again: "Then you have nothing to stop looking for me, I have friends." You are no longer needed.

(End of this chapter)

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